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In intense full body exercise our hearts can supply only 1/3-1/2 of the muscles. To deal with this limitation, blood vessels in muscles and organs that are not too busy constrict while those in the working muscles dilate. This redistributes the blood flow, delivers more oxygen where it is needed most, and eases the work of the heart.

These so-called vascular reactions are so vital that Prof. Yuri Verkhoshansky listed them among the most important adaptations of the cardiovascular system and the entire organism to endurance exercise…

Read and watch Pavel’s explanation.

Seems very interesting.
Sorry if this has been mentioned elsewhere but is StrongEndurance Express coming out as a online video course?
And is there a release date for Metal Heart? It seems like a similar idea
Interesting about the tennis players vascular adaptations.
It seems to hint at another potential problem with minimal movement pattern exercise programs ie a lack or cost of adaptation for underused parts.
Because it is cold outside?
:-) On cold days I get cold hands, sure.
But on a seemingly mild days I can get white fingers whilst running.
This is something I've experienced for over ten years but admittedly I run infrequently now.
Im excited to read about the new lunge program that will be sent to us in a week or two.
I read all the YouTube-comments. Very positive and grateful comments, but nobody mentioned anything about a book or a video coming out soon.

All the books from Strongfirst are a bit like candies for me. With the added benefits that you don't get fatter and you also get wiser.
As you recall from the previous article and video, you have only so much blood to go around and during intense endurance exercise it must be redistributed: more to the hardest working muscles and less everywhere else.

You can train your body to direct more blood into the muscles of your choice.

To read and watch Pavel’s explain how, CLICK HERE.

I read all the YouTube-comments. Very positive and grateful comments, but nobody mentioned anything about a book or a video coming out soon.
In the last second it shows "Strong Endurance Express". I would just assume it to be a similar format to Second Wind Express. And IIRC Megan Kelly was also recording something some time ago (which might be for a totally different product).

Anyway, I will be patient and just trust Pavel to deliver quality content as always.
"Strong Endurance Express". I would just assume it to be a similar format to Second Wind Express.
This makes sense, as a kind of compromise.
Many people want to learn about strong endurance.
But, maybe there is a gap to be filled, between the whole audience for such information, and accessibility of the live events.
cost, timing, etc.
I wonder if one is doing such training with full body exercises, (snatches, C&J) if there are increases overall blood volume over time.
I will say that few things had such a positive net effect on my sense of my "Cardio" as running KBSF C&J plan with a single 32kg bell for a cycle.
It was palpable.
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As you recall from the previous article and video, you have only so much blood to go around and during intense endurance exercise it must be redistributed: more to the hardest working muscles and less everywhere else.

You can train your body to direct more blood into the muscles of your choice.

To read and watch Pavel’s explain how, CLICK HERE.

I'm ashamed to admit but at first I thought the upgrade your plumbing line was a cheezy lead in to a "Colon Blow" infomercial.
More insightful stuff from the mind of Pavel, drilling deeper into the general category of cost of adaptation.

One question: That article says: "In other words, if you are a cyclist, rowing might boost your “cardio” but do nothing for the rowing muscles and the “plumbing” supplying it." Seems like a cyclist doing rowing would be diverting plumbing from the cycling muscles. What am I missing?
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