Upgrade Your “Plumbing” to Boost Your Endurance and Fat Loss

By Pavel Tsatsouline

As you recall from the previous article and video, you have only so much blood to go around and during intense endurance exercise it must be redistributed: more to the hardest working muscles and less everywhere else.

You can train your body to direct more blood into the muscles of your choice.

Blood flow in the working limbs peaks at the lactic threshold—and then drops. This is why aerobic training below the threshold intensity—that is, while you still can pass the talk test—is prescribed to improve peripheral circulation and thus endurance.

At the same time, aerobic training—even with high resistance, such as AXE and Strength Aerobics—makes capillaries in the working muscles grow, further increasing the blood flow.

The result is a hotter running aerobic metabolism, a win for endurance athletes and fat loss seekers.

Note that these adaptations take place only in the working muscles. In other words, if you are a cyclist, rowing might boost your “cardio” but do nothing for the rowing muscles and the “plumbing” supplying it. “Even the so-called aerobic preparation should be specific,” stresses Prof. Yuri Verkhoshansky.

In summary:

  1. Building more blood vessels and training them to dilate will boost your endurance and fat loss by enabling you to be more aerobic.
  • Make it happen by doing a lot of work below the lactic threshold (while passing the talk test).
  • The “plumbing” gets upgraded only in the working muscles.
Upgrade your “plumbing” to boost your endurance and fat loss

In the next issue of StrongFirst’s newsletter learn a powerful bodyweight lunge protocol that will train a lot more than your blood vessels. Developed for and successfully tested on biathlon athletes, it will work for anyone seeking high level outdoor endurance or fat loss.


Online Course


There are times when simply enduring is not enough. One must carry on at a high level of strength or power.

A football game. A wrestling match. An obstacle course in a full kit. Moving grandma’s antique furniture.

For decades such endurance had been built with “met cons.” Then a top sports scientist reframed the question and changed history…

What if instead of training the athlete to tolerate ever increasing concentrations of lactic acid we trained him to produce less of it?

Anti-glycolytic training (AGT) was born.

Our Strong Endurance™ curriculum is the last word in AGT. It consolidates the best of the Eastern European and Western research with StrongFirst’s experience.

For those of you who have been unable to take Pavel Tsatsouline’s seminar, we have filmed a streamlined version. Watch STRONG ENDURANCE™ express in your living room without the risk of getting “volunteered” for a demo in front of the class.

CLICK HERE for a limited time offer.

Watch 4 hours of Pavel’s lecture and 1 hour of demos by our instructors:

Module 1
The Genesis and Philosophy of AGT

Learn the science of anti-glycolytic training in simple terms. Change your view of endurance training forever.

Module 2
“Cardio” is Overrated

Low correlation between VO2max and endurance…The dangers of redlining your heart rate…Classic interval training vs. “HIIT”…How to increase VO2max with weights—and how not to do it…Training the blood vessels—a secret of the pros…

Module 3
A Hybrid Conversion Kit for Your Fast Fibers

The main premise behind Verkhoshansky’s revolution…His original experiment…Why power exercise rules…Great all-around way to train—enjoy your “what-the-hell effects”…The alternative to intervals…The SF stop signs…Kettlebell Axe simplified…

Module 4
Variations on the AXE Theme

Serial-repeat method rocks…Downsides of max power training…“Casual power” is the answer…How to benefit from recovery’s nonlinearity…Volume and other load parameters for different needs…5 variable methods for pros…

 Module 5
Hybrid Conversion Completed

Metal Heart and Strength Aerobics for hard living…2 state-of-the-art kettlebell snatch or swing plans for ruthless endurance and aggressive fat loss…Score high on the most valuable GPP test for MMA…Biathlon’s aerobic lunges for all…

 Module 6
A+A for Fighters and Supermodels

Incredible long lost research reveals how to make high intensity exercise aerobic and fat burning…Snatch death march protocol for a select few…Lifter’s dream: “singles” for “conditioning” and fat loss…Lessons from heavy labor…3 AXE models…

Module 7

Strength for endurance…How to build up to 30 pullups or 100 pushups or swings without killing yourself…Split sets and ladders…Pullup master’s serial-interval protocol…Why hanging on a bar will not improve your pullup grip—and what will…

Module 8
Glycolytic Training—the Right Way

 Peak performance with a well dosed and timed acid spike…Glycolytic power repeats—least stressful glycolytic training method bears “what-the-hell effects”…Buffer acid by building fast twitch fibers…Make less acid by building slow fibers…

Module 9

Know your variables and change one at a time…Magic of step loading…Advantages of wave loading…Manage the conflict of strength and endurance…Why you cannot improve on multiple fronts at once—and how pros do it over time with “leapfrogging”…

Module 10
In Action

Select Strong Endurance™ plans and templates demoed by our certified instructors…Kettlebell snatches…Swings and more swings…Cleans, presses, and front squats…Pullups…Step-ups…Pushups, fast and slow…Explosive calisthenics plus heavy bag…

Then download these plans and templates and start training:

  • 3 “Metal Heart” kettlebell snatch or swing plans for ruthless endurance and aggressive fat loss
  • Strength Aerobics template for fighters
  • 2 Strength Aerobics circuits for combat and team sports (one with a barbell and the other with any type of resistance)
  • 3 powerful pullup protocols:
    • Failproof routine for beginners
    • Fast acting strength endurance plan for intermediates
    • State-of-the-art serial-interval method for the advanced (also a great lesson in programming)
  • Scientific plan to excel at the NFL combine bench press
  • A straight path to 100 consecutive pushups
  • Super Slow 2.0 template for building slow twitch fibers for endurance sports (kettlebell, barbell, dumbbell, or bodyweight; you choose the exercises)
  • A wealth of AXE (aerobic exercise for type IIX fast fibers) applicable knowledge:
    • AXE sprints’ guidelines for team sports
    • AXE heavy kettlebell snatch plan for the Tactical Strength Challenge
    • AXE jump circuit for basketball and volleyball players’ endurance
    • Awesome barbell AXE circuit for any athlete
    • Develop striking power and power endurance by throwing a kettlebell or a rock according to the AXE rules
    • 3 serial-repeat AXE templates for combat and game athletes (applicable to sport-specific skills like striking and throwing and to general training with a kettlebell, barbell, bodyweight, and more)
  • “Alt-S&S” kettlebell swing progression
  • Aerobic bodyweight lunge protocol from biathlon that works for anyone seeking outdoor endurance and fat loss—plus the rules of anti-glycolytic uphill running
  • Classic hard style Rx for building multiple qualities (power, power endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle building, fat loss) with heavy kettlebells
  • Double kettlebell C&J plan for muscle hypertrophy, fat loss, and conditioning
  • Heavy kettlebell swing plus military press unconventional muscle builder
  • 3 variations of a radical Soviet muscle building template
  • An incredibly tough but surprisingly low acid peaking template for fighters—prepare your mind without trashing your body

While delivering remarkable performance and body composition improvements, anti-glycolytic training will also fortify your health.

The primary adaptation target of anti-glycolytic training are mitochondria. They are a lot more than our cells’ power plants. Scientists call them “the masters of life and death.” Healthy, strong, and abundant mitochondria will make you more resilient to a variety of stressors: cold, heat, altitude, infection, poison, radiation, etc. On the other hand, mitochondrial dysfunction is a likely cause of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and aging.

Beef up your mitochondria and your health with Strong Endurance™ while reaching your athletic and body composition goals.

Staying power and health to you!


CLICK HERE to buy STRONG ENDURANCE™ express with Pavel. Staying power and health to you!