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Off-Topic Pain outside of legs between knee and hip

+1 for hitting the TFL with mobilisation work.

I’ve had hip pain a couple of months… two things that improved me “overnight” (not fixed yet):
1 - physio/sports therapy. My hammies were too tight for me to stretch myself adequately, this gave me a head start
2 - slept on the floor with my kid. I assume the hard surface hit some triggers for me and everything realigned when asleep. I don’t know really, but my symptoms are now localised to one spot most of the time (an irritating, huge knot in my lower back that is now the victim of daily lacrosse ball work).

I know I said back there and we started with hip… but after a few months of working on this I’ve found:
Tight lat
Tight QL
Tight TFL
Inflamed piriformis
Knotted lower back and glute
Inflexible ankle
Hamstrings that resemble a cement brick

Perhaps a diet of swings and C&P for two years and paying lip service to flexibility and mobility has caught up!
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