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Kettlebell Iron Cardio

Week 2 of Tactical Iron Cardio done. 80% of my 1RTM used. I made a few small adjustments. I upped the time to 30 minutes EMOM. Also on Wednesday I used the high bar handles for the TBDL's to give my knees a bit of a rest. Same but different principle. Overall I'm really enjoying the simplicity of this workout. Combined with lots of walking and rucking I feel great.
Week 2 of Tactical Iron Cardio done. 80% of my 1RTM used. I made a few small adjustments. I upped the time to 30 minutes EMOM. Also on Wednesday I used the high bar handles for the TBDL's to give my knees a bit of a rest. Same but different principle. Overall I'm really enjoying the simplicity of this workout. Combined with lots of walking and rucking I feel great.
Tactical Iron Cardio?
Very cool. I've been working on designing a KBSF+LISS+IC base fitness template (whereupon I do Q&D for 12-14 weeks annually in lieu of the KBSF) to balance with my BJJ/MT work. The Novocaine program was the inspiration behind this creation.
Very cool. I've been working on designing a KBSF+LISS+IC base fitness template (whereupon I do Q&D for 12-14 weeks annually in lieu of the KBSF) to balance with my BJJ/MT work. The Novocaine program was the inspiration behind this creation.
I do like Q&D. I've used it before with KB swings and burpees. Its certainly good at fitting in with whatever else you want to do.
My version uses the 044 (Snatches) variant. That's gonna be my first go at Q&D. From this year onward my intent is to get 12-14 weeks of Q&D annually.
Snatches plus push-ups do pretty much hit the whole body. Its a solid minimalist workout. Will you be doing anything else?
Snatches plus push-ups do pretty much hit the whole body. Its a solid minimalist workout. Will you be doing anything else?
Well my program is built around my BJJ/MT work, so I have LISS/Q&D/Strength to taste (this last piece is likely gonna be Iron Cardio with or without some rule of 10 deadlifts tacked on).
Day 1 of week 3 (90% 1RTM) of Tactical Iron Cardio training complete.

TBDL @ 135KG X 1
DIPS @ 2KG X 2

This was pretty tough. The hardest part was the pull-ups. I might be too ambitious in trying to double my reps on pull-ups/dips per round. That being said I did complete it and with all my pull-ups performed chest to rings so I will continue to do 2 reps per round for now. I use the same weight for Pull-ups and Dips mainly out of convenience. It would take too much time to either add extra weight to my belt or even get a 2nd belt and swap it out. Besides it will keep my pulling and pushing muscles in balance I guess.
TIC Week 3 Day 2

TBDL @ 90% X 1
PULL-UP @ 90% X 1
DIP @ 90% X 1

This felt strong. Like I could have kept going. Definitely doing the pull-ups and dips in singles made it easier. Also I have decided to try sticking to high bar handles when doing the trap bar deadlifts. My knee is still giving me feedback so I'm hoping that a reduction in ROM will be enough to take the stress off my knee. My other option is to go to 2 workouts a week which will give my knee more time to rest. If I go to 2 workouts I may increase the volume per session to keep the overall weekly volume the same.
TBDL @ 65% X 1

This felt nice and light. Though by the end I had that feeling you get of doing something worthwhile. I'm dropping to 2 workouts a week to give my joints etc more time to rest and recover. I've been doing plenty of stretching everyday but my left knee/patella is still a bit achey. Not painful but it's not quite happy either. I'm hoping the drop in frequency will be enough to right the issue.
After much waffling, I started my conjugate IC/KBSF LCCJ block. It’s indeterminate length, up to eight months (my PT test).

IC: using 24kg
KBSF LCCJ: using 28kg

I have a few sessions of each in. More to follow eventually. I’m doing an ABA/BAB format with three weekly sessions.
Excellent, keep us posted.
Do you have a plan for IC?
Excellent, keep us posted.
Do you have a plan for IC?
Yes. I set up a die roll system for variability, but overall it’s weighted toward pressing.

Volume: even odds for 20, 30, or 40 minute sessions.
Weight: light (20kg; 1), medium (24kg; 2-4), heavy (28kg; 5), or alternating weights (24/28kg; 6)
Variation: Classic (1-2), Traveling 2s (3), Rep Ladder—Press (4), Double KBs (5-6)
Even odds to add a snatch, but I’ll only roll for that if I’m doing Classic or Traveling 2s
What the heck; here's an update from me, too. I did a cycle with double KBs only for a while. I was working with double 20s. Since then, I've been working mainly with a single 20. The interesting thing is that I can get more tonnage in the same time with doubles than I can with singles. The longer rests between sets of double KBs seems to facilitate that for me.

Either way, after two or three months with the single, I tested the double 20s, and they felt stronger. A few days later, I did a Classic session with 20+20. I got 34 sets in 30:13. The last time I did that workout several months ago, I got 30 sets in 30:25. That's progress! Two days later, I did another doubles session with Traveling 2s, but a chronic issue from an old surgery started to rear its head again. I'll probably mainly do single-KB sessions and pepper in doubles sessions when I feel good. That balance seems to play well with my personal history.

The single KB IC, along with my other physical activity, has clearly improved my conditioning and strength. I think it'll be a longer haul before I'm back to my pre-injury 24kg training weight. That's okay, though. This has been a great opportunity to take my ego out of the equation and really dig in on technique. And, I'm making progress.

Onward and upward!

This felt comfortable. The extra day of rest since my last workout helped. I feel moving forward I will likely stick to 2 workouts a week until my knee feels good again and then I might add a workout in on Saturday's. Perhaps something like Q&D or similar.
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