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Barbell Setting Realistic DL goals

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Level 4 Valued Member
Hello everyone I am a 28 year old 6ft 190lb male. I have been training with kettle bells for about 4 years off and on. The biggest bell I have is a 24kg and feel comfortable swinging that 10x10. I have also done some athletic performance training last year and did some deadlifting and front squatting with a barbell. This winter I am looking to gain some absolute leg strength as this has shown to directly enhance power production in my sport; golf. I'm looking to set a realistic goal for my offseason for a weight to lift. Is 300lbs achievable by spring? What programs are recommended? I have read power to the people and like the idea of getting stronger without necessarily getting bigger.

Thanks for any advice/help
@JGP718 I would begin with a 45-60 day "Easy Strength" protocol to dial in a baseline and then move on to "Power To The People". You should be able to cover a lot of ground towards your goal by next Spring.
@JGP718, absolutely 300 lbs. is achievable, provided you are basically healthy and move well now - if not, address those things first.

I don't know where you're at now, but 300 lbs is just over 1.5x bodyweight for you. Very achievable.
@JGP718, you are good to go. I will second @Pavel Macek's suggestion of "Power To The People!" - you will learn a lot about strength, a lot about deadlifting, and you'll have plenty of programming for at least your first year.

The only question I have is what could I do for the press. I work out at home and have low ceilings in my basement. All I have is a bar and my bells. I would love to do military presses with the bells. If I did a half kneeling press would that be okay? My goal is not necessarily upper body strength
Plenty of options. Half kneeling press like you said, Turkish get up to the lunge position, floor press (floor press w/ barbell would allow you to use PTTP programming), or just keep your pressing bell in your living room and do a kettlebell pressing program.
The only question I have is what could I do for the press. I work out at home and have low ceilings in my basement. All I have is a bar and my bells. I would love to do military presses with the bells. If I did a half kneeling press would that be okay? My goal is not necessarily upper body strength
Do some half-kneeling presses, and also some seated presses, and when you can, try the full-range movement outdoors or at a gym. If you have higher ceilings upstairs, consider bringing your bell to the first floor for presses - the carry between the two floors is also good exercise. :)

I would look for some professional DL instruction to make sure your technique is solid.I've seen this many times where someone watches you tube videos or reads technique from a book but almost always have an issue somewhere with their technique.
Also a good program(of which there are many) can take you a long way.
Off topic of the deadlift something i would recommend is the "contact twist"movement for your golf game.It's a rotational movement helps work muscles in a similar manner as a golf swing.
If you don't know of it do a search.
Good luck!
I second what Steve said with the "seated KB press". It takes your legs completely out of the equation and adds a new dynamic to pressing. You may need to use lighter KBs as well.
If I followed the ROP pressing program would I follow the same ladder/rung plan. I thought I saw in another post the heavy day go down to 3 ladders, 2 on the medium day and 1 ladder on the light day. I'm assuming in the half kneeling position I wouldn't be able to press as much similar to what @Whiskey_Fox is saying seated?
@JGP718, do a search on this forum for

seated kettlebell press

you can even Google that expression and find more. There is a thread on our forum from the old forum that will give you some things to watch out for. Basically, you sit with your legs in a V on the floor or a low box - don't use a chair.

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