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Study of best exercises to lower blood pressure

I agree with regular physical activity as it is very important for health and enjoyment. Over training will increase blood pressure due to activation of the fight or flight response.

In addition, moving away from exercise, learning deep mental relaxation will lower blood pressure. I practice the method of the late eminent psychiatrist Dr Ainslie Meares. After having learnt to meditate like I mentioned a simple party trick is to take ones blood pressure and then meditate. Low and behold blood pressure has reduced afterwards. Actually those who have just learnt the knack of this method tend to have a bigger reduction.
That is indeed very interesting.
By implication, the common "I don't have the time to exercise" excuse loses ground for those aiming to improve cardiovascular health, as virtually everyone has both the time and the opportunity to do some sets of isometrics every now and then.
I read that this morning and was going to share too:) lean-against-the-wall squats = biggest bang for your blood pressure buck.
Nice I like them as part of a complex. Wall sit-push up-deck sq. or ball hams or nordics -pull up, repeat.

Maybe I shouldn't mix them.

Easy fix, this am. 3:00 WS alt with 3:00 rotating plank, :20 rest btwn., 5 rounds, 33:00 minutes, no warm-up or mob. required.
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I thought we already had a thread on this study?
if I had a nickel for every time a messageboard administrator complained about the incessant rehashing and rediscussion of the same subjects over and over and over and begged the users to please use the search function...

I would probably have a hundred thousand million billion trillion dollars.

I once worked on a project to create an internal message board for a firm with offices all over the world. we intended to use this to centralize disparate knowledge from all over the firm. we found that there was an incredible amount of repetitive sets of the same questions being asked over and over. That's all well and good.​
I was glad that it was being used at all. I attempted to design training around those questions that were being asked. But making it searchable for posterity was slightly nightmarish. we settled on a system of tags (the users were wanton to ignore) to be able to cross reference multiple subject matters in one post, and be able to sort and organize and follow certain subject matters (by tag), that each user could subscribe to.​
one of the most frustrating things - we never ... we never openly called people out for this, but the logs were very verbose, and we knew exactly who did and didn't use the search, what they searched for, and what the results were... and we used those logs for analytics on how good the results were.​
EVERYONE who complained - reported that they had tried to use search and that it was somehow dissatisfactory. The log files did not necessarily reflect this.​
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I agree with regular physical activity as it is very important for health and enjoyment. Over training will increase blood pressure due to activation of the fight or flight response.

In addition, moving away from exercise, learning deep mental relaxation will lower blood pressure. I practice the method of the late eminent psychiatrist Dr Ainslie Meares. After having learnt to meditate like I mentioned a simple party trick is to take ones blood pressure and then meditate. Lo and behold blood pressure has reduced afterwards. Actually those who have just learnt the knack of this method tend to have a bigger reduction.
My only problem with taking my own blood pressure is that as soon as I put the cuff on my nerves kick in lol and that raises it. Historically I don’t have high blood pressure but I gotta get over the mental anxiety of checking it lol
I thought we already had a thread on this study?

if I had a nickel for every time a messageboard administrator complained about the incessant rehashing and rediscussion of the same subjects over and over and over and begged the users to please use the search function...

I would probably have a hundred thousand million billion trillion dollars.
I actually think new threads on old subjects are fine. Great if someone includes a link to a previous thread, of course, but new users don't like to wander in and find a long thread they feel like they have to wade through in order for the most recent posts to make sense. Around here, about once a year I close all threads that haven't been touched in, I think, 2 years or so.

I actually think new threads on old subjects are fine. Great if someone includes a link to a previous thread, of course, but new users don't like to wander in and find a long thread they feel like they have to wade through in order for the most recent posts to make sense. Around here, about once a year I close all threads that haven't been touched in, I think, 2 years or so.

Yes, but this one was just two days ago, lol.

My only problem with taking my own blood pressure is that as soon as I put the cuff on my nerves kick in lol and that raises it. Historically I don’t have high blood pressure but I gotta get over the mental anxiety of checking it lol
I have the opposite issue… white coat syndrome. When I get it done at the Dr’s. it’s invariably higher than when I take it at home.
I have indeed found my BP lowered after isometric exercise. I usually take my BP first thing in the morning, for consistency.

A multiple-week hypertrophy training block has also lowered my BP. Never took hypertrophy work seriously until last year when I learned adding muscle mass can lower BP. Yep, they're right about that.
EVERYONE who complained - reported that they had tried to use search and that it was somehow dissatisfactory. The log files did not necessarily reflect this.
I am shocked, SHOCKED, that someone would lie about searching for something.

But really, I don't mind the rehash threads. Different people show up and share different ideas.
Besides, who knows when the next best tactical pants will come out? Gotta keep those threads fresh!
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