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ROP and Judo

Hi all,

I'm starting ROP next week with the 24 Kg. I also started practicing Judo about two months ago and I don't want to leave it just because it's the only activity that makes me interact with people and I've found I'm not so bad at it.

Do you think is feasible to do both without burning yourself? I've thought of maybe not doing the pull ups on ROP days since I already climb the rope on my Judo classes and even sometimes I add extra 5 kgs to my body while I climb.

The ideal template would be: ROP on Saturday AM- Monday AM - Wednesday AM

Judo on Thursday PM - Sunday AM

Let me know if you have any suggestions on how to do this. My goal is to achieve the 32 Kg press × 5 and start working on the snatch test in a near future.

IMHO the only correct answer to, "Do you think is feasible to do both without burning yourself?" is:

"It depends."

First question is: have you determined, by following the guidance in the book, that 24 kg is the right weight for you on the ROP?

Second question/suggestion: just start doing a few presses every other day, perhaps two sets of 5 reps each side, and see how that interacts with your judo. If that's good, then maybe you consider doing more.

Thanks @Steve Freides for the reply.
To your first question: I finished ROP with 20 kgs some months ago succesfully. Also, this week I finished DFW from Neupert with the 20s. My new RM for C&P is 7 and for the squats is 15. So I'd assume I can start ROP with the 24 Kg. And I did DFW while doing judo twice a week and I felt they worked pretty well.

And I'll follow your suggestion. I think I'll do that and decide if I pay another month of Judo.

I'd also like to hear if someone else has been on the same situation than I'm now
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