Kenneth Bolyard


A native of West Virginia and a military veteran who served eight years in the U.S. Army, Kenneth Bolyard is a StrongFirst Certified Team Leader - Elite instructor located in Darmstadt, Germany where he owns and operates Mountaineer Athletics. Kenneth is an avid outdoors man who spends much of his free time hiking, backpacking and mountaineering. Kenneth has been coaching since 1996 and working with kettlebells since 2002. He works with clients of all ages from all walks of life including police officers and military personnel, teenagers, corporate executives, and professional athletes. He specializes in mountain adventure training and strength training for triathletes with a philosophy that incorporates elements of Plan Strong, Built Strong and Strong Endurance. He shares his knowledge by teaching the All-Terrain Conditioning course and offers in-person training for small groups and individuals as well as online training and does so in both English and German.

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Accepting new students. Training offered in person and online.
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Did in-person training with Kenneth last year, introducing me to StrongFirst style Kettlebell techniques. Before that I was self-coaching based off YouTube.

He was great in guiding me to the finer points of technique and challenging me to do it better.
I had a flare-up of an pre-existing knee-injury and he redirected training seamlessly to work around that.

He is a great teacher and all around cool guy. Can totally recommend.

I met Kenneth during SFB in Darmstadt.
A very helpful and kind guy, allways with very helpful tips and an eye for details.

I have been working with Kenneth for the last year. He is coaching me online, helping me both with getting better technique and advanced and individualized programming.
Kenneth lives and breathes StrongFirst principles. He has a wide and deep knowledge of all StrongFirst skills. He is in touch with S1 leadership which means you get first hand recommendations and training principles.
But not only he is Strongfirst Elite, in addition to it, a few things set him apart:
1. His attention to detail is mind boggling, always trying to make a better student.
2. He has wide experience with endurance athletes, and fully understands the role of aerobic-endurance training within a training plan.
3. He walks the talk.
Training was not, is not and will not be a goal. It is a path. And Kenneth makes a great companion.

Almuth Z.
I have been training with Kenneth since 2018. I am a long-distance triathlete and my goal was to get a stronger core and more strength in general. Training in other gyms had not brought the desired results. Kenneth really focused on teaching me the basics first and only after I mastered the technique did he let me progress to higher weights, keeping me injury-free. I have since made major progress with my strength and this has transferred to my swim, bike and run. Swim sessions that used to tire me out are now “easy” and I can recover quickly as well. Kenneth has also made sure that I was able to integrate my strength work into my overall training plan. Trusting the process and consistency are key! One can tell that Kenneth has years and years of experience in sports and coaching and is very professional in his approach. I very much enjoy training with him and am looking forward to improving my strength even more.
And as an added bonus, under Kenneth’s tutelage, I was I was able to achieve my SFG I in 2022!

I got to know Kenneth at the SFG I Cert in Darmstadt. He is an outstanding instructor with a very appealing approach to teaching kettlebell knowledge. Thank you Kenneth.

Jan S.
I've been training with Kenny since 2018. I used to be a professional athlete in triathlon. Kenny has really helped me to improve my core strength in a sustainable fashion. Love the training as it's super versatile and I've built an unmatched high degree of trust in his methods - which is sometimes even more important, especially if you're a professional athlete. So without a doubt, whether you just want to get off your couch or to the next Olympic Games, Kenny is the right coach for you!

Mischa S.
I started to work with Kenneth in December 2020. I contacted him because of I wanted to learn the correct double kettlebell jerk technique.

After our first online coaching session he showed me that we have to work on my basics first. We started with swings and TGUs, dialed in the cleans and presses and are now approaching the snatches. I am so happy with my progress and I realized I never really mastered my basics. After working on my swings form I can generate much more power and feel very confident doing them.
It‘s now 5 months since we started to work together. We did several online sessions and I can send him videos if I need a form check. He also programed my training program during this time.

My results are amazing: My form on my swings, get ups and cleans improved. I can feel how much more power I can generate. I am stronger and I can say that my endurance improved as well (I lost about 3 pounds of fat during this time). Working as a Police officer (mainly patrols and anti drug missions) I need to be in a good shape, I sometimes need to be fast but I also have to be strong and endure. Kenneth helped me to improve on all those qualities and I look forward for further improvement. When I finally have an acceptable snatch form, we can advance to the single and double kettlebell jerks. I learned from Kenneth that I have to enjoy the process and that all the goals will be reached automatically without forcing or stressing too much. So I am not in a hurry anymore.

I can recommend Kenneth for beginners and for advanced trainees. Get your forms checked and enjoy the process!

Kenneth has been my training coach for almost three years. Under his supervision, I have been able to increase my performance enormously. Strength, endurance and general fitness have all increased in the same way! And even my mobility has improved in the whole training program. And best of all, all of this without causing overuse or injury. This is achieved because Kenneth always emphasizes correct technique, coaching me and explaining why it's important!
A properly reasoned, professional, varied training program!
Especially now in the current Corona pandemic, all this comes in beneficial to me. Because the training continues online. That's great!
I thank Kenneth for the extraordinary commitment and say: Please keep it up!


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