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Walking lunges

I haven’t run the program in its entirety, but No Weights Big Wheels off of T Nation might be up your alley. More bodybuilding than StrongFirst though…..

Previously if used them in a limited way:

-sets of lunges to pre fatigue legs before a run, this was done when I didn’t have time to do a very long run but I needed to train to get used to running on tired legs.

-sets of lunges interspersed in long easy runs, this was done when forced to train on flat ground without hills but needed something to simulate hills.
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Yes, but not often.

During warm-ups, body-weight phases, as a "finisher" for Bodybuilding-type sessions, or for some "Glycolytic" conditioning phases (they will create a lot of lactic acid burn in the quads).
If I am doing a "Murph" style weight vest workout or doing a short prep for the actual "Murph" in May, I normally sub walking lunges in for the squats. Personally, I have found that if I can do rounds of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 10 lunges (per leg) with the vest, the actual "Murph" becomes easier when I do it the prescribed way with squats.
If I am doing a "Murph" style weight vest workout or doing a short prep for the actual "Murph" in May, I normally sub walking lunges in for the squats. Personally, I have found that if I can do rounds of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 10 lunges (per leg) with the vest, the actual "Murph" becomes easier when I do it the prescribed way with squats.
I can definitely see that!
I don't like it - if you have any hip asymmetry (hip-shift, ir/er disproportions between legs) it's very likely you'll cement them while doing walking lunges. For the purpose of unilateral training I prefer pistols (a gret diagnostic tool as well), split-squats, b-stance deadlifts (when I want to work on the relative motion of the pelvis), and wall-resisted hip airplanes.
Of course you might be less bodily twisted than me, so you do you.
For strength/mass training, I do tactical lunges (passing the kettlebell to my other hand between my legs) in an EDT fashion. I do them both walking and stationary.

For conditioning, I do walking lunges with a dumbell in each hand and do seesaw presses synchronized with the walking lunges. I guess I also kind of do this in an EDT fashion, but I'm not actually counting anything.

I was curious if people train the exercise walking lunches.

If so how do you program it ?
Yup, and often. I can't do much with weighted squats unless it's goblet squats. Walking lunges are great! You will hear that you need more but you don't depending on your goals. I just want to live long, I'm in my 50's, those that lift and all that might have a different opinion. If you can do bench
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