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Kettlebell Alactic + Aerobic continued...

Harald Motz

Level 8 Valued Member

I am (ab)using the above protocols for a good half year now.

As we have summer season it's interesting to be 'under the weather':
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Wednesday, hottest day so far 38C/100F. Training around 4pm after work in my room at 24C/75F.

a day later:

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A bit cooler 32C outside, same temp inside as yesterday though.

Basically the same session two days in a row. On another forum I noted:
Heraclitus said: "you can't step into the same river twice", Motzicus says: "you can't train the same session twice"

I have some good suspicion about those warmth sessions - by the way I loose 1,6kg/ 3,52lb of (im)pure water.

I started doing the single bell template just 3/4 weeks ago, but I love it. A 3r C&J takes around 12/13 sec and I do them rather relaxed. The rest to to on 30sec is pretty short and it has almost a feel of continuos effort. I find the single bell version a great way of practicing fractional breathing. Single bell to me over the years feels like vegetable.
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double bell meat from today. Outside temp of 24C/75F, inside 22,4C/72,3F.

The double bell I play (un)pretty hardstyle as as opposed to the single bell pseudo-sportstyle.

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This was my lowest hr on 2x32kg 3r otm in February - temp might be around 10C/50F.

It's just easier to stay cool when it's cool - to be expected. In autumn/winter the horse can be saddled.
I had similar experiences w. doing the same 30 mins of continuous 16kg snatches a week and 20 degrees apart. It's amazing how dramatically your HR can differ. I actually enjoy the hot weather sessions now and look forward to seeing how much lower HR will be when the weather is more reasonable.
The return of Harald's A+A threads :cool:

How does this version (C&J, rest periods) of A+A compares with the one you did before, with snatches and longer rest periods ?
2016-2018 I did mainly A+A snatches, usually starting a repeat at a hr baseline around 110bpm, spring/summer 2018 I started (ab)using otm snatches for 5reps each and liked it a lot to be ready when the clock hits.

Autumn 2018 I attended the SE, needless to say that I explored the Q&D format - I like to use the scheme with cluster singles strength moves too.

I like both ways of A+A the complete and the incomplete recovery. The complete recovery is the base though and is more in line with 'Alactic'
I had similar experiences w. doing the same 30 mins of continuous 16kg snatches a week and 20 degrees apart. It's amazing how dramatically your HR can differ. I actually enjoy the hot weather sessions now and look forward to seeing how much lower HR will be when the weather is more reasonable.
Absolutely...I did not plan doing those sessions while warm - but like you I embrace them now. Truly you seem to be getting some adaptations you can just get when the organism transitions into a kind of feverish state. A session slowly then rapidly pushes sweat out of every pore. I am looking forward to cooler season too.

I am comming slowly to a conclusion that those 'workhorse' sessions are good to be done through the whole year. 'Seasonal Periodization' summer is heat stress - winter volume stress...
I remember it being mentioned in the Second Wind manual somewhere that heat exposure also triggers RMAD, or the relaxation response. I don't think there were any details though, and I wasn't able to find anything else in a quick Google search.
@John DeStefano I only took the online module so I don't have a manual, but the slides do mention hypoxia, heat stress and "intense exercise".
I have never heard of "RMAD" prior to this module, but I take this phrase to mean certain biochemical changes are occuring that promote positive (cross) adaptation
Today's 'repeat' of yesterday's session:
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23,6C/74,5F inside. Outside around 24C like yesterday, but sun today heated the room up 1,3C. Naked weigh in weigh vs
out I lost exactly 2kg/4,4lb of water.

Lately I add almost daily sodium, magnesium and potassium - sometimes some more, sometimes some less. I think generally not a bad idea. I saw some time ago a guy (who has a 'salty business'...) mention that your sweat should taste salty...maybe maybe not...

@Harald Motz I've just been doing some reading on this, you may find it interesting : CV ex in conjunction w/ sauna promotes ^ adaptation

The impact of submaximal exercise during heat and/or hypoxia on the cardiovascular and monocyte HSP72 responses to subsequent (post 24 h) exercise in hypoxia impact of exercise with heat and/or hypoxia (stacking stressors)
have too look into it, thank you. I love sauna.

Adaptations to hot weather such as increased blood volume are well documented and have been for decades. I don't know why people don't mention it very often, but yeah.
I gues controlled warm exposure might be as a good of a thing like controlled cold exposure. When I do some winter icebathing it resembles a bit sauna: both relax/invigorateand after exposure I look a bit lobster like.
I gues controlled warm exposure might be as a good of a thing like controlled cold exposure. When I do some winter icebathing it resembles a bit sauna: both relax/invigorateand after exposure I look a bit lobster like.
stress is stress. Much in the literature of hypoxia, cold, heat, exercise, etc. as a hormesis effect.
Adaptations to hot weather such as increased blood volume are well documented and have been for decades. I don't know why people don't mention it very often, but yeah.
I left winter here for Bali (30c and humid ) for a week. Up until we left I was getting funny looks in my shorts, t shirts and thongs/flip flops due to the cold weather, it didn’t bother me at all. Got home to Sydney airport at 6am a week later in my Bali clothes ( shorts t shirt and thongs/flip flops ) and the cold weather nearly knocked me over. Since then I’ve felt the cold much more.
In another life, when I did CrossFit, one of my favourite sessions was doing EMOM 2 reps C&J with the barbell.

It felt amazing - strength, power and fun all in one session :-)

I must experiment with the double KB C&J EMOMs - although the instability of the KB's makes me think that it's way harder in that respect??
Does it ever get below zero in Sydney?
Does it ever get below zero in Sydney?
Haha never, it may get below 10c in the middle of winter ( daytime ) but not often and not for very long. My parents live not far under the snow line ( we have a small “alpine” region in Australia ) and it does get to around zero Celsius in winter but usually just a few degrees above.
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