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Always Be Smashing

Another weekend of softball games and house projects. Saturday it was raining ash due to another close-by wildfire. Sunday it never got above 40 degrees- a little cold tolerance training.

You know what TGUs are good preparation for? Assembling furniture. Lots of crawling around on the floor, getting up and down, twisting into awkward positions.

10/19 06:45

Shoulder sequence

10/19 21:00

Mobility warmup
KB snatch 10x6 32
BP 3x5 175#
LTK 4x5
Joint plyo series
10/20 06:45

32min treadmill run/walk 2.3m

HR just shot up during this run, and couldn't get under control. I was running (pun!) late anyway (maybe that was part of it?), so I just cut the run off early.

No training Tuesday evening due to family gathering. But, I also had a late work meeting on the schedule for Wednesday night, so I couldn't play volletball - instead I just pushed training to Wednesday evening.

10/21 06:45

50min treadmill run/walk 3.8m
Tac froc + pumps

Much better run than Tuesday, hit a good cruising speed.

10/21 16:15

Mobility warmup
DL 5x1 335#
KB C&P 3x5 28
TGU 10x1 32,40,32,40,32

Since I'm using the TGU as more of a "finisher" now, I've reduced the interval from 2:00 to 1:30. Still feeling out how much weight I can handle at that density. Today felt pretty good. I also think I need to push the C&P up to 4 sets, but want to wait one cycle to ease into it.
Took a mental health day from work today, slept in. Soooo good.

10/22 09:30

Shoulder sequence

10/22 15:30

Mobility warmup
KB snatch 2x7, 8x6 32
SQT 3x5 250#
Pullups 3x5
Grip work
Hang board

The hang board work is very humbling. There just ain't that many 230# rock climbers out there, I figure.
The hang board can be humbling even at 150...
But yeah rock climbers do tend to be on the lighter side. Gravity is a very discerning dance partner. There are of course some notable exceptions. John Long comes to mind.

I knew a guy that was over 230 that was a climber. Pretty decent one as well all things considered.

The best climber in the world is the one having the most fun.
- Alex Lowe
10/23 08:30

45min treadmill run/walk 3.4m
Foam rolling, bretzels + forward fold

10/23 15:30

Mobility warmup
KB snatch 2x7, 8x6 32
BP 3x5 190#
LTK 4x6
Joint plyo series

Solid presses, but I got a weird tightness in my shoulder after the first set. Went away in the second. I have an old injury there, nearly separated my shoulder back in college. Something irritated it a little today.

Little bit of grumbling from the right knee today too, particularly jumping rope in the joint plyo series. Fatigue from squats?
Mostly watching softball on Saturday- in friggin frosty weather, high was in the 40s. Interesting observation as a coach: I've noted before that the difference between a poor competitive team and a good competitive team is outfielders. This weekend I noticed that the difference between a good team and a championship team is having a few big hitters. The team my daughter's team lost to had a couple girls who could hammer the ball (one hit a 3-run homer), and we just had no answer for that. It was a tight game otherwise.

No softball on Sunday, so I got in a little training.

10/25 07:45

45min treadmill run/walk 3.4m

Despite moving pretty slowly, at one point during this run I felt like I was just gliding- really moving effortlessly. It was glorious. Not everyone needs to run, but there really is joy there to be had.
Snatches, pull-ups, grip work, and hang boards are all going to stress the elbow to varying degrees.
No doubt. And it seems like one of those things where there's not much preventative you can do about it, aside from limiting workload. I do a lot of elbow circles every training session to try to keep the joint fluids moving, and I suppose I'd be in worse shape without that.

Any elbow prehab/rehab you believe in?
No doubt. And it seems like one of those things where there's not much preventative you can do about it, aside from limiting workload. I do a lot of elbow circles every training session to try to keep the joint fluids moving, and I suppose I'd be in worse shape without that.

Any elbow prehab/rehab you believe in?
Yes! Wrist Pronators. And Finger Extensors.
(And doing pull-ups mostly on rings)
Yes! Wrist Pronators. And Finger Extensors.
(And doing pull-ups mostly on rings)
Have been doing wrist pronators and finger extensors as part of my grip work... so, at least doing something right.

Right at the moment, I don't have something tall enough to mount my rings to for pullups. One of my daydream projects for next summer is to make myself a rings/climbing robe assembly in my back yard. Dad's playground, so to speak. If the wife is on board, of course...
Have been doing wrist pronators and finger extensors as part of my grip work... so, at least doing something right.

Right at the moment, I don't have something tall enough to mount my rings to for pullups. One of my daydream projects for next summer is to make myself a rings/climbing robe assembly in my back yard. Dad's playground, so to speak. If the wife is on board, of course...
It‘s true that you need something pretty tall to affix rings to. I‘ve been fortunate that I had that capability at our last three places, including this one. I assume you meant climbing rope? But if not I would be interested to see a climbing robe. Maybe something esoteric rock monks wear...

Speaking of monks... Baoding balls can also help with pesky elbows.
10/28 07:30

41min treadmill run/walk 3.0m
Foam rolling, bretzels + forward fold

Tough run this morning, definitely some leg fatigue from squats.

Volleyball in the evening. Played ok against a weak team. Most encouraging thing was that I didn't feel any shoulder aching afterwards, felt solid. Hopefully that holds up tomorrow.
Volleyball was late last night, so I opted to sleep in. I'm fortunate to have a job that I can do from home, so I could adjust my schedule for a later training session, and combine with an evening little neighborhood Halloween festivity.

Take note, kids; a nerd who loves strength is the one who will actually have the time and job flexibility to pursue it. Therefore, math = strength.

10/29 12:30

Shoulder sequence

10/29 16:30

Mobility warmup
KB snatch 2x7, 8x6 32
BP 3x5 190#
LTK 4x6
Joint plyo series
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