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Bodyweight Red Army pullup protocol

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RM means Repetition Maximum, or how many reps you can perform if you do as many as you're able to.

Thank you for your answer,

Ahhh! now I understand how it works! if I can do 3 reps, I'll do 2/6! if I can do 5, I'll do 3/6! and so on! right?
best regards Gerhard
I like this! Where is it from? StrongFirst speaks? Never heard of that.

is to be used as sort of a gtg or is it training session?
Just for clarification. This is something you do 3 days per week like Monday-Wednesday-Friday? Quite some weekly volume!
FPP states if you hit a wall for a second time switch to another routine.

Switch To Another Routine

As Don noted, once you stop making progress with a program, you need change it.

That because the body adapts. When the body adapts, progress stops.

Anecdotal data and research have demonstrated that...

Changes in Exercises Are More Effective Than in Loading Schemes to Improve Muscle Strength

This research looked at four method of increasing strength.

1} CICE: Constant Intensity and Constant Exercise

2) CIVE: Constant Intensity and Varied exercise

3) VICE: Varied Intensity and Constant Exercise

4) VICE: Varied Intensity and Varied Exercise

The most effective of the four (4) at increasing strength are exercise are "Changed/Varied". .

Thus, (as per Don), once when progress stops with a program, you need to start a new 4 - 8 week Periodization Training Cycle with new exercises.

Periodization Training Cycles

This is the foundation of Strength Training (Maximum Strength, Hypertrophy, Power and Speed development).

Starting over with a light load with new exercises, allow the body to recovery. Gains in strength occur during recovery.

Periodization Training ensure long term results; providing it is a well written/performed program.

Short Term Deloadsand Reloads

Decreasing the load one training session after struggling with it and then going back to that load the next training session is a short term fix.
Short term Deloads and Reloads is one the misconceptions that continues to be perpetuated.

Training Age for Periodization Cycle

This is defined as how long you have been training, not your chronological age.

Novice Lifters need to change their training exercise about every 8 week. This because Novice Lifter adapt slowly.

Advanced Lifters need to change their training exercise about every 4 weeks. That because they adapt quickly.

Exercise Variation

This can be as simple a going from a Wide Grip Bench Press to a Narrow Grip Bench Press, Incline Press or Dip,

All of these exercise work the same muscle. They are, metaphorically speaking, like Ice Cream; each a different flavor.

One is Chocolate, one is Vanilla, and one is Strawberry.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Once something stop working (like Don stated), you need to change exercises.
Switch To Another Routine

As Don noted, once you stop making progress with a program, you need change it.

That because the body adapts. When the body adapts, progress stops.

Anecdotal data and research have demonstrated that...

Changes in Exercises Are More Effective Than in Loading Schemes to Improve Muscle Strength

This research looked at four method of increasing strength.

1} CICE: Constant Intensity and Constant Exercise

2) CIVE: Constant Intensity and Varied exercise

3) VICE: Varied Intensity and Constant Exercise

4) VICE: Varied Intensity and Varied Exercise

The most effective of the four (4) at increasing strength are exercise are "Changed/Varied". .

Thus, (as per Don), once when progress stops with a program, you need to start a new 4 - 8 week Periodization Training Cycle with new exercises.

Periodization Training Cycles

This is the foundation of Strength Training (Maximum Strength, Hypertrophy, Power and Speed development).

Starting over with a light load with new exercises, allow the body to recovery. Gains in strength occur during recovery.

Periodization Training ensure long term results; providing it is a well written/performed program.

Short Term Deloadsand Reloads

Decreasing the load one training session after struggling with it and then going back to that load the next training session is a short term fix.
Short term Deloads and Reloads is one the misconceptions that continues to be perpetuated.

Training Age for Periodization Cycle

This is defined as how long you have been training, not your chronological age.

Novice Lifters need to change their training exercise about every 8 week. This because Novice Lifter adapt slowly.

Advanced Lifters need to change their training exercise about every 4 weeks. That because they adapt quickly.

Exercise Variation

This can be as simple a going from a Wide Grip Bench Press to a Narrow Grip Bench Press, Incline Press or Dip,

All of these exercise work the same muscle. They are, metaphorically speaking, like Ice Cream; each a different flavor.

One is Chocolate, one is Vanilla, and one is Strawberry.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Once something stop working (like Don stated), you need to change exercises.

Would a change in load, volume or intensity count as a change? I mean, lots people in n this forum claims to or actually make progress with S&S for several months and perhaps years(s) in some cases.
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In France, in a pretty popular bodyweight training protocol (Lafay Method, which also exists in English), to keep building strength, the author creates variations in:
- Tempo
- Angles

This method is divided in 6 to 8 week blocks and levels, so the variations come fairly frequently. This sounds in line with what Kenny says.

Like S&S, from what I know, I notice that the most impressive results in strength, endurance or hypertrophy come within months

Kind regards,

Would a change in load, volume or intensity count as a change? I mean, lots people in n this forum claims to or actually make progress with S&S for several months and perhaps years(s) in some cases.

Changes In Load/Intensity

Yes, to some degree that works to a degree.

That providing the changes in load/intensity follow a Periodization Training Plan.

With that said. the changes in load/intensity need to also occur with Varying Exercises.

Changes in Exercises Are More Effective Than in Loading Schemes to Improve Muscle Strength

This research demonstrated that varying exercise was one of keys that ensured progress.

This has also been demonstrated with...

The Westside Powerlifting Protocol

Changing Exercises is one of the fundamental reason that this system works.

Bodybuilders/Hypertrophy Training

Bodybuilders increase muscle mass by changing from one exercise to another exercise that are work (attack) the same muscle from a different angle (as pet stated.

Doing so enables to increase muscle mass.
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In „Strongfirst speaks „ 18.sep.
There is a protocol from the soviet armed forces. What means the „RM“ in the table

„servus“ from austria
View attachment 11511
So if you're following this chart, would that assume pullups and dips are your only upper body exercises during that period? Will it work with other exercises, like pushup or one leg squat variations?
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