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Training Log (Public) Surovetsky (Push/Pull)

Day 1 Week 5 (warmup for test day)

Squat - 135 x 2, 225 x 2, 275 x 1, 315 lbs x 1
Bench Press - 135 x 2, 185 x 2, 210 lbs x 1
Deadlift - 225 x 2, 285 x 2, 335 lbs x 1

Pretty smooth sailing day. Squat single was tragically high but I’m not too fazed. Something to work on. Bench felt smooth although I dislike having to do it in the squat racked with the unfixed bench and guessing the rack height. 210 was smooth. Deadlifts, also a breeze.

Overall, happy with today and the set up for tomorrow. May just let the squat be and go after Bench and Deadlifts since there’s no point in doing a high squat or worrying too much to where it affects my other lifts. 315 felt fine with some technical irregularities, however. I do want to work on the bar coming forward in the bottom and do some unilateral work to even out my hip mobility. I feel I put more work on my right side.

So my next cycle, which has been planned more on the volume side with an LP for squat and bench and a different cycle for deadlifts based on the trends I’ve noticed in my past training. I’ll have plenty of practice to remedy the squat issue.

Squat - 315

Bench - 210

Deadlift - 335

Did my test week and it went fine, basically putting me to about 90 % of my best ever strength numbers in the Plifts which isn’t bad for a little 5 week cycle. Of course, I was never an exceptional powerlifter. My strengths have always laid elsewhere.

Looking forward to switching it up for a while, focusing on other movements and strength qualities.
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Power - KB snatch - 35 lbs x 3L/3R x 3 sets

Larsen Press - 135 lbs x 10, 155 x 8, 175 x 8
185 x 10, 195 x 6, 165 x 8
Pullups - 25 lbs x 5, 45 lbs x 5 x 2 sets

BSS - 20 lbs x 10,10,20

Cable high pulls x 50 reps

My lower body was incredibly sore after front squats Monday, probably because it’s been ages since I’ve done them. Hip flexors and quads were French toast.

Larsen presses went better than I expected with 185 so I went to 195 after the top set and it felt like I added 30 lbs…I’ll save for the main set for 195 next time and work back to ten reps before adding ten lbs again.

Everything else was pretty smooth and easy.


Jumps, SLDL

Snatch Grip Dl - 225 x 3, 255 x 1, 275 x 5

Single Arm Inc Press - 53 lbs x 5,5, 25

Inc Rows - 25 lbs x 25 x 2 sets

Domes DL - 135 lbs x 15 x 2 sets

SGDL are tough: on grip, on back, on mobility demands. Love them for that. Back focus day with some pressing sprinkled in. Legs have remained sore since Monday which is surprising. Top set went fine. First rep hardest in deadlifts. A clue…

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A1) Chins (neutral grip) - 25 lbs x 5,5,10
A2) Double KB Press - 2 x 20 kgs x 5,5,10

B1) CG Floor Press - 185 lbs x 5 x 3 sets
B2) Hammer curls - 35 lbs x 6,6,8

C1) Lateral Raise - 15 lbs x 10 x 3 sets
C2) Tri Ext - 75 lbs x 10,10, 15
C3) Concentration Curls - 25 lbs KB x 8,8,8

My fun day. Saturday the powerlifters swarm the gym and max out so I just try to maneuver around whatever’s open and do some nice, heavy shoulder and arm work. Everything felt pretty good. Hammies now added to this list of demolished lower body muscles after yesterdays pull session.

All the heavy lifts felt good: Chins, KB OH press and floor press. The test was just nice easy pump stuff. I find I’m pretty strong at midrange reps. May loiter here for a while.


KB Press

Floor Press



Explosive Push-up (band resisted) - 3 x 3

High Bar Squat - 135 x 5, 225 x 3, 275 x 3
275 x 10, 225 x 10 (paused)
T- Bar Rows -45 lbs x 15 x 3 sets

Dips - 45 lbs x 5,5, 12
Quads were roasted before I left the gym. High bar feels good, easier on my back, probably because there no forward leaning after unracking. This was a great PR set. Paused set was to get a little deeper, a little more volume.

Dips this week. It’s far enough away from incline press, which is set Wednesday, to adversely affect it. No Carrie’s. Squats left me pretty roasted.

275 x 10


Explosive Pullups - 3 x 3

Incline Bench - 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 175 x 5
185 x 5, 135 x 10 x 2 sets
“Kroc” Rows - 75 x 10,10,20
Walking Lunges - 75 lbs x 15 (R/L) x 2 sets

Good day for incline. Like the front squat, I’ll stay at the weight and build up to ten reps. Two back off sets for a little extra work.

Walking lunges were murder. This is more supposed to be a unilateral/light work lower day but it was grueling. Don’t care too much about the load but my quads were still smoked from Monday’s squatting.



Jump squats w /kbell, Sots Press

Progressive Pulls
Snatch - 45 kgs x 3, 50 x 3, 55 x 3, 60 x 3
Snatch High Pull - 64 kgs x 3
Power Clean - 64 kgs x 3, 70 x 3, 75 x 3, 80 x 3
High pull - 85 kgs x 1

Sine arm KB bench - 62 lbs x 10,10, 20

Good mornings - 135 x 10 x 2 sets

Cable Face pull - (70 lbs) x 25 x 2 sets

I like having a pull day dedicated to oly lift variations instead of deadlifting heavy every week. Today was kind of a trial to see where I’m at with both snatches and power cleans which is close to where I’ve always been. Next time, will only do one variation and focus there. Was pretty wiped by the time I got to 85 kgs. I’ve power cleaned 225 lbs before. Would be nice to get back to that neighborhood. Snatch is about the same as before.

I can only do good mornings with a heavy arch. I did feel it a bit in my back but focusing on my feet helped bring it back to my hamstrings. Still sore in the glutes and quads from Mom/Wed…hopefully I’ll adapt so Friday doesn’t seem so weak in comparison.

I like my set up right now - full body focus with each day having a different emphasis. It’s pretty similar to Pavel’s recommendation in Beyond Bodybuilding.


A1) High Incline Press
95 lbs x 10, 115 x 10, 125 x 10, 135 x 8, 145 x 6
155 x 5
B1) Weighted Chin
53 lbs x 3, 45 lbs x 5,5

C1) Board Press (medium grip)
205 lbs x 5 x 3 sets

C2) Barbell Curl
Bar x 8, 75 lbs x 6 x 2 sets

Dumbell cleans, Standing Tri Ext x 3 rounds

Fun day. Went heavier than expected on the high incline. Chins felt heavy at 53 lbs so lowered it. Board press is a bit funky. This board (a foam pad) goes at a weird angle when it touches the torso so it makes the position a little tricky. Good session overall.

High Incline

Board Press

Warmup, OH Med Ball Slams

A1) Cambered Bar Bench -
55 lbs x 5, 105 x 5, 145 x 5, 165 x 5, 185 x 5
195 x 5, 175 x 8,6

B1) High Pulls
95 lbs x 12,12,15

C1) Step Ups
10 R/L, 10 lbs x 10R/L, 22 lbs x10R/L

Thought I was doing 185 lbs but the bar actually weighs 55 lbs. was supposed to be a Spoto Press about 1 in from chest but the pause length doesn’t really give that justice. The cambered bar actually feels awesome for my shoulder because of the extra external rotation. The bar is kind of a pain to drag to the front of the pins and is a bit unstable but I like the stretch on the chest. Narrow ish grip.



A1) OA KB Press - 24 kgs x 5, 28 kgs x 5,
32 kgs x 5

A2) Ring Chins - 25 lbs x 5 x 3 sets

B1) Close Grip Bench
135 + 25 chains per side x 5, 155 “” x 5
165 x 4 (fail 5th)

B2) Dumbbell Curls - 35 lbs x 6 x 3 sets

C1) Rear delt flies, Ab wheel, farmers walks

The close grip was very close (for me) which was index right near smooth. 5th rep bar shot off chest and stalled to no avail at halfway. Good triceps work though. Weighed the chains after. 25 lbs each at top, hard to say at bottom. Maybe around 8-10 lbs each?

Plyo push-ups, HF Stretch, Ham Curls

SSB Squats - 75 lbs x 5, 165 lbs x 5, 215 x 5
255 lbs x 10

Cable High Pulls - 25 r x 2 sets

KB Floor Press - 2 x 20 kgs x 25,25

Abs, Obliques


Week 4 of variety lifts. After this week, will recycle lifts and push for PR lifts in each. Deadlift day is still finding ground but the other lifts seem to be well in place.

Warmup, KB Snatches

A1) Bench Press (TnG, Comp grip)
Bar x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 175 x 5
205 lbs x 8 (lifetime PR!!)

B1) KB Rows - 2 x 20 kgs x 15 x 3 sets

B2) Renegade Lunges - 12 kgs x 3 sets

Hit a great PR on Bench today. Was nervous before the set thinking maybe I’ll get five but a little voice whispered eight. I’ve never hit 205 for more than six or seven, if I can remember correctly. Of course, I’m using the Fat Pad these days as it feels much better for my shoulder and the overall stability on the bench but still. I’m satisfied with this. Something I’m doing is working (eating too much). Normally, my bench test days are met with disappointment and despondency. Not today! Today…I feel good about it. Also, I’ve never got 225 lbs for more than a double. After today, I have my sights on surpassing this in a couple months. I feel it’s there for sure.

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