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Less is More

The Nail

Level 7 Valued Member
My background is mostly barbells mixed with a bit of kettlebell and grip stuff.

I chose Simple and Sinister because I need something basic, potent, and time efficient.
Wake up at 05:00
Train at 06:00
Training time including warmup 45 minutes

Prying goblet squat with 16k, StrongFirst hip bridge

Two Handed Swings:
Rest Periods - 50 seconds
16k, 9x10 ( 9 sets of 10 reps )
24k, 1x10 ( 1 set of 10 reps )

Get Ups:
Rest Period - 2 minutes
16k, 5x1

I am just getting used to training before breakfast right now and waking up at 05:00. The weights move easily, but I want to spend a few weeks acclimating to the program and waking up this early. Due to my job, evenings are unpredictable so I moved my training to the first thing in my day. No excuses for missing a training session that way.
Wake up at 05:00
Train at 06:10
Training time including warmup 37 minutes

Two Handed Swings:
Rest periods - 40 seconds
16k, 8x10
24k, 2x10

Get Ups:
Rest Periods - 1 min 30 sec
16k, 5x1
01/05 - caught a cold or some such. Did not train.

Training 01/06
Still feeling under the weather, but good enough to train.

Wake up at 05:00
Train at 6:10
Total Training time 40 minutes

All swings 40 second rest period
One Handed Swing:

All getups 1:30 rest
5 sets of 1
Last edited:
Wake up at 05:00
Train at 6:10
Total Training time 45 minutes

60 seconds rest
24k - 10x10

90 seconds rest
16k - 3x1
24k - 2x1

I felt great today.
Wake up at 05:00
Train at 6:20
Total Training time 43 minutes

60 seconds rest
24k - 10x10
These are starting to flow nicely.

60 seconds rest
16k - 5x1
Felt much better today, my getups did. Instructive yesterday, the 24k was.
Wake up at 05:30
- Lazy Saturday sleep in :-)
Train at 6:50
Total Training time 41 minutes

60 seconds rest
24k - 10x10

60 seconds rest
16k - 5x1

I will start mixing in some 24k one hand swings and 24k get ups soon.
Wake up at 07:00
- Super Lazy Sunday sleep in. 8 degrees F here this morning, made it hard to motivate.
Train at 8:50
Total Training time 49 minutes

1:45 rest
10 reps
24k T
24k T
16k L
16k R
24k L
24k R
24k L
24k R
24k L
24k R
Really focused on hitting at 80% with special emphasis on the lats and abs.

1:00 rest
16k - 5x1
Same here - focused on hitting at 80% with special emphasis on the lats and abs..
Yesterday 1/11 took the day off.

Wake up at 04:30
Train at 6:10
Total Training time 56 minutes
The extra training time came from taking my time on the warmups.

I forgot to note that between each set, I use a white Expand-Your-Hand Band and a trainer zenith gripper.

1:45 rest
10 reps
24k T
24k L
24k R
24k L
24k R
24k L
24k R
24k L
24k R
24k T
Focused on taming the arc, keeping the shoulders packed.
Also, I can finally feel my abs doing their part to work in concert with the lats.

1:00 rest
16k - 5x1
Focused on keeping the working arm ramrod straight.
Wake up at 05:00
Train at 6:20
Total Training time 52 minutes

1:45 rest
10 reps
24k T
24k L
24k R
24k L
24k R
24k L
24k R
24k L
24k R
24k T

1:00 rest
16k - 5x1
I found this video, which was a massive help
The windshield wiper motion of the knee with the associated hinge was something I was completely missing. Oh man what a difference that made!
Wake up at 05:00
Train at 6:15
Total Training time 52 minutes

I took an off day today. My glutes, hips, and lower back were feeling shot, even after warm ups.
I felt much better after training.

60 rest
10 reps
16k T
Focused on the lats at the top, and using them to quickly pull the KB back down.

Weightlifting Shoe 5x1
Focused on precision, and not getting hit in the face with a shoe.
Wake up at 05:00
Train at 6:10
Total Training time 50 minutes

One Hand Swings:
60 rest
16k 10x10

2:00 rest
16k - 5x1
Finally feeling the proper groove.
Wake up at 07:15
Train at 9:00
Total Training time 55 minutes

One Hand Swings:
120 rest
24k 10x10
Feeling better.

2:00 rest
16k - 5x1
The one hand swings seem to pull this movement along - as my swing becomes slightly more proficient, my TGU becomes proficient to a greater extent.
Wake up at 05:00
Train at 6:40
Total Training time 57 minutes

One Hand Swings:
120 rest
24k 10x10

2:00 rest
16k - 5x1
Wake up at 07:00
- did not sleep that well
Train at 8:30
Total Training time 49 minutes

Two Hand Swings
60 rest
24k 10x10
Learning about the abs

2:00 rest
16k - 5x1
I'm beginning to feel the body as one piece
Wake up at 05:00
Train at 6:15

One Hand Swings:
1:40 rest
24k 10x10
These felt a good deal smoother. I feel the lats fine with two hand swings, but it's been a learning curve really learning to use them in the one hand swing especially the left hand.

2:00 rest
16k - 5x1
The left hand verisons are still a bit shaky. I've narrowed it down to the left hip; I don't hinge as deeply into it as I do on the right side. Putting some focus here helped. I paused a bit longer than normal at the transition and felt it out. Makes more sense now.
Wake up at 05:00
Train at 6:35
This training was a bit rough; fighting some sort of cold still.
Rough as in I kept my form 100%, but I was winded more than normal.

One Hand Swings:
1:40 rest
24k 10x10

2:00 rest
16k - 5x1
Wake up at 05:00
Train at 6:15
One Hand Swings:
1:20 rest
24k 10x10
Feeling much better today. Left side still feeling wonky. But, I realized today that for whatever reason, I wasn't gripping the bell as hard with my left hand. Corrected that and it felt much smoother.

1:50 rest
16k - 5x1
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