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Ideas for direct muscle work - press assistance (Built Strong)


Level 8 Valued Member
I am currently planning a forthcoming Built Strong cycle.

This time I would like to focus a little more on hypertrophy than strength and included some specialized variety and direct muscle work.

Heavy: Double MP
Medium: Double MP
Light: Pushup Variation
Very Light: ??? (Direct Muscle Work)

I would like to add some direct muscle work. For pulls I consider adding crush curls for the Very Light category. For presses, I am not sure.

I was thinking of single arm floor presses or something like triceps extensions (KB? Banded?), but I do not have any experience with these kind of exercises.
What would you recommend as press assistance?
Not sure what all you have access to.
But a few things I have always enjoyed for direct triceps work.

-High rep Banded triceps press downs
-Behind the head dumbbells triceps extensions.
-Skull crushers
-Dips with a more upright torso angle and a deep range of motion.
Not sure what all you have access to.
But a few things I have always enjoyed for direct triceps work.

-High rep Banded triceps press downs
-Behind the head dumbbells triceps extensions.
-Skull crushers
-Dips with a more upright torso angle and a deep range of motion.
Equipment: KBs, rings, TRX, and bands.
Also, tate-press. Pullovers/frenchpress.

If you like BW ring dips (if shoulders accept them), diamond pushups, ring pushups,

I personally liked "ring presses" stand as you would do a pushup in the rings, but do a french press (behind head) or skullcrusher (to the forhead) instead

Everytime I try to do triceps isolation work on rings, it just irritates my elbows.

Ring dips feel great, though, but I consider that a compound move.
Thanks everyone!

Where is your press's weak spot?
Everything :)
Pressing is my weakest category. However, I mostly struggle around the first third in overhead presses.
Could Light be Dips and Push-Ups be your Very Light?
Hopefully some day :)
How good are you with diamond pushups?
Not good.

Weighing your suggestions, I think I will go for triceps work with overhead extensions or skull crushers.

I am currently doing a lot of LCCJs, so my rack and overhead positions get plenty of work, and my triceps could benefit from some direct work.
If you have band, try doing lateral shoulder raises. This allegedly can help build a wider shoulders. I did this when I did my last hypertrophy cycle, I think it helps built wider shoulders and also not too taxing on the arm to the extent of hindering my presses.
However, I mostly struggle around the first third in overhead presses.
If you haven't ever done any accessory work before, I'd probably do front delt raises, a tricep exercise of your choice, and bat wings. 8-15/3 after your main press.
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