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Kettlebell Iron Cardio

Apologies if this has been asked and answered, but will the book be available on Amazon for kindle, or iBooks? And will there be an audible/audiobook version?

Thanks in advance

Can you?

Sure—give it a try and let me know what you think.

I feel like between my double bell IC and the loads I have in my single bell IC I've never thought about using the goblet squat.
Brett, it went ok. It was clean and press for a single, left then right. After that - goblet clean and 2 squats, with a heavier bell. So - a sequence.
I did 15 sequences like that in 20 min. Squats were quite fine for abs as well. It's just important to make sure there is no hand pull on goblet clean: just hike it back and deadlift fast from the back swing, keeping the arms close to the body, - otherwise it's a fast track to elbow tendinitis. The video's are here: Video log . First set, last set, and swings - first set and last set. Swings were quite good - I have actually ripped the shorts on my bum - so, deep enough :)
Brett, thanks a lot. A great read.
Would you please comment on these 2 questions?
1. When doing S&S + IC sessions, do you really have to focus on waving the IC explicitly? Isn't that so that S&S serves as variety as well?
2. How do you decide, when to finish with the swing, and when not? Also, do you do swing finishers if you are alternating IC and S&S?
I would wave the IC.
Deciding on a swing finisher—depends on the volume and intensity of the session.
Incredible program, writing, publishing. Can’t wait to get started next week. Only one question @Brett Jones could I do the Q&D push-up / swing on off days, I like maintaining some pec / tricep hypertrophy and historically have a high volume tolerance to those areas. Or would a max set of push-up at the end of some training sessions suffice? I’m down to be a Guinea pig as well.
I just bought the book, great read, goes into more depth about what Brett was saying in the sfg2 certification.
I'm a bit rigid (a science guy), so It will help me to will feel less guilty to put some intuition in my training !

I just have one question (maybe I missed something...): what is the "traveling 2s" format?
I just bought the book, great read, goes into more depth about what Brett was saying in the sfg2 certification.
I'm a bit rigid (a science guy), so It will help me to will feel less guilty to put some intuition in my training !

I just have one question (maybe I missed something...): what is the "traveling 2s" format?
Traveling 2s refers to something along the lines of the following:

Clean x 2 + Press + Squat (R and L )
Clean + Press x 2 + Squat (R and L)
Clean + Press + Squat x 2 (R and L)
Incredible program, writing, publishing. Can’t wait to get started next week. Only one question @Brett Jones could I do the Q&D push-up / swing on off days, I like maintaining some pec / tricep hypertrophy and historically have a high volume tolerance to those areas. Or would a max set of push-up at the end of some training sessions suffice? I’m down to be a Guinea pig as well.

Alternating days of IC and days of Q&D would work well I think.
Got the video and book. Both are excellent and offer a good combination of insights Brett's picked up from his own practice and his clients. Running through a whole session with him is illuminating. I'm curious about combining IC with A+A Snatch work. I'm thinking of 4-days-a-week situation, MTh--Snatches and TuFr--Iron Cardio. Can anyone think of anything I should consider with combining these two practices in the same week? I know Brett has advice for combining IC with SS but my A+A Snatches are a little longer than a 100-rep SS practice; A+A work ends up running 35-40 mins... Thanks for any help y'all can offer and, as ever, thanks to Brett Jones for sharing your wisdom and experience with everyone.
Brett - I will be travelling soon, and a kettlebell will not be accessable.
What do you think about running power clean - press - front squat with a barbell. With the press weight? That should be kind of the same thing, right?
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