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Dydo's training

I don't know what's stopping me, I haven't stopped training but I can't complete any program. Obviously, the reason is psychological. I get bored very quickly. I'm currently doing Soju and Tuba and I'm up to 8x1. At least this program I will try to do while doing other things that I enjoy. The struggle with weight loss is also very difficult. Every time I promise myself that today will be the last day that I will eat more, eat desserts and drink alcohol, and from tomorrow I will become a new person. But it is not happening. I'm hungry, especially after higher volume workouts. Because of this, I might be better off focusing on lower volume, higher weight training.
Also, my head is a complete mess.
A voice tells me: Don't look at how your muscles look, you're 50 years old and it's important to be functional, so train basic human movements. KB will give you everything in this direction.
The other voice says to me: f*** these types of training, look how many people don't train and are still functional, the important thing is to have big muscles and people make fun of you when they look at you. Work out bodybuilding style with barbells, dumbbells and machines. Do what you love.

That's it for me. I like both, but to be successful you have to focus on one. In fact, I have said it in my signature that I am inconsistent in training. I'm regular, but I'm constantly switching things up and doing what I like at the moment or at the given stage. At least I have some movement and resistance training, at least it will be of some use.
I don't know what's stopping me, I haven't stopped training but I can't complete any program. Obviously, the reason is psychological. I get bored very quickly. I'm currently doing Soju and Tuba and I'm up to 8x1. At least this program I will try to do while doing other things that I enjoy. The struggle with weight loss is also very difficult. Every time I promise myself that today will be the last day that I will eat more, eat desserts and drink alcohol, and from tomorrow I will become a new person. But it is not happening. I'm hungry, especially after higher volume workouts. Because of this, I might be better off focusing on lower volume, higher weight training.
Also, my head is a complete mess.
A voice tells me: Don't look at how your muscles look, you're 50 years old and it's important to be functional, so train basic human movements. KB will give you everything in this direction.
The other voice says to me: f*** these types of training, look how many people don't train and are still functional, the important thing is to have big muscles and people make fun of you when they look at you. Work out bodybuilding style with barbells, dumbbells and machines. Do what you love.

That's it for me. I like both, but to be successful you have to focus on one. In fact, I have said it in my signature that I am inconsistent in training. I'm regular, but I'm constantly switching things up and doing what I like at the moment or at the given stage. At least I have some movement and resistance training, at least it will be of some use.
55 years of age. I had the same in the past too (changing programs). These days I have a harder time switching programs. I like simple ones the best and not a 1000 different ecercise routines. Doing irregular shift work does not help with good eating habits either. besides I like cake etc too much (sheet tooth).

Luckily I only die once, sp just enjoy me life now.
Maybe add walking, very underrated but effectieve for loting weigt too.
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I came across this garbage quite by accident. I didn't know Mark hated KB so much. The article isn't his, but it's on his website and I'm sure he had the urge to spit on KB. He must be afraid of the competition, but he has to accept it. It's one thing to show the pros and cons of one or the other piece of exercise equipment, and it's quite another to spew such nonsense that is obviously at the opposite pole of the truth.
Every time I promise myself that today will be the last day that I will eat more, eat desserts and drink alcohol, and from tomorrow I will become a new person. But it is not happening. I'm hungry, especially after higher volume workouts. Because of this, I might be better off focusing on lower volume, higher weight training.
Sorry for hijacking your training log

Have you tried Dan Johns meal-prep tips?
If you have a pre made box its hard to eat more than what's in the box.

Im currently on a pizza diet. Every evening I eat a pizza. Pizza is actually low-inflammatory food (according to real anti inflammatory food lists made by dieticians, not influencers on tiktok who sells magic pills). It basically just 160g dough (that's 100g of flour), 100g of cheese. Very seldom salami or chicken. I make the dough on sundays, and it lasts me untill friday.

My lunch is 100g of pasta, 100g of pre cooked and pre sliced chicken fillets, a hand of frozen vegetables, one teaspoon of pesto. I pick a lunchbox and then go to work.

Add two protein shakes each day, one before going home from work and one before bedtime.

That's not a lot of calories all in all but keeps me going throughput the day.
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For the last two or three days, I've been doing pretty well. On Saturday I weighed 117.2 and today I was 115.7. When I limit alcohol to 0, I don't eat desserts and bread, the weight drops very quickly.
Perhaps the thought of my health should be my brake, showing me what to do. This month has gathered a lot of holidays that are hard to resist. Yesterday my sons had their high school prom, a few days before that we had my country's national holiday, my wife had a birthday a week ago, and tomorrow is my birthday:) But I still managed not to overdo it.
For the last two or three days, I've been doing pretty well. On Saturday I weighed 117.2 and today I was 115.7. When I limit alcohol to 0, I don't eat desserts and bread, the weight drops very quickly.
Perhaps the thought of my health should be my brake, showing me what to do. This month has gathered a lot of holidays that are hard to resist. Yesterday my sons had their high school prom, a few days before that we had my country's national holiday, my wife had a birthday a week ago, and tomorrow is my birthday:) But I still managed not to overdo it.
I have a sweet tooth and enjoy pastries and cake too much to give up on it hahaha.
I'm running a program that was designed for dual KBs, but I'm running it with a single KB. I see comments on the forum that it should not be detailed when the program is from a book. Nowhere have I said that I run a specific program in my training log, except for one of my comments in another thread, but someone looking at my log can tell how I've been training. Therefore, the description is as follows:

Workout number 4 /29.05.2024/
C&P with KB24 and a total of 12 reps on each arm :)
A little bodybuilding-style-vertical pull machine, incline bench press, biceps, triceps. All in 1x15

I fill C&P with one hand and immediately after with the other and only then leave the KB on the floor. When it gets harder, I might take a break between the two hands, but for now I have no such intention.

For now, my hands are doing reasonably well. When pulling machines I still had discomfort in the forearms, but not much, only when tightening and twisting the arms in different directions. Therefore, it doesn't matter what I train with and I prefer to use KB. If everything is fine and I have no discomfort, I will continue.
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Today in bodybuilding style. Everything up to 1x12 somewhere with a small reserve, and on other exercises with more. I had 3-4 previous sets.
-Incline bench press
- Vertical back machine
-Triceps machine
- Bicep machine
-Leg press with one leg and alternating legs without rest
-Seated calf raise
10.06.2024 г.

C&P KB24 5x1 (L +R, rest);
Incline bench press with a barbell, vertical back machine, biceps and triceps on a machine, hack squat on a machine, all in 1x15 with 1-2 RIR.

I feel like as I build up volume and training every other day with heavier KB's for me it gradually increases the discomfort in my arms. Although I gradually warm up with KB 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 for several repetitions of clean and press, so as not to overdo it. It still doesn't interfere with my daily life, but when I bend or clench my hands it gradually gets worse. Even with the exercise itself, I feel discomfort and maybe a day of rest between workouts is not enough.

Bench press BB-8x80, 6x80;
Incline bench press BB-2x8x60;
Fly with dumbbells (2x12 kg.)-2x12;
Pushdown (double reel) - 2x10x64;
Triceps extension on a tile machine-2x10x50;
Treadmill-alternating between slow and fast-26 min.

Personal weight in the morning - 116.9 kg.
Supplements for the day - magnesium
Calories for the day-2160

Squat HB-2x5x20, 5x30, 40, 50, 60, 70;
BB Row-5x40, 50, 60, 70;
DB Curl (2x14 kg)-2x8;
Treadmill - 15 min. slow-fast.

Overall without much effort because the idea was just to do the exercises that I hadn't done squats and barbell rows in a long time. I also felt a slight discomfort in my lower back, so I exercised carefully.
I trained again the day before, but it was no problem to do a workout the next day as I affected other muscle groups. I'm even wondering if I should visit the gym again today and do a Romanian deadlift and a shoulder press.
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