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Kettlebell Program minimum/maximum standards for Bent Press

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This is a good time to review the three kettlebell presses - military, side, and bent. The idea is pretty simple - in the military press, you stay still and the weight moves up. In the side press, the weight moves up and you move down by leaning. In the bent press, the weight stays still and you move yourself underneath it before you stand up.

The progression should correspond to max weight as well - military press the least, side press lets you get more, and bent press lets you move the most.

NB: The side press as taught in PTTP is somewhat different than the traditional version. All of these presses are contested, no doubt using a variety of hands, implements, and whatever else, in the All-Around Weight Lifting Association.

Really helpful Steve. After reading this I watched some videos of all 3 presses and I have a better understanding of what we're talking about here.
@Ryan T, glad to be of some help.

If you want to have fun, look up some AWA side press videos, or perhaps searching for 'old time strongman video' or similar. They do it with a wide stance and both knees locked.

Simple standard = 1/2 BW Kettlebell
Sinister standard = 1 x BW Barbell

I’ve found a couple of singles with top weight is enough to make progress with the bent press. The practice comes with doubles and triples with a lighter weight.

Also, Simple standard is demonstrated with a kettlebell, that would show sufficient technique awareness to then progress to training with a barbell and reaching a Sinister standard with a barbell equal to bodyweight.

A challenge to be sure, but it’s not meant to be easy, and would require some dedicated training.
TGU S&S weight standards can carry across to the BtP.

@Shahaf Levin summed it up best IMHO......
'Bell size
32kg, same as TGU. A well executed bent press allow for most people to lift more than a TGU. However, it is a more technical lift, calling for higher degree of mobility, stability and mental acuity.

Number of lifts in 10 min
Total of 20 - 10 each side. Much shorter time-under-tension than TGU.'
You can't give a standard on bodyweight for s and s. Simple and sinister gives no exceptions for bodyweight.
I think it should, honestly. It gives too much exception for gender, which makes it way too easy for women to reach sinister- they should be at least swinging the 36 and doing getups with the 28. I think men over 200lbs should be held to a higher standard as well. But this is all beyond the scope of this thread.
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I think it should, honestly. It gives too much exception for gender, which makes it way too easy for women to reach sinister- they should be at least swinging the 36 and doing getups with the 28. I think men over 200lbs should be held to a higher standard as well. But this is all beyond the scope of this thread.
I wondered this as well. Don't get me wrong, swinging a 48kg Beast is no small feat, but as a larger man (I clock in at 270 lbs) I wonder how much is realistic and if the RIP idea of half bodyweight is more my sinister. Keep in mind, I have been losing weight and 270 isn't my final but current weight. Pavel's idea may be that body weight is fluid but a static standard is easier for an all inclusive program. He wanted it simple, so there it is. Don't overthink it. If you hit the sinister standard and that isn't enough, go until you find a standard for yourself.
Awesome Pavel! I had not checked your log lately but I was wondering when you would make it.

And you are right, life is not fair. I’m not asking it to be.

To be precise: "Timeless" Sinister. Swings - check, in 5 mins. Get-ups - check, but not in the time limit yet. I hope will get the Sinister proper in 1-2 months.
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