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Kettlebell Maximorum Master Thread

Hi everyone! I have finished week four and that last training day have been really tough, I don't know whether it is normal but I only managed to do two series and failed the last rep in the C&P.

It just me or you had similar experiences?

I am an 84kg man at my 38 years old. I am using 2x30 kg bells fir the C&P and the FSQ (they qre my 6RM on the C&P). For the snatch I use a 28kg bell.
Hi everyone! I have finished week four and that last training day have been really tough, I don't know whether it is normal but I only managed to do two series and failed the last rep in the C&P.

It just me or you had similar experiences?

I am an 84kg man at my 38 years old. I am using 2x30 kg bells fir the C&P and the FSQ (they qre my 6RM on the C&P). For the snatch I use a 28kg bell.

Sounds like maybe you had a bad day or maybe started with too heavy of a weight?

Finished week 5 and today was day 5. I remembered that variability and fluctuating the rpe is important so I backed off a touch. Yesterday was a step foward in recovery time and volume on the snatch.

Week 5
Day 1 - 120 reps 24kg
Day 2 - 56c 42p 84fs 2x20kg
Day 4 - 140 reps
Day 5 - 44c 36p 72fs
Hi everyone! I have finished week four and that last training day have been really tough, I don't know whether it is normal but I only managed to do two series and failed the last rep in the C&P.

It just me or you had similar experiences?

I am an 84kg man at my 38 years old. I am using 2x30 kg bells fir the C&P and the FSQ (they qre my 6RM on the C&P). For the snatch I use a 28kg bell.
Since the ladder goes up to 5 reps on a weight that was supposed to be your 5RM just a few weeks earlier, the sets should be hard and you should need plenty of rest. I really wouldn't expect to get much more than two full ladders when you are using a weight that close to your 5RM, so your experience sounds reasonable to me. (Personally, I'm only on week 3 and ended up using an 8RM weight, so I can't really compare experiences).
Hi everyone! I have finished week four and that last training day have been really tough, I don't know whether it is normal but I only managed to do two series and failed the last rep in the C&P.

It just me or you had similar experiences?

I am an 84kg man at my 38 years old. I am using 2x30 kg bells fir the C&P and the FSQ (they qre my 6RM on the C&P). For the snatch I use a 28kg bell.

That's similar to my experience with week 4.

I started with a 4 RM, so I was worried about the end of week 4. I was only expecting to get 2 ladders but wound up with some extra time at the end. So, I did two rungs of a third ladder as well.

The last rep in each ladder was slow and hard. I didn't even try what would have been the last rep in the final rung. In retrospect, I would have rested more, so that I would just do 2 ladders and maybe have stronger last reps.

(I didn't know that there was time to rest more, because NOTHING GOOD comes from me watching the clock.)
Sounds like maybe you had a bad day or maybe started with too heavy of a weight?

No, I don't think that the weight is the problem, the program asks for a 5RM and I am using a 6RM.
Bad day? I don't think either, when I have a bad day I feel it.
I am now rethinking, and it could be that I am more used to STRONG! Where the progression is slower. Another factor might be that I am seeing your numbers, but without taking into account that some of you are using a 8RM, and that's a whole different world.
I also started with a tough 5rm and struggled more than once with the last rep in a Set especially with Sets of 4. I Fall back to a push Press to finish such Set.
I started to question my starting weight but decided to go through the whole program with adjusting Rest and fällig back to push Press when nessacery.
No, I don't think that the weight is the problem, the program asks for a 5RM and I am using a 6RM.
Bad day? I don't think either, when I have a bad day I feel it.
I am now rethinking, and it could be that I am more used to STRONG! Where the progression is slower. Another factor might be that I am seeing your numbers, but without taking into account that some of you are using a 8RM, and that's a whole different world.

Yes, it's definitely a different program with an 8rm vs a 6. I forgot there were 3 rungs on that day of training so it's still a considerable amount of sets all told.

I maybe should have waited a day or two and retested because on the day I established the working weight I wasnt in the best condition. Maybe could have put up that 24kg one more time amd gone with that but that's spilled milk now.

Hoping to be able to hit 26kg for 5rm by the end of this and run it again as a brute strength program vs strength endurance which is currently what it feels like.

Forgive me if that comment came across badly. 2 ladders sounds like little, but not when you are hitting 3 rungs a1 a2 with substantial weights... Well, comparing numbers isn't the way to go anyway right?
Forgive me if that comment came across badly. 2 ladders sounds like little, but not when you are hitting 3 rungs a1 a2 with substantial weights... Well, comparing numbers isn't the way to go anyway right?
No worries!! And yes, you're right, comparing numbers isn't the way to. But sometimes when there are doubts one tends to see how is it going with others and if the basic variables aren't taken into account then one arrives to false conclusions... This has been my case
No worries!! And yes, you're right, comparing numbers isn't the way to. But sometimes when there are doubts one tends to see how is it going with others and if the basic variables aren't taken into account then one arrives to false conclusions... This has been my case

Yeah, really that's why i post the week totals now, to show my grain in the sandbox of this program. Gonna be sure to include what rm each weight is too.
On week 6 now. Using the 24 for snatches and double 24s for the c+p and fsq.

Week 6 Day 1 - 150
Week 6 Day 2 - 50/40/40

For the two weeks before this one my daily volume stalled at 140 snatches and 36 reps for the press and squats, but I still felt like I was progressing since the sets were getting larger. With the big sets coming up the next two days I wouldn’t be surprised if my overall volume drops but I’ll still be happy with how things are moving along.
No, I don't think that the weight is the problem, the program asks for a 5RM and I am using a 6RM.
Bad day? I don't think either, when I have a bad day I feel it.
I am now rethinking, and it could be that I am more used to STRONG! Where the progression is slower. Another factor might be that I am seeing your numbers, but without taking into account that some of you are using a 8RM, and that's a whole different world.

Don't compare yourself to anyone else.

These sessions are supposed to be hard.

Keep going and don't overthink the programming. Just show up, do the work, and let the "chips fall where they may."

Hope that helps.
Week 3 complete. These sessions are hard, but I'm enjoying them so far (except for the tension headache from yesterdays snatch session!) Weekly totals to date:

Week 1Week 2Week 3
Snatch (28kg - 10RM)162170180
DC&P (2x20kg - 8RM)606065
DFSQ (2x24kg - 10RM)606065
Wrapped up week 2. Snatches at 24kg, DC&P and DFSQ at 2X28kg.

Day 1: 120
Day 2: 18/18
Day 4: 134
Day 5: 21/21

I am still somewhat surprised at how hard the C&P/Sq days are. But at least I know what to expect now.
Wrapping up week 6. 24 kg for snatches and double 24s for c+p and fsq.

Day 4: 154
Day 5: 54/44/44

Still chipping away and making progress. The sets got big at the end of this week. Im pretty happy with how these six weeks have gone, though.
Wrapped up week 2. Snatches at 24kg, DC&P and DFSQ at 2X28kg.

Day 1: 120
Day 2: 18/18
Day 4: 134
Day 5: 21/21

I am still somewhat surprised at how hard the C&P/Sq days are. But at least I know what to expect now.
Are you even resting?! I pushed what I thought was pretty hard on C&P today for the end of week 2 and only got 15/14 sets. 21/21 is less than 45 sec a set including rest, that’s flying! No wonder it’s hard…
Well, I finished my repeat of Week 4, Day 5. I laddered to five reps twice with the DC&P. I cheated on my very last rep… bent my knees just a hair before pushing out of the rack. Not ideal. But I think I’ve knocked the rust off and am ready to jump into week 5 on Monday.
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