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Old Forum Question for FMS Providers and the Like

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Level 1 Valued Member
When performing swings, whether 2H or 1H, my left foot has a tendency to slide backwards. My left hip is always tighter and tends to feel sort of "jammed" in the socket. Anyone else experienced or attempted to correct something like this?
I have had an FMS, didn't pick up anything in my hips though. A PT told me I was missing some internal rotation in that hip
What was you score Ben? Most of us who use the FMS are not medical practitioners (who typically use the SFMA) and so we attempt to avoid drawing conclusions outside of the obvious outcome of the movement we are looking at (active straight leg raise, shoulder mobility, etc).  With your score we might be able to shed some light.

If you were asymmetrical or restricted in SM what drills were you given?

Any Pain? (anywhere)

Sports, activities, work/rest postures etc...?
I was given T-Spine mobility drills (kneeling quadruped rotation and one while lying on my side). I have back pain from a disc herniation at L5-S1. I have a standing job, and sit as little as possible. I try to keep my posture squared up and abs engaged throughout the day. It seems like no matter how much I stretch or roll my left hip, it stays very tight.
I have back pain from a disc herniation at L5-S1

This is the top priority - you may be shifting during the swings etc... to avoid this so I would recommend
A) going back to the PT etc... since you are still having pain (this can be a different therapist)
B) stop any activities that cause pain during or after (even KBs etc...)

Where are you located?
@Sean: nothing beyond basic hip flexor stretches

@Brett: The back pain pre-dates KB work by a few years; swings have actually helped a great deal. Though I think I will seek out another PT. I am located in western Maryland, about 2.5 hours west of Washington DC.
See if you can find Chuck Mutchler (send me an email and I will try to hook you up with Chuck)

Glenn Burney PT I think
Brett: Chuck called me this afternoon and talked to me for about 10 minutes about my situation. He asked me to upload a video of my swings, which I will do tomorrow during my workout. I just cannot believe how close-knit and supportive this community is. I intend to be in a position to give back some day.
Here is a link to my first two sets from today.

I would recommend widening your stance.  Doing so would reduce the varus knee motion, which may or may not be worsening your hip rotation issues.  I'd also practice the beginning and end positions of the deadlift to increase your hinge.  A swing is simply moving ballistically from the bottom to the top of a deadlift.  This of course is dependent on the FMS screen.

When you did your FMS were you a symmetrical 2/2 on the ASLR?

Swings aside, it's possibly not in your hip, but somewhere else.  You say that you have a job which allows you to stand - look at your posture ... you're completely folded to the front - scapulae protracted, hip flexed, l- and t-spine in flexion, etc.  You have a lot of work to do in correcting your basic daily positioning.  Even when you went to pick up the timer off the couch, you bent over and braced with a hand, rather then hinging back and loaded the hips.  Practice good movement always, not just in the gym, or, in your living room :)

Setting posture for exercise is a given, but it is how we posture all day that makes the difference.


he has an L5-S1 disc issue - so I think we are seeing a lot of guarding and compensatory movement

first priority as I stated earlier is to deal with the disc issue
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