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Old Forum TSC training

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Rob Lawrence

Level 3 Valued Member
What's the state of the art in TSC training? Do any of the people who have placed high have success stories and/or anything generalizable that they've learned from the last few TSCs?

Before you ask, the answer is "no reason." :)

Rob, ping Craig Marker,, and he will send you one of our anti-glycolytic TSC snatch plans.

Ladies and gents, you can get them too—if you make a commitment to stick to the plan for a couple of months.
An observation from the last TSC: every man competing in the elite division who snatches 32kg 100 times or more had a 500 DL.
Rob, I really liked this blog, which focuses on the snatch and advances the theory that a lot of snatch training will do most of what one needs for the TSC. The author has the athletes to back up his theories with results.

I've noticed that deadlifts seem to be going up, and TNT tends to routinely do very very well.
Tactical Strength Challenge: Games for those who choose to do very few things but very well.

I'd say we're well on our way.

As Pavel mentioned please email if you are interested in a protocol. I am excited to hear how people progress.
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