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Simple and beyond

Iron cardio. Wanted to test out a lot of volume.

Double classic@16+20: 20 repeats.
Double classic@20+24: 20 repeats.
Dumble snatch@20: 2 reps: 20 repeats.

40 cleans
40 presses
40 squats
40 snatces

120 movements.
39 minutes.

Next week will be lighter and less volume :)

Im a yet again starting to follow Mayo Clinic diet.
Glycolytic power repeats in steep long stairs.
6 reps. Although I dislike long rests I think I might have to consider taking longer pauses to make the session more useful. I am currently not having a lot of stair running in my block, but since the sun was shining I prioritized having fun in the sun, instead of being at home in my apartment doing swings.

At the end of the session I ran the whole stair in 1 minute and 41 seconds. I used every step.

I fantasize about how quick I can run this stairs when/if I will become 10 kilos lighter.
Some goals:

Running a steep 240 step stairs:

1) Running it in under 2 minutes. (success)
2) Running it in under 1.40. (success)
3) Running it in under 1.20. (success may 2024)
4) Running it in under 1 minute.

Iron Cardio goals:
Single bell.
1) Classic+3 press@20 kilo: 40 repeats
2) Classic+3 press@24 kilo: 40 repeats
3) Classic + 3 press@28 kilo: 40 repeats
4) Classic+3 press@32 kilo: 20 repeats

Double bells:

Classic: 20+16 and 2 pull ups every other set: 40 repeats.
Classic: 20+24: 40 repeats
Classic:24+28: 40 repeats
Classic: 28+32: 20 repeats
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Classic+2 press@20: 10 repeats.
Classic + 2 press@24: 6 repeats.
Classic + 2 press@28: 2 repeats.
Classic@28: 4 repeats.

2 pull-ups every other set:

17 minutes.

18 presses pr hand.
9 cleans pr. hand.
18 squats.
18 pull-ups.

63 movements. It was supposed to be my easy work-out, and I think I managed to make it easy too :)
Vacation at my parents place wit a friend. Hiked a 900 meter high mountain. Bicycled 34 km in one day. Feeling tired in my quads.

Two new goals:

1) Bicycling 17 km on the road in 35 minutes. (No racer bike)

2) 20 reps of Double kettlebell cleans 36+36.

No time frame :)
Iron cardio:

Double classic: 16+20: 4 repeats
Double classic+double press: 16+20: 4 repeats
Double classic: 24+20: 8 repeats
Double classic: 24+28: 2 repeats

Neutral grip pull-ups 2 reps: 5 repeats
Neutral grip pull ups 5 kilo: 5 reps

Cleans: 18
Squats: 18
Press: 22
Neutral grip pull-ups: 15 reps

17 minutes.

Next week: Will try to set new record with single 28 kilo double press: 8 or 10 reps.
Will also try to set a new record with 24+28 reps classic: 14 repeats.
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Glycolytic training:

Double Cleans: 16+20 kilo: 15 reps. 1 set.
Double cleans: 20+24kilo: 13 reps. 2 sets.
Double cleans: 20+20kilo: 12 reps.

Double Clean and jerk: 16+16: 10 reps ?

I was quite humiliated with the double clean and jerk exercise. So light weights and so hard.
There is something about training for more than seven reps that just makes things so much harder.
Iron cardio:

Single kettlebell. Classic + 2 press@28kilo: 16 repeats (PR)
Single kettlebell. Classic + 3 cleans@20kilo: 8 repeats (PR)

Press: 20
Cleans: 20
Squats: 24

19 minutes.
Glycolytic power repeat:

Double clean and jerk@12+12: 1.49 set. (difficult to count reps) 1 set.
Double clean and jerk@16+16: 1.05 minutes. 3 sets.
Double clean and jerk@20+20:10.4. 1 sets.
Tried a new record on my big and relatively steep stair. This time I ran it in 1:06. Quite impressed with myself. I can see why people can become addicted to HIIT.
I am not suffering from astma or something similar, but after I ran this stair I felt quite out of breath, and after an hour I still could feel as if my throat and lunges was a bit sore. I never get this feeling from pure Z2 training or A+A.
Swam 1 km in a lake and hiked 12 km with a backpack 15 kilo. Quite tired. Would like to set a new record with Iron cardio, but I don't feel I have enough energy for that right now :)

I tried to do som Iron cardio despite being a bit tired:

Double kettlebell. Classic@24+28: 16 repeats. (PR)
17.20 minutes.

16 cleans
16 squats
16 presses.

In the week that is behind me I have set a couple of PR and I have had a glycolytic work-out. Next week I will just do easier workout and not trying to set new PR. In the week after that maybe try Simple kettlebell@24 kilo, classic+3 presses, 28 repeats.
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Iron cardio:
Single kettlebell. classic+3 cleans@16 kilo: 10 repeats
Single kettlebell. classic+3 cleans@20 kilo: 10 repeats
Single kettlebell. classic+3 press@28 kilo: 2 repeats (PR)

Single kettlebell. classic@32 kilo: 6 repeats (PR)

Single kettlebell. classic+3 cleans@24 kilo: 2 repeats
Single kettlebell. classic+3 cleans@28 kilo: 2 repeats

Cleans: 40
Press: 18
Squats: 32

19 minutes.

Things to try out in the coming weeks:

One bell. Classic +3 press@20: 40 reps.
One bell. Classic +3 press@24: 40 reps.

Two bells: Classic 20+20: 40 reps.
Two bells: Classic 24+24: 40 reps.
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1h swing@40 kilo: 4 reps. 30 repeats. PR

I pushed it a bit, but not that much. I am dreaming about doing Axe with the beast :) If everything goes after plan I will be swinging the beast in 4 months :)
Iron cardio.
Double 2 cleans: 16+16. 10 repeats
Double 2 cleans: 20+20. 10 repeats

Every other repeat: 2 pull-ups (2 repeats)
Then 1 repeat every other repeat. (6 repeats)

16 minutes.

40 cleans
20 presses
20 squats

10 pull-ups neutral grip.
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