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Kettlebell ROP Variety day programing

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Amey Patil

Level 2 Valued Member
Hello everyone .. been doing the ROP Pprogram for 12 weeks now with the 16 kg bell in 12th week now
Trying to incorporate the 24kg(heavy bell for me ).. have successfully introduced the 24 kg bell for first rung of ladders from last 4 weeks
Trying to upgrade to the heavy bell now ..

ETK mentions practicing the side press bottoms up press and waiters press and TGUs to upgrade pressing strength to heavy bell on variety days

How should I program these in the 2 variety days I have ?

My weekly schedule is as follows
Monday : light day 5x 3 clean and press (1st rung 24kg ) and 200 snatch with 16kg

Tuesday variety day :
5 sets of
2 TGUs ( 1 left 1 right) 24kg
4 bottoms up press (4left 4 right ) 16kg
Leg raises 10 reps
4 side press 16kg

Wednesday medium day
5x4 c&p ladders

Thursday variety
5 sets of
2 tgus (one each arm) 24 kg
4 bent press 16kg
4 waiters press 16kg

Friday off

Saturday heavy day
5x5 c&p ladders

Sunday off

My question is about the volume of variety days
Will this be enough .. or shud i add more .. or is this too much .. i have started exercising for first time for past 8 months ..

Can i do better with some different programming on variety days ? Or is this sufficient ?
Thanks in advance !

Hello everyone .. been doing the ROP Pprogram for 12 weeks now with the 16 kg bell in 12th week now
Trying to incorporate the 24kg(heavy bell for me ).. have successfully introduced the 24 kg bell for first rung of ladders from last 4 weeks
Trying to upgrade to the heavy bell now ..

ETK mentions practicing the side press bottoms up press and waiters press and TGUs to upgrade pressing strength to heavy bell on variety days

How should I program these in the 2 variety days I have ?

My weekly schedule is as follows
Monday : light day 5x 3 clean and press (1st rung 24kg ) and 200 snatch with 16kg

Tuesday variety day :
5 sets of
2 TGUs ( 1 left 1 right) 24kg
4 bottoms up press (4left 4 right ) 16kg
Leg raises 10 reps
4 side press 16kg

Wednesday medium day
5x4 c&p ladders

Thursday variety
5 sets of
2 tgus (one each arm) 24 kg
4 bent press 16kg
4 waiters press 16kg

Friday off

Saturday heavy day
5x5 c&p ladders

Sunday off

My question is about the volume of variety days
Will this be enough .. or shud i add more .. or is this too much .. i have started exercising for first time for past 8 months ..

Can i do better with some different programming on variety days ? Or is this sufficient ?
Thanks in advance !

Key to variety days is being fresh. It’s a skill practice.

Have a read of Pavel’s Tension day for both programming and lift types you could use:

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