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Other/Mixed How to Get Pumped Abs

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
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Level 8 Valued Member
I didn't intend to get pumped abs today, but it happened anyway during today's hypertrophy stuff:

[ignore all the stuff that didn't contribute to abs, leaving]

Barbell Good Mornings (3x10)
Barbell Overhead Squats (3x15)
Pallof Press (3x15)
KB 'Basketball Drills' (2 x 10)
Weighted V Up (3 sets to fail)
Bird Dog (3 x 2 min hold each side)
Dead Bug (3 sets to fail)
Aquamans (3 x 1 min)
KB Deficit Jefferson Curl (5 reps super slow)

We'll see what happens tomorrow in terms of DOMS.

What's your favorite ab pump routine?
Ran as a circuit:
3 min. rotating planks with db raises
McGill pulsing abs with hand to foot touch 10/10 , sometimes with drawing a box
OS skaters 10/10
Regular deadbug 12/12
Birddogs 10/10 sometimes with drawing a box
McGill deadbug 12/12
Stir the Pot 15/15/15
Swiss ball hams, 20, pause in and out.
Order and reps vary. Usually 5 rounds.
They'll be in the 'ruin my life' category if I get ultra DOMS in the midst of vacation next week and can't walk anywhere
All kidding aside, when I was first recovering from my back injury, how to train abs was a big deal because I needed them to just get through the day, and if I made the mistake of wearing them out early, the rest of the day wasn't good.

Which one of you ever tried Dragon Flags!?

I did them 13kilos ago with good 'ab pump' as result now im too fat for them

I do them every once in a while, but I don't program them often because they're just not a high priority for me compared to other core work.

I have one particular muscle in the serratus anterior that in the past has been prone to really hard cramping, and it's always the TGU that sets it off. When it happens, all I can do is lay on the floor in the fetal position, crying and waiting for it to release. And it looks ridiculous when it happens - it looks like 1 ab popping through the beer belly.

I have one particular muscle in the serratus anterior that in the past has been prone to really hard cramping, and it's always the TGU that sets it off. When it happens, all I can do is lay on the floor in the fetal position, crying and waiting for it to release. And it looks ridiculous when it happens - it looks like 1 ab popping through the beer belly.
A 1 pack.
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