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The 2024 Squat Big Plates For Reps Challenge!

@Boris Bachmann I notice you take most of your squat videos from directly to the front. From frequenting various powerlifting groups, I notice most people take them from the side. Likely this is because most people are concerned about meeting legal depth in their federation, but it would also be interesting to see what your low back looks like from the side, no?

I take them from the front generally because it's easiest to set it up that way in my garage and I'm not worried about hitting depth. But yeah, a side view would show if there's any helicoptering, low back flexion, excessive forward/backward bar travel.
@Boris Bachmann I notice you take most of your squat videos from directly to the front. From frequenting various powerlifting groups, I notice most people take them from the side. Likely this is because most people are concerned about meeting legal depth in their federation, but it would also be interesting to see what your low back looks like from the side, no?
A side view from warm-ups today. Was feeling solid but subsequent sets w. 255 doing EDT w. squats and pull-ups ended up triggering the lower back again - I feel stronger overall, but I think I need to move very carefully for a while and not create new pain pathways...
I almost matched my 12 reps at 135+ (68 kg / 150 lbs) yesterday. Got 11 reps at 72 kg / 158 lbs. My e1RM says that translates to a 1RM of 215 lbs. So I'm not too far off from my goal of 1RM of 2 big plates.

My coach has me doing a 5/3/1-ish program for squat strength among the weightlifting training, so the AMRAP sets follow that guidance.
I'm so consistent. Slowly increasing e1RM.

1/12/24, 12 reps at 68 kg - e1RM = 95 kg
1/19/24, 11 reps at 72 kg - e1RM = 98 kg
2/9/24, 10 reps at 77 kg - e1RM= 102 kg (225 lbs)

Maybe I'll get to test "two big plates" sometime soon...
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