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Kettlebell Maximorum Master Thread

The accountability this place hangs on me is pretty awesome. Today was W10D1! Grinding is the best way to describe it. 32 reps each, for those in the know.

I jumped the 4th set quick, then waited about 5 minutes until I hit the last big set. I get it done pretty clean, but none of these last few weeks have been anything close to easy.

Looking ahead makes me want to whimper lol.

Keep it up guys, some really great numbers being posted!
I finished Week 6 yesterday.

Day 1: 110 (36 kg)
Day 2: 24 (36/32kg)
Day 4: 120
Day 5: 24

Day 4 I tore a callous with a minute left on the clock, so Day 5 was pretty worrisome but somehow I got through without aggravating it, wearing cotton gardening gloves. Really hoping it starts to close up before my next snatch day, though. The learning here (which I shouldn't need at my age, but here we are) is to stop chasing reps and just go again when I'm ready. I pushed the last few sets faster than I should have to make sure I'd beat my previous session, and my catches got sloppy. I hit the reps I wanted and am suffering for it . Earlier in the program, and previously with The Giant, I'd turn my timer upside down and just keep moving until it goes off. My rests went by feel and I made good progress starting a set whenever I was ready. I'm going back to that for the second half because I just can't be trusted to make smart decisions towards the end of a session if the clock is telling me to go before I should.

Other than that, what I'm noticing is that while my volume on the grinds has plateau'd lower than I would have liked, the quality of my reps later in the session (especially presses) is still improving, and the RPE is going down. I finished yesterday in 24 minutes because I was sure I didn't have another set of presses in me, but 24 in 24 minutes is still progress over 24 in 30 minutes. Small comfort, but I hope it implies I'll be able to increase volume again soon enough.
Week 10, workout 3 was yesterday: Getting harder to push the density and recover, especially with kids sick and sleep being limited and disruptive. Decided to up the weight and drop the volume. Still hard. A little sore today, and not sure I want to do workout 4. May rest today and do it tomorrow. Still would have a rest day before W11 workout 1. Or maybe just do a tonic workout today with a lower weight and lower volume. Any suggestions?

Addendum: snatched heavy, low volume, for half time. No injuries and now I have the weekend to rest.
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Week 10, workout 3 was yesterday: Getting harder to push the density and recover, especially with kids sick and sleep being limited and disruptive. Decided to up the weight and drop the volume. Still hard. A little sore today, and not sure I want to do workout 4. May rest today and do it tomorrow. Still would have a rest day before W11 workout 1. Or maybe just do a tonic workout today with a lower weight and lower volume. Any suggestions?

Addendum: snatched heavy, low volume, for half time. No injuries and now I have the weekend to rest.
I've got a pretty hard flare up of pain this week, did the first two days of week 4 and had to rest wed, thu and Friday...Today I feel meh..could try it, I was considering keeping the schedule and next week skip monday to start Tuesday. Otherwise I could just walk and rest for other two days and start fresh week 5 skipping those two last days...

I'll know as soon as I grab the bell this afternoon with my system clear of any drugs as I'm currently under a bunch of pain killers and anti inflammatories from yesterday (well 4 full days of drugs :rolleyes: )
Week 9 and I'm stalled with a foot injury. Slid badly into 3rd base on league night. Hope to finish the week by Monday.

Week 9
Day 1 - 40a1 80a2
Day 2 - 140

Update - said to myself that time waits for no man so i got to work today in spite of the foot. No extra pain and the my front rack on the last squat was crumpled at best.

Day 4 - 45a1 90a2
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Just finished Phase 1, and those sets of 6 are no joke.

Speaking of which, I’m not sure this is the best angle but it’s time I get a form check, please. This is my 10th and final set of C&P, I wanted to film the ugliest because if these are passable I should be good when I’m fresher. I seem to be leaning forward a bit, which I didn’t feel while doing them, but I feel rooted when doing them so is that an issue?

Just finished Phase 1, and those sets of 6 are no joke.

Speaking of which, I’m not sure this is the best angle but it’s time I get a form check, please. This is my 10th and final set of C&P, I wanted to film the ugliest because if these are passable I should be good when I’m fresher. I seem to be leaning forward a bit, which I didn’t feel while doing them, but I feel rooted when doing them so is that an issue?

You'll get better observations soon from others, but the most obvious thing I see is the clean needs work. It looks kind of like your just twisting the bells into position at the top. I thought the press and the hinge looked pretty good. I'm not sure what the best cue is to give, but maybe focus on taming the arc a little more, keeping the elbows back and try to guide the bells straight to the rack position more?
You'll get better observations soon from others, but the most obvious thing I see is the clean needs work. It looks kind of like your just twisting the bells into position at the top. I thought the press and the hinge looked pretty good. I'm not sure what the best cue is to give, but maybe focus on taming the arc a little more, keeping the elbows back and try to guide the bells straight to the rack position more?
Thanks for the input, but I’m not sure I understand, sorry. The cleans were what what best since there’s zero impact, but I’ll try to watch and see what you’re referring to.
Thanks for the input, but I’m not sure I understand, sorry. The cleans were what what best since there’s zero impact, but I’ll try to watch and see what you’re referring to.
Rather than me fumble through trying to explain it, since I may be full of it, I'll just wait to see if a more experienced user has any suggestions. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for the input, but I’m not sure I understand, sorry. The cleans were what what best since there’s zero impact, but I’ll try to watch and see what you’re referring to.
Also waiting for better coaches than I, but I kinda see what he’s saying. I like to tell myself to pull straight back like I’m doing a row and then spear my hands through the handle. Maybe try playing with an open hand finish on the clean.
Just finished Phase 1, and those sets of 6 are no joke.

Speaking of which, I’m not sure this is the best angle but it’s time I get a form check, please. This is my 10th and final set of C&P, I wanted to film the ugliest because if these are passable I should be good when I’m fresher. I seem to be leaning forward a bit, which I didn’t feel while doing them, but I feel rooted when doing them so is that an issue?

Those look great Shawn! You're doing a great job keeping that elbow pinned during the clean, your press looks good too. I see what @GreeneMachine is talking about and would also likely echo @LarryB 's suggestion of spearing the hand. It looks like you're catching the bells out in front a little - to point/bring your thumb to my collarbone. Let your forearms really connect with your upper body at the top of the clean, which might be helped if you pause in the rack and let everything get connected.

But like I said - looking great dude! (y)
I am no master, or I wouldn’t have asked for a form check. Here is Brett doing a C&P, can someone narrow down where I’m failing on the clean? I really really don’t want to be dense, but for some reason I’m just not seeing it.

I am no master, or I wouldn’t have asked for a form check. Here is Brett doing a C&P, can someone narrow down where I’m failing on the clean? I really really don’t want to be dense, but for some reason I’m just not seeing it.

It’s subtle, like @John K said you look great. I think the cue is something like “don’t move the kettlebell around your hand but move your hand around the kettlebell” thats not it but something similar.
Check out these freezes from 2 different reps of yours.
Screen Shot 2023-01-28 at 8.26.13 PM.pngScreen Shot 2023-01-28 at 8.26.26 PM.png

Now look at Brett's transition:

Screen Shot 2023-01-28 at 8.29.06 PM.png

To me it looks like as you clean into that "gunfighter pose," your thumb is turned out, so as you continue up into the rack, you are having to turn your hand around to catch it "right." Now, to me, if you go into that "gunfighter pose" with your thumb up (like The Fonz) and then you carry that thumb pointing up back into your collarbone you get rid of that twist.

Does that make sense? I am far from perfect and am far from the best coach; it might be better to take this to a "Higher Power" like @Brett Jones or @Anna C who are really good coaches.
Ok, so the turn should be sooner is what I’m seeing here? Thumb to collar bone earlier rather than as late as I am, but the final position is ok?

To work on this, is this one of those problems I should drop down a bell size to 16 kg or need more weight and should bell up to 32kg to really feel it? Or just stick where I’m at and try to turn earlier?

This is the knit thing I thought I did good at as it felt easy, but obviously I need some work and don’t want to neglect it, so I’ll focus next session on cleans so ahh help you can give is helpful. Thank you.
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