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Training On Lentils

After being directly asked, I made an obligatory promise to my son yesterday that on my 40th birthday
I'll put 100kg overhead. There is 1 year, 2 months and 10 days left.

Small one was bit lazy yesterday, so he only did a couple of singles and doubles of c&p with 6 kg bell,
and then couple of doubles at 6kg + 5kg.
That's a good goal. You should have no problems reaching it in that time frame. This is also a good to reminder for me to pick a time and plan to go after it.
Yesterday played with dumbbell, mostly presses and snatches, and got bright (but not new) idea of doing ROP with dumbbell.
I found out that my press rep max number of 6 with 40 kg bell corresponds approximately to 34.5 kg dumbbell. That gives
rise to my question: how is your dumbbell vs. kettlebell press? Looking forward to your experiences.

Anyway, I am starting DROP with 34.5 kg dumbbell later today.
That gives
rise to my question: how is your dumbbell vs. kettlebell press?
I dont know a specific ratio but I am pretty sure that db press is harder than kb press. Same with pressing barbell.

Anyway, great idea with doing ROP with db! I am curious how it will affect your lb lifts.
I haven't ever really tried to compare the DB press to a KB press. It's an interesting question. When I started training in the gym 10 months ago, I could comfortably do sets of 5 KB presses, like do a 5*5 all at 40kg with both hands in 15 minutes or so. Some time soon after starting in the gym I picked up a 40kg dumbbell and it was a bit of a struggle to get it up. I thought I'd just pick the weight up and lift it as usual and I was really surprised by the increased difficulty and naturally I haven't done something that awkward again.

Since I loaned my kettlebells away in the summer - has it really been that long? - I haven't done any KB military presses in a long time. I haven't really done a lot of overhead pressing at all in a long time. I'll get back to it come this summer and I get my kettlebells back. After I get them back I'll do a real comparison.

One thing that I wonder about is if there is a significant technical difficulty with the dumbbell press just because I haven't ever trained it. If a hypothetical person had done equal amounts of pressing with both dumbbell and kettlebell, would there still be a major weight difference between the lifts? I think in our cases we will never know.

Now that we're talking on the subject, I think dumbbell presses should be a great accessory exercise for the kettlebell presses, and that getting better with the dumbbell on the side should also help the kettlebell move better.
@damogari @Antti thanks for your responses! They basically confirm what I also thought about DB presses.
It took quite a grind to press 42 kb DB merely once, two days ago. Actually, when I was comparing KB and DB
at the same weight, DB press felt closer to bottom up KB press. Perhaps it is because DB does not rest
on your forearm and has higher centre of gravity compared to KB.

If you want to press something really awkward, highly functional and off-centre of mass,
use DB with a significant weight difference between its sides.
Don't you worry - I am still doing DROP. Just got bored by double logging as I always update my pen 'n' paper log.
DB presses seem to have a pretty positive effect on my KB press. On Tuesday got 7 reps with 40kg KB, which is PR.
And yes, I usually press KBs on variety days.
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