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Old Forum Physical observations with S & S

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Fifth time for S&S last night.  I was feeling a little worn so used the 16kg instead of 20 for the swings.  Thought I would work on form while taking it easy.  Reread the instructions, emphasized the hip snap and contractions at the top, and playing chicken with the hike.  I'm sorer today than any workout so far so if anything the workout was harder with the lighter bell.  I've made a little progress on the QL stretch using a blue assistance band attached to a weight.  I get into the position but holding onto the band which is stretched past the foot I'm going to reach to.  With my arm bent 90% I press my elbow over my head until I feel the stretch in side of the lower back then lean towards the foot while pulling on the band for assistance.  I still tend to cramp a little on the side I'm stretching towards.  I feel slightly more optimistic that this stretch is a least possible for me sometime in the not too distant future.  I love this program.  I feel like I was wandering in the woods and found a map and compass.  Also thanks to Steve Freides for his very constructive feedback and instructions and encouragement.  I wish we weren't on opposite coasts!
My observation after 2 weeks (I got it a little early), is that I have lost a couple pounds. My best guess is that my previous workout was so strenuous that I would load down a plate shortly after and wolf it down without thinking. Now I usually have a leisurely breakfast and don't find myself eating quite so much. Also, I'm making progress on my TGUs, and I need a heavier bell for swings.
Yesterday I comleted my 10th workout in 11 days. That in itself is amazing for me. I also find myself leas ravenously hungry after a workout.

Form in swings and TGU definitely improving.

The concept of the "anti-shrug" has helped enormously. That term seems to register with me better than "packed shoulder". I practice the anti-shrug all the time, even when I'm just walking.  I think I've lived my life as a turtle.

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