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Training Log (Public) Surovetsky (Push/Pull)

Week 6
Day 2

Bench Press - 135 x 5, 165 x 3

185 x 5 x 5

Inc Rows/Press - 40 lbs x 25 x 2 sets

Yay. Finished the long 5 x 5 cycle successfully for bench. This week was tough. Going back to 185 always has a psychological effect on me. The sets were tough…last reps were a struggle but not ugly as sin.

I have been questioning things though. I’ve set goals for myself in the powerlifts and they are ambitious, maybe excessively so given my injury history. Half of me wants to abandon them and just go in the gym and do my preferred style of training.

The powerlifts at this point are not the most optimal movements for me anymore for a variety of reasons. I know I could train doing what I like/want. However, I know that fridge of never teaching certain lifting milestones would nag at me. And I’d regret quitting.

So, I’m going to stick it out, despite my goals seeming beyond grasp at the moment. I want to finish what I’ve started. At least give it one last go so I can hang up my belt so I can earn that right to revert to what I enjoy more later without the sting of regret.

First set

Fourth set
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The powerlifts at this point are not the most optimal movements for me anymore for a variety of reasons. I know I could train doing what I like/want. However, I know that fridge of never teaching certain lifting milestones would nag at me. And I’d regret quitting
A couple things have helped me recently with 5x5 training. I set my 5x5 goal 5 or 10 pounds lower than what I thought I should. And I used Dan Johns guidance from Easy Strength to get all my reps on occasion. Which is to break up a 5x5 day into ladders. So, (2,3,5,2,3,5,2,3). Now even if you did over shoot your capabilities, you should still be able to make all the sets without killing yourself. Nice work!
A couple things have helped me recently with 5x5 training. I set my 5x5 goal 5 or 10 pounds lower than what I thought I should. And I used Dan Johns guidance from Easy Strength to get all my reps on occasion. Which is to break up a 5x5 day into ladders. So, (2,3,5,2,3,5,2,3). Now even if you did over shoot your capabilities, you should still be able to make all the sets without killing yourself. Nice work!
Great tip @Luis González. Yes, I think I have done those type of ladders a long time ago. It’s a useful tool if I find that days load daunting. Luckily, I get to drop down and build back up now. I’ve noted with bench that if I get the first set, I’m usually good for all but the psychological buildup before 5 x 5 and just a top set of 5 is very didferent as you subconsciously hold a little back to sustain the entire session
Week 6

Day 4
Deadlifts - 315 x 1 x 4 sets

I was a fatigued this morning before work. Wednesday night, I ran over a stray chunk of rock that was complacently laying in the middle of the freeway lane (I didn’t see it until too late) and it carved my cars undercarriage up like a jack o lantern. Smoke appeared, engine oil was leaking. Waited 2 hours for a tow.

Yesterday, I found the car was totaled. The AAA driver was kind enough to drop me at home and the car at the Toyota Collision Center. I’ll hopefully be able to get a something from the insurance co and luckily I had a car to borrow for Thursday.
Well after 6 weeks on 5/3/1, I feel like I made decent progress and recovered a lot of lost function. However, I’m not feeling ver confident in the main lifts. The volume was excessive for just getting back into the swing of things and perhaps I’ve aged beyond such a template.

I feel I need more practice on the main lifts as I have no foundation of technique and seem to have lost the high tension abilities. Perhaps a return to those routes is in order.
Well after 6 weeks on 5/3/1, I feel like I made decent progress and recovered a lot of lost function. However, I’m not feeling ver confident in the main lifts. The volume was excessive for just getting back into the swing of things and perhaps I’ve aged beyond such a template.

I feel I need more practice on the main lifts as I have no foundation of technique and seem to have lost the high tension abilities. Perhaps a return to those routes is in order.
Maybe try out GreySkull LP. A lot less volume with an emphasis on the basics. You add or take away as you please. I ran this years and years ago after not training for months recovering from a surgery and it really made a difference.
Well after 6 weeks on 5/3/1, I feel like I made decent progress and recovered a lot of lost function. However, I’m not feeling ver confident in the main lifts. The volume was excessive for just getting back into the swing of things and perhaps I’ve aged beyond such a template.

I feel I need more practice on the main lifts as I have no foundation of technique and seem to have lost the high tension abilities. Perhaps a return to those routes is in order.
When you are done with 5/3/1, maybe you should try something high frequency. When I do high frequency programs(like Pavel's "mind over muscle"), my technique and my ability to keep tension always improve.
Maybe try out GreySkull LP. A lot less volume with an emphasis on the basics. You add or take away as you please. I ran this years and years ago after not training for months recovering from a surgery and it really made a difference.
Thanks @ShawnM. I took a look but I was thinking more along the lines of what @Spartan Agoge suggested, and which is what I’m doing. I definitely need to form some basic techniques that are repeatable and efficient. Mind Over Muscle feels right.
Day 1 Week 1

Squat - 135 x 1, 325 x 1, 245 x 5
Bench - 135 x 3, 165 x 5
Deadlift - 135 x 2, 225 x 2, 275 x 2, 225 x 5

My focus these upcoming weeks will be HF high tension practice to find the groove. Each lift has a focus of tension/technique.

Squat -

With squats, control and range of motion are my focus points. These squats were much deeper than my 5/3/1 AMRAP which is good. From the unrack to the re-rack, I’m thinking of being as tense as possible. On the descent, I’m aiming to feel as if I’m squatting in suit, in the sense that I’m loading myself, maintaining torso/hip positions and creating a strong bottom - hence the slow eccentric and pauses. When I squat this way, the eccentric feels harder than going up.

Bench - For the bench, I’ve had a tendency to “free fall” weights which ruins my arch, resulting in a loss of tension and poor starting position. Idea here is similar to squat. Exaggerated slow reps while aiming to load my lats and keep the elbows in a good place. While I’ll still let the bar “sink” a bit, I don’t want to lose position or tension. Trying to think of “loading a spring”.

Deadlift - This lift has caused all sorts of issues for me, back issues being number 1. I want to focus on pulling position, setup and wedging instead of squatting the bar. I want a strong brace and pushing the knees outward has seemed to help a few things, as in the squat. I’ll continue to work the mixed grip until it feels natural, practicing a proper hinge. Here’s the 275, which despite looking fine, didn’t feel great on my lower back. I think in trying to create IAP, I’m rounding at the lumbar. The trick I’m trying to obtain is not pulling like a “clean deadlift” (low hips/straight back/lots of knee bend), but having a strong hinge, loose upper back but neutral spine.

Day 2 Week 1

Bench Press - 135 lbs x 1, 155 x 1, 175 x 5
Pullups - x 5
Deadlifts - 155 lbs x 2, 240 lbs x 2, 265 lbs x 5
Side Bends - 36 kgs kb x 5 per side
Squat - 135 lbs x 1, 225 x 1, 265 x 5

Squats feel the most solid rn. Deadlifts today felt a lot better. Just a minor adjustment here helped - focus on hinging to the bar. This gets me a much better position as the bar is closer to my shins.

I rotate the order of exercises so squats start two days a week (Mon/Fri), Bench is Tuesday/Thursday and DL start Wed. Bench is always second to give the back a break.

Pullups and side bends are sprinkled in between barbell work for the same reason and as another means of working tension. I’m doing both very slowly, focusing on power breathing and squeezing everything!



Day 3 Week 1

Deadlifts -70 kgs x 2, 120 x 2, 140 kgs x 5
Side Bend - 100 lbs x 5 per side
Bench Press - 135 lbs x 3, 155 x 5 (triple pause)
Pullups x 5
Squat - 135 lbs x 2, 185 x 5

Deadlifts are starting to finally come around. 140 kgs felt just fine. Triple paused the bench because, well, locking in all those critical points for a smooth press. Went easy on the squats today. I swear these felt like pauses yet, they don’t look like it at all. Good depth though. Omitted the belt.

Deadlifts - starting to feel a groove.

Bench Press - What a triple pause entails

Squat - when the light day feels harder than the heavy day.
Day 4 Week 1

Bench Press (long pause) - 170 lbs x 5
Pullups x 5
Squat - 135 x 1, 225 x 5 (paused)
Side Bends - 50 lbs x 5
Deadlifts - 242 x 5 (pause below knees)

Pretty easy day as the week comes to a close. Still putting focus in the lifts. Some days it’s high tension, some days it’s better to use the least amount of tension to develop that mental reserve. I applied this on bench and squat and they become tonic like movements, stretches almost.

Deadlifts were a little more difficult with the pause after a heavy day yesterday. Definitely some local fatigue in the spinal erectors. Will pull light, basic reps tomorrow.

Was pleased with the ease of squats and bench press though.

Bench Press - February 1, 2024

Squats -

Didn’t record deads.
Day 5 Week 1

Squat - 185 x 6 (triple pause)
Side Bends - 24 kgs x 5L/R
Bench - 155 x 5 (Tempo/T shirt)
Pullups x 5
Deadlift - 60 kgs x 2, 100 kgs x 5

Accidentally did 6 reps on squat. Pauses at start, middle bottom transmogrified into pauses wherever ROFL however the ideas the same - check torso/hips for optimal position: knees shoved out, equal distribution of hips/knees/solid brace.

Bench was similar but aimed to put more weight in the upper body. This is achieved by the slow descent and pause just a micro millimeter above the chest so the bar cannot rest. Elbows under and solid tension.

Deads I’m gonna have to keep a close eye on. These I’ve shown a procilivuty towards pushing too hard. Especially in a high frequency program, I have to keep them in check so my back stays fresh. Might drop them to 3 x a week or opt for another means of having LIGHTER days.
Day 2 Week 2

Bench Press - 135 x 5, 165 x 1, 185 x 5
Pullups x 5
Deadlifts - 225 x 5
HKR x 5
Squat - 135 x 5

Wasn’t planning on doing a fiver with 185, but bench was feeling good. This set felt great! Easy/stress free. Flew way better than my 185 a few weeks ago, and I was still feeling a tad sore in my chest. I’ll take this as a solid victory.

Deadlifts were pulled with max speed. Felt like doing this today.

Squats very light after heavy day yesterday.

Bench 185 x 5

Day 3 Week 2

Deadlifts - 70 kgs x 2, 120 kgs x 2, 140 x 1, 150 x 6

HKR x 5
Bench Press - 135 lbs x 5
Pullups x 5
Squat - 185 lbs x 5 (paused)

Great deadlift day. I hit 150 happily, doing an extra rep on accident. It felt smooth, no pain or strain. I’m pleased with this. Light on basically everything else. Since I pushed squat and bench already, just easy pause work. The rest of the week will be cruising speed.

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