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Kettlebell S&S Physique (humorous, but not really joking)

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Level 1 Valued Member
So, I've used a lot of Pavel's training methods over about a ten year period, but I've not been able to implement S&S on account of a low back injury in late 2013 that is cripplingly aggravated by even moderate volume hinging. These days, I mostly press (only cleaning once per set) and ruck.

Still, I've watched the S&S phenomenon with fascination, envy and no small amount of curiousity. In particular, I've read account after account of the dramatic physique transformations people have described on this board, and struggled to get a clear of image of what the fabled "fighter's physique" is supposed to look like.

Fast forward to this evening and I stumble upon some highly stylized images of Popeye
- that platonic ideal of the American sailor - and immediately thought of those descriptions of S&S transformations.

I've attached some of the images here. Is this the right general direction of what guys are experiencing? (Minus the chin and tats - but maybe keeping the pipe.) How are your actual results similar and different? And ladies, what are you seeing? (I'm betting nothing like Olive Oyl!)

Please - help me live vicariously through you.


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Ehh... More towards a Greek statue actually

Popeye has the forearms that I think it feels like I should have after a set of continuous swings! Spinach, that's what I need......

See, I think it's that kind of talk that has me most picturing Popeye, now. So many folks have talked about their forearm development and grip strength and so few about upper arm development....
@Joshua , @ShawnM thank you for your kind words.

Anyway - when we eventually meet (and I sincerely hope so), we can lift some iron, grapple, have fun, and go to eat a good meal together, because - "among the four seas, all men are brothers". We are all on the same team - StrongFirst!
See, I think it's that kind of talk that has me most picturing Popeye, now. So many folks have talked about their forearm development and grip strength and so few about upper arm development....

I definitely saw grip and forearm development. I saw more when I started using heavy supports, fat grips, steel bending etc. BUT I also never had a sore wrist on S&S (or any other injury that I can recall) and have had several since.

As far as popeye goes, I would say if you shrink the chest a lot and pump all that into the shoulders it would be a lot closer. (As you can see on Pavel's pic). Also my neck grew a 1/4 in or so. That Popeye looks like one pluto punch would pop his head off.
Look up mu Coach Levi Markwardt ;) mostly get ups and swings - and a lot of varstions of those too

Just looked him up on YouTube and wow - some pretty impressive stuff!

We all have different bone structures, metabolisms and such, so that will play a role in physique. When I was regularly on S&S I could tell I was headed toward measurements similar to those Pavel Macek posted above. I'm 5'10", and at the time weighed about 155, and was using the 32kg for almost all of my S&S sets. Had I continued on that path to the Simple goals, I think I could have put on a little more muscle and lost a little more fat. With some purposeful dieting I think I could have had that lean, wiry physique - thinking Brad Pitt in Fight Club or Snatch, or in "real life" Conor McGregor.

No delusions of grandeur really, and not saying that would have "just happened" - it would have taken some work, but that's the direction my physique was going. My shoulders are kind of naturally broad anyway, but that was reinforced, and it definitely tightened up my entire midsection. I think my legs were fine, but I could have been more consistent with goblet squats for some more direct work.

I hope to get back on S&S soon.

I personally have only just started S&S and I've already head a few small physique changes. I'm leaner and more wiry. Midsection is stronger and a little more cut, my forearms are visibly more vascular and there's a little size there already.

Also I can still deadlift 200kg very easily at 68kgs (20yrs old) without having actually done any deadlifts since last years October- that I believe I can attest to KB swings.

I expect my traps and upper back to get bigger as I swapped getups for side press ( Osteo arthritis doesn't permit me to have much ankle mobility- getups hurt!).

I will continue S&S untl I can do it with a beast, then reassess my goals.

@Pavel Macek I strongly agree! Hopefully we get the chance to meet and swap tales!
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