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  1. Combining KB and Barbell

    Hey everyone. Last week I failed my SFG1 test due to weight reasons: I prepared myself to take the test with 24kg kb, but at the time of making it to the Cert I was weighting 105kgs, therefore I had to take it using the 28kgs kb, sth I was definitively not prepared for. However, the experience...
  2. Bajzath

    Training Log (Public) 2x24 kg kettlebell snatch

    10 snatch 2x24 kg kettlebell
  3. Looking for advice - strength fat-loss program

    Hello everyone! First, I want to express my gratitude for this forum and this community. Reading these sharings about achieved results or tips for programs and exercises is inspiring and motivating. I would appreciate any advice you can give me. As a youngster, I loved lifting heavy (Korte...
  4. Kettlebell Training with Minimal Time

    I am currently working 45-50hrs a week and have probably 30-45min 3 times a week I’m willing to spend training. My goals are just general health and longevity. Is simple and sinister the best choice? I’m concerned about the time it takes to complete the workout.
  5. Recommendations/Reviews/FS/WTB 48kg kb Ireland

    Can anyone help me? I'm looking for a 48kg kettlebell to buy in Ireland. Cast iron. I can't seem to find one and purchasing one via the UK is looking to cost over €300 with new tax laws. I'm based in Dublin will travel country wide if some has one. Sinister is in sights
  6. Starting a kettlebell club

    Hi all, I have been thinking of starting a kettlebell club to teach the hardstyle moves for free and get like minded people together. Has anyone done this and if so what advice could you give me on how to start one, run it, and maybe turn it into opening my own gym. Thank you for your time. I...
  7. Bajzath

    Training Log (Public) 46, 4 kg kettlebell, jerk 2 reps

    46,4 kg kettlebell jerk 2 reps. Bodyweight 62 kg.
  8. Bajzath

    Training Log (Public) Jerks with 42,5 kg and 45 kg kettlebell

    42,5 kg 7 reps jerk 45 kg 4 reps jerk.
  9. Jacob DeRossett

    Kettlebell Girevoy sport references

    One of my students ( who is a stud, he’s doing 30 min A+A - C&J x 3 every :30 with a 20kg at 14 - 150lb) he’s interested in competing in Girevoy sport, I have zero back ground with sport style, I’m hard style all the way. But I want to help him get started, if you have a references or anyone I...
  10. Kettlebell Thoughts on Dumbbell -> Kettlebell Grip Converters?

    I am going to be traveling a lot this year and hotels usually have a limited range of kettlebells, if they have any at all. Can this dumbbell grip be a sufficient alternative to turn a dumbbell into a kettlebell?
  11. Kettlebell How heavy should my kettlebell be for swings?

    I’m somewhat familiar with KB swings and I’ve worked to practice proper form in the past. I used a 35lbs Kb back then but I was much weaker and probably should’ve used a lighter weight. The coming weeks are going to be physically taxing on me and I wanted to switch to a gtg style of training...
  12. Kettlebell Back to the bell with one size option

    Has anyone tried adjusting other variables in an A+ A program when you don’t have the prescribed bell size? In a few days I’ll have my snatch test bell after a months long absence from iron and want to do some snatching (and other skills practice) for the few months I have it. While one...
  13. Bajzath

    Training Log (Public) Funny kettlebell moment and kettlebell news

    Funny moment.
  14. Bajzath

    Training Log (Public) 45 kg kettlebell 2 jerk + 1 attempt

    45 kg kettlebell jerk
  15. Bajzath

    Training Log (Public) Squat variation

    Squat variation. Hard version: bottom up kettlebell.
  16. Smau6785

    Off-Topic SF folks in York, UK?

    Hi all, please do shout at me if this is not the right thing do do, however in about a month me and my partner will be moving to York (UK's York that is). We found a nice house with a built-in garage so it means my already-at-home workouts will be a lot more productive with a dedicated space to...
  17. Bajzath

    Kettlebell 360 degree, advanced one leg squat

    Kettlebell 360 degree. Artyom Taran advanced one leg squat. Kettlebell funny moment.
  18. David Goggins of Strength Training

    So lately I went down the rabbit hole of David Goggins again, I'm sure he doesn't need an introduction on here. I'm especially impressed by his seemingly never ending workouts: Running at least 7 miles (11.2km) every single day, 4x per week calisthenics + weights, daily 2 hours of stretching ...
  19. Kettlebell Seeking feedback for my routine

    Hello all. So I'm not new to kettlebells, I've been training with them on and off for the last 7 years and in the past I've strictly followed Pavel's rite of passage routine. I took a break from the bells for a while and have gotten back into them but have gone off script with my routine. I...
  20. wexford

    Kettlebell My S&S two year anniversary

    I posted about my 1 year anniversary last November so I figured why not add another year update. This year was definitely a tough one and progress was slower. Additionally, I turned 50 late February. I began my 2nd year with the following status: * Warmups using 20kg * 2H swings am using 24kg...
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