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Strong First Approved Non-Minimalist Kettlebell Training


Level 7 Valued Member
Sorry, this is probably a super-dumb question, but I have been away from the forums for quite a while.
What would be a Strong First approved non-minimalist kettlebell programme? Or, is such a thing not particularly emphasized in our community of Strength here?
Built strong minimalist (if you add some A+A swings post session it's really not minimalist IMO) or add S&S on off days
To be purchased here: Built Strong Minimalist by Fabio Zonin
Very good option. I have used this and enjoyed the variety. You need 3 intensity zones for three lifts, and you can choose different lifts for each intensity zone. You can use up to 9 different lifts this way (3 Squat, 3 Pull, 3 Push).

Fabio is working on BTS6, too, giving you up to 18 variations (and, if following Built Strong programming, you might even add isolation work like curls here and there). However, some of the lifts would probably best be done with a barbell.

There are some guidelines in one of Pavel's first kettlebell book.
Yes, the Russian Kettlebell Challenge offers some nice guidelines for KB practice. A bit like Easy Strength for KBs.

Enter the Kettlebell Plus
From MILO Magazine (Vol 17, No. 3). You can choose up to 6 different variations for press, squat, pulling ballistic (swings etc.), pushing ballistic (jerks etc.), and pullups.

You can also use the Total Package Weekly template and enjoy some variety within this framework.

Geoff Neupert's programs
KB Burn 2.0 offers some variety
KB Burn Extreme is four exercises
Easy Muscle also has plans with four exercises
KB WOD is only one exercise per day, but going through all the different lifts during the year.
You can use up to 9 different lifts this way (3 Squat, 3 Pull, 3 Push).
I did;
BB Row, Pendlay Row, Chins
Any exercise can be repeated at a different rep range if you want to avoid barbells.
This article gives a flavour of BTS6
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Sorry, this is probably a super-dumb question, but I have been away from the forums for quite a while.
What would be a Strong First approved non-minimalist kettlebell programme? Or, is such a thing not particularly emphasized in our community of Strength here?
Not sure about what non-minimalist means
In your case something like a training program with GPP, basic mobility, LISS and sports training ( in your case martial arts including weapons) ??? Then there would be the health longevity vs performance balance aspect.
Not a long time ago, I played with an idea of "kettlebellizing" Bill Starr's programs. Basically pick one of his "Strongest shall survive" protocols, and replace barbell work with double ktb equivalent, train whole body 3 times a week, use similar rep schemes, have heavy-light-medium days, add some kettlebell-specific topping as an assistance work (like TGUs, high rep ballistics).

Since the main point of my idea was to mimic barbell work (to a possible extent), you should use double kettlebells as much as possible (snatches, squats, cleans, presses).
Return of the kettlebell or From Russia with Tough Love?

Non Pavel specific programs opens up a ton of quality ones that are non minimalist. Dan John has a bunch and so does Joe Daniels.

And if you google there are a bunch of programs that use “maximal” programming to achieve sinister that are pretty interesting (Levi Marquardt, but I’m sure I misspelt that)
Thank you all.
I guess the simple answer is effectively ''no'' in a way - it being specifically SF kettlebell programmes I am wondering about.
My definition of non-minimalist would be more than 2 key movements.
Thank you all.
I guess the simple answer is effectively ''no'' in a way - it being specifically SF kettlebell programmes I am wondering about.
My definition of non-minimalist would be more than 2 key movements.
Then Built Strong is non-minimalist.
Fabio even recommends S&S or Iron Cardio on days off.
That's 10+ exercises across five days; push, pull, hinge, squat and row. All kettlebells.
What would be a Strong First approved non-minimalist kettlebell programme? Or, is such a thing not particularly emphasized in our community of Strength here?
It all depends on what your goal is. Give us a goal and we'll talk programming. Strength? Conditioning? Both? In support of a sport, and if so, which one? In support of a martial art and, if so, which one?

Thank you all.
I guess the simple answer is effectively ''no'' in a way - it being specifically SF kettlebell programmes I am wondering about.
My definition of non-minimalist would be more than 2 key movements.

This might meet your specifications:

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