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Training On Lentils

CC, as presented in the book, is high intensity program, with low volume and frequency and high intensity.
I'd like to keep this as 'pure' as possible. With KBs on the other hand, I prefer to train at least three times a week.
Threrefore I thought that the blocks would do the trick.
Ah, I see. Roger that.(y)
Nice log.
Reading last pages... Why don't you pick up your 32 and see how much sets of 2 reps you can hit? If you do 5 per hand no problem, you can definitely start rolling with that x2@week. Or buying a 28kg for sets of 5, and once you grow up in weight, for sessions of 10 reps
Why not just wing it, do whatever strikes your fancy at s certain time? Just try to do slightly more than last time, whether time equals a session or microcycle or what time frame you see as most suitable.

That's certainly one possibility and was actualy my original plan: no plan. I've done it in the past and it
always worked provided I'd put enough effort in it. But right now, me wanting to bring my strength
back to somewaht respectable level I feel the need for something more regimented. I want to see
measurable progress in both modalities and belive they can positively fertilize (sic!) each other.

edited few typos
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Nice log.
Reading last pages... Why don't you pick up your 32 and see how much sets of 2 reps you can hit? If you do 5 per hand no problem, you can definitely start rolling with that x2@week. Or buying a 28kg for sets of 5, and once you grow up in weight, for sessions of 10 reps

Thank you und spasibo malchik!

Something similar I plan for my KB block, starting with singles of C&P with 32 and adding sets/reps along the way.
Three CC sessions this week. I use simple and time proven format of
alternating of two different training days on Mo-Wed-Fri.
Working in higher rep ranges, 20+ in all exercises. Exercises being push ups,
horizontal pull ups, leg raises and bridges. All those high rep make me sore
but in a pleasant way. Muscle tone is slowly making its way back
and i dont feel like complete wreck anymore. Strength shall follow soon.
Long Easy Distance (sometimes referred to as LSD: Long Slow Distance)

... I noticed that in your very first post (2016) you expressed an interest in increasing ‘cardio’...
Long Easy Distance (sometimes referred to as LSD: Long Slow Distance)

... I noticed that in your very first post (2016) you expressed an interest in increasing ‘cardio’...

Oh did I? Ah, yes I did.

If i recall corretly it was the time when I read articles about magic of kettlebell swing
that can not only surely increase your strength but also cardio conditioning,
presumably cure cancer and possibly increase penis size.

So I supposed that swinging the hunk of iron will somehow take care of cardio
as a sort of side effect which actually really happend but to a limited degree.

My primary aim always was strength, is strength and forever shall be the strength.

edit: It is psychologically interesting that when reading word "cardio" conjenctures
like "low effort" start to pop up in my mind, haha.
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fair enough...
But I am interested in at least one of those KB benefits...
LOL! At least there is illusion of ”it” getting bigger. Swings promised wiry quads and not overdeveloping them. Imagine that if you have a bulged chafing thighs and how does the shrimp look like between them. That’s why one of my colleague does not squat or deadlift at all. ROFL
I am done with three CC sessions for this week. Overall, nice progress in all exercises.

Next two weeks will be KB weeks. On Sunday I'll tests how many reps I can do in press
and plan accordingly.

edit: should have added that I was doing GTG of pistols whole this week. It means,
in my case, one or two reps from the base 40 cm above the ground couple of times
a day. Squats are not part of my regular CC routine and so I am covering legs this way.
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Watch out comrade, yoga invades StrongFirst!

Sit-and-rise test for amusement of the dear reader. Can't show
for any meaningful weights, yet, so at least this fun.
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