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Bodyweight Which crawling style for fixing lower back issues (leopard v. bear)?

Which crawling style for fixing anterior pelvic tilt:

  • the leopard crawl

    Votes: 14 93.3%
  • the bear crawl

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
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In my case, the rolling strengthened the crawling and getups.. so a better crawl which is usually the "fancy reset" means you get better benefits from it..

Remember that each reset can feed into each other
Which rolls do you suggest? Or just try and see what works...
If you’re hyper mobile then I’m a fan of McGill’s big 3, as prescribed by him. I find it wakes up & stabilises my core rather than fully works it. If you compete in Muay Thai then maybe once you’ve rehabilitated you should relax the strength and conditioning aspect & enjoy/indulge the actual Muay Thai training side. As an old former competitive fighter I can look back in hindsight & see many a time I got carried away with extra curricular training to improve my fighting that actually hindered it through niggling injuries. If you really enjoy strength n conditioning training then by all means research & explore, but if your passion is fighting n competing then let it go & concentrate on that. I’d rather get injured in the ring competing, than training to get there.
Rocking with different ankle positions and crawling has helped me the most. I started to notice in everyday movements, that my feet, legs, hips etc started to work as a unit. Whether crawling will help your back or not, obviously depends on what the root cause is.
To the original question of which crawl for lower back pain—neither.

Get evaluated by a health care provider and establish a targeted and indivualized approach.

How are you defining/assessing your hyper mobility?
(health care provider, Beighton scale?)
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