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Knee injuries

Thought I'd give an update in case anyone else reads this & its helpful. Therapist said I had medial meniscus damage to some extent (not enough to justify a $500 mri), and when pushing hard on full ROM knee extension like sissy squats, and maybe high tension hamstring work like straight leg 45 degree back extension, it was enough to aggravate that area. A secondary Bakers Cyst developed behind the knee, further causing some issues. I think KB/Goblet Squats, Deadlifts, Swings & Snatches are all fine so I'll stay with those moderate ROM movements for at least a few months & if I want to, perhaps retry those full rom movements again next year. I may just keep the basics though. If anyone else is facing something similar, hope this helps them.
Thought I'd give an update in case anyone else reads this & its helpful. Therapist said I had medial meniscus damage to some extent (not enough to justify a $500 mri), and when pushing hard on full ROM knee extension like sissy squats, and maybe high tension hamstring work like straight leg 45 degree back extension, it was enough to aggravate that area. A secondary Bakers Cyst developed behind the knee, further causing some issues. I think KB/Goblet Squats, Deadlifts, Swings & Snatches are all fine so I'll stay with those moderate ROM movements for at least a few months & if I want to, perhaps retry those full rom movements again next year. I may just keep the basics though. If anyone else is facing something similar, hope this helps them.
Thanks Nate I'm still going through my own knee issues.
Was talking to a gym instructor who told me he went through something similar and said his problems were down to being quad dominant and advised make sure to work glutes.
Can remember year's ago listening to a interview with Arnold Swarznegger and he was talking about antagonistic training.
Always training the opposite to avoid muscle imbalance.
If you do horizontal push make sure you do horizontal pull . Vertical push paired with vertical pull.
Back to basics.
I do voodoo flossing on knees and covering the whole knee started to irritate the knee but if I put floss bands above knee cap and another one below knee cap it feels better.
Thought I'd give an update in case anyone else reads this & its helpful. Therapist said I had medial meniscus damage to some extent (not enough to justify a $500 mri), and when pushing hard on full ROM knee extension like sissy squats, and maybe high tension hamstring work like straight leg 45 degree back extension, it was enough to aggravate that area. A secondary Bakers Cyst developed behind the knee, further causing some issues. I think KB/Goblet Squats, Deadlifts, Swings & Snatches are all fine so I'll stay with those moderate ROM movements for at least a few months & if I want to, perhaps retry those full rom movements again next year. I may just keep the basics though. If anyone else is facing something similar, hope this helps them.
You gotta keep moving and strengthen the supporting muscles. If you have access, walking on sand, suitcase carries, pulling/pushing sled beginning light makes wonders for my knee stability.

You know what, GSs … they might put your knees with a very similar body mechanics that you have in the first place injured them.

Generally speaking, and I am not a doctor, for my non serious injuries, working the movement pattern that I originally had the injury in the first place helps a lot, but I prefer to keep it really light. BW squats (air squats) might be a good place to start with instead of GS… IMHO.
You gotta keep moving and strengthen the supporting muscles. If you have access, walking on sand, suitcase carries, pulling/pushing sled beginning light makes wonders for my knee stability.

You know what, GSs … they might put your knees with a very similar body mechanics that you have in the first place injured them.

Generally speaking, and I am not a doctor, for my non serious injuries, working the movement pattern that I originally had the injury in the first place helps a lot, but I prefer to keep it really light. BW squats (air squats) might be a good place to start with instead of GS… IMHO.
I don't think this one is that bad. Sets of 5 Goblet Squats & sets of 20 swings with 70 feel fine. It the high tension, end range of motion that bothers it.
I've had to regress with ATG split squats and swings and goblet squats. Build back up again.

Backward walking made pain worse next morning but I stubbornly carried on and now less pain in morning.

Main problem has been my ego at gym using sledge and putting a single 20kg on sledge.

Recent studies are looking good regarding meniscus even thoe not had MRI scan yet.

I have similar after deciding to lay off KBs & push knees over toes stuff hard. Next day knee was tight and hurt both inside and at back of knee. I suspect it was either sissy squats or straight leg 45 degree back extensions. Plus getting closer to 50 and pushing hard on a new exercise. Smart move, right?
hey sorry to revive a old thread but i was wondering how your knee is now? i’m having similar symptoms and was j wondering if you fixed the pain
From what I understand it’s a state by state thing, but I could be wrong.
It is dependent on the state, and some insurance companies can get cranky about it even if the state is fine.

But in those situations, you can generally go to PT and then they can get the doctor to sign something after initiating treatment and insurance will still cover it.
hey sorry to revive a old thread but i was wondering how your knee is now? i’m having similar symptoms and was j wondering if you fixed the pain
One PT said I'd definitely need meniscus surgery & another wanted to try rehab first. Its good now (no surgery), but I can't say for sure whether it's healed back to normal, or just avoided pissing it off. I've been doing swings, step ups, glute ham raises & 45 degree extensions & its been fine. Summer sports season starts soon so we'll see if any sprinting triggers an injury or not.
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