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Bodyweight Red Army pull-ups and dips protocol

Usually a sign of cumulative fatigue, overreaching... then you have a deload week, dissipate fatigue, and lo and behold, you can do more than before! Effective programs are hard at times. Sometimes a reframing of the sucky parts being intentional is all you need to enjoy the process a little more.

Agree... 28% is the increase in strength endurance, or performance of max reps. Depending on how one figures the "load" with dips, it might be more like 7% increase in absolute strength. (Let's say the "load" is 150 lbs, 7 reps equates to a 1RM of 180 lbs, and 9 reps equates to a 1RM of 193 lbs. 1RM Calculator 13 lbs / 180 lbs = 7.2%).
7.2% increase in 1 month sounds very nice
All, I ended up running this for 4 weeks, and figured I'd share my results.

ExerciseInitial RMTestPercent Change
Pull Ups (Neutral Grip)812+50%

A few other anecdotal observations:
  • Emphasizing the hollow position has been extremely beneficial. During the testing, I could maintain the desired posture and form for the duration of the test.
  • With both the Pull Ups and Dips, both tests ended around 40-45 seconds of work. I recall hearing Joe DeFranco talk about the 225 NFL Combine Bench Press and his experience was most of the work is done by that point in time.
  • My HLR form improved, although has work to be done before it is up to the StrongFirst standard. One drill I did for the past 4 weeks that I believe helped improve that hip flexion strength was Pavel's famous "Pink Panther" stretch.
  • Tension was the emphasis during these 4 weeks. When doing Pull Ups and Dips, I used a Yoga Block between the knees or ankles. While I wish I did a 'test' on day 1 for a baseline but didn't think to do so, I used my hand dynamometer before testing yesterday and squeezed out 86.9 kgs, which is a 4 kg lifetime PR.
It was a great 4 weeks of detoxing from the KB, and great to focus on bodyweight competency. From what I understand, this is a Strong Endurance protocol, and I was extremely pleased with the endurance gains.
I was looking at this again, I was thinking of giving a try but wanted to see if anyone has tried it or what you think. Does this protocol assume you aren’t doing other upper body exercises or is there room for some push-ups or presses?
Please post a link to the original article. Thanks.

Thanks for the reply. for example, 3 times a week
10-15’ Pistols
20-30’ of this circuit
10 calves and core
Sorry, it looks like I never replied to this.

I ran it as Pull Ups, then Dips, then HLR, and repeat that sequence 7 times.

I'd be very hesitant to make drastic changes to this such as the reference to pistols. Pistols have a very high neurological demand as highlighted by Mike Perry and Brett Jones in their "Minimum Effective Dose" podcast: Diving Deep into the Pistol Squat – Episode 50 - Skill of Strength.

Remember, if you alter the program, it's no longer the "program". It doesn't mean you cannot try to weave them in, but just be cautious and cognizant of what those changes may do for recovery, etc.
Sorry, it looks like I never replied to this.

I ran it as Pull Ups, then Dips, then HLR, and repeat that sequence 7 times.

I'd be very hesitant to make drastic changes to this such as the reference to pistols. Pistols have a very high neurological demand as highlighted by Mike Perry and Brett Jones in their "Minimum Effective Dose" podcast: Diving Deep into the Pistol Squat – Episode 50 - Skill of Strength.

Remember, if you alter the program, it's no longer the "program". It doesn't mean you cannot try to weave them in, but just be cautious and cognizant of what those changes may do for recovery, etc.
Thanks K2S5R. I’ve changed my opinión a but.

Mami focus is running MAF like.
I will add Geoff Neupert swing season 3 times a week AM, and probably this red army protocolo in the pm. Thanks a lot
I can only say what I’ve been doing, which has been doing pulls ups then dips (the hanging leg raises) and repeat.

Not that you asked, but I take about a minute rest between exercises and then more like a 2 minute rest between sets. Somewhat self regulating but I shake off the tension and walk to the same spots in the yard. I’ve definitely tried to avoid over analyzing it all for this cycle.
I usually do a set up chinups, rest a min, then dips. My typically routine involves spreading the 6 or 7 sets throughout whatever my training is for the day. During the warmup I'll start of with a set of chins/dips, at the end of the warmup another set, then usually insert them between changes in movements, then finish off any remaining sets at the end.

I, too, don't really stress about the rest times. Just get the work in, over the course of whatever I'm working on.
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