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Off-Topic Protein rage :p

Spartan Agoge

Level 6 Valued Member
The level of journalism in my country is really ridiculous and laughable.
A tragic incident happened today: a young man killed his mother and then killed himself. This man was taking anabolic steroids, so, it is suspected that roid rage may be the reason of what happened.

A journalist reporting this case said: "this man was taking fitness supplements, like protein powder, which altered his behavior and made him violent".
Who knew that milk powder can make you a violent killer? Greek journalists knew! ROFL
I blame toxic masculinity. In America boys are made to sit 8-hours, for 13-years straight, and another 4-years if they go to college, and listen to a stupid, ugly person talk. Its called public education, and we have no problems here. o_O
A journalist reporting this case said: "this man was taking fitness supplements, like protein powder, which altered his behavior and made him violent".
Who knew that milk powder can make you a violent killer? Greek journalists knew! ROFL
The same journalist will likely violently fact-check anybody who says it was not caused by protein powder.

(Assuming the protein powder vendor was not mixing some cheap trenbolone in there for enhanced effect ;) )
Sometimes it takes a while for the good times to come about. As hard as the depression was they had to keep getting stronger.
Read something interesting a while back, can't remember the book.
Pressure on US manufacturing during the Great Depression lead to/forced many changes which paved the way for US manufacturing Kickassery during WWII.
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Sometimes it takes a while for the hard times to come, maybe the current generation has to just keep getting weaker.
When things are really good it takes a focused effort to drive things into the ground quickly. The tycoons of old did not get rich in a day and the Roman Empire did not fall in a day. But the tycoons of old said "There are three generations of wealth. One to build it, one to enjoy it, one to destroy it." And Rome might be the mightiest empire of all time but rested on its established strength until weakness overcame it.

Although if the Romans had whey protein powder it would have increased centurions' ability to become extra violent to overcome all challengers.
When things are really good it takes a focused effort to drive things into the ground quickly. The tycoons of old did not get rich in a day and the Roman Empire did not fall in a day. But the tycoons of old said "There are three generations of wealth. One to build it, one to enjoy it, one to destroy it." And Rome might be the mightiest empire of all time but rested on its established strength until weakness overcame it.

….or it’s just a saying that is meaningless lol.

Work ethic/hardness of men is individualistic and not generational.
We can somewhat forgive incompetent and incompetent journalists. But when a doctor tells you something like that, then it's really scary. Unfortunately, I read that there are similar cases all over the world.
Absolutely right. I had a friend doctor telling me not to take protein supplements. I asked him "man, you know that the exact same protein is in milk and cheese, right?"
And he was totally confused.
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