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Are there Reverse MATADOR diets?


Level 6 Valued Member
Recent diet-related threads had me wondering about cyclical diets that are not annoying. At least one exists!

The MATADOR diet was basically maintenance calories for two weeks, then cutting 30% for two weeks and repeating. The MATADOR study showed people did not have their metabolisms slow down as much on this diet as with conventional dieting.

Does anyone have information on something like this that was tested for bulking diets? I tried the above approach for fat loss and I like that I can just take a break from lower calories (basically not snacking takes about 20% off my calories) and return to maintenance for a while (snacking between meals again). I never particularly liked the feeling of overfeeding for muscle gain and taking a break might be comfortable for that too.

Has any study shown something like MATADOR works for bulking? Perhaps it would even be more effective since the body is not getting accustomed to the overload of calories on every day. I'm curious to hear what the forum has to say on this.
I used this basic format along with Layne Norton's advice re refractory period protein spikes of about 40 grams of protein, 4 hours apart.

On my nutritional deload periods I simply eliminated one of those meals - my 500 cal surplus protein smoothie.

I ran it 2-4 weeks on, 10 days to 2 weeks off. In conjunction with hypertrophy programming I gained 25lbs in a calendar year, finishing without needing to "cut". It worked so well it was almost easy.
I used this basic format along with Layne Norton's advice re refractory period protein spikes of about 40 grams of protein, 4 hours apart.

On my nutritional deload periods I simply eliminated one of those meals - my 500 cal surplus protein smoothie.

I ran it 2-4 weeks on, 10 days to 2 weeks off. In conjunction with hypertrophy programming I gained 25lbs in a calendar year, finishing without needing to "cut". It worked so well it was almost easy.
Do you think your deloads were more like maintenance, as the OP asked for? Or maybe more like 300 kcals plus during hypertrophy weeks and 200 kcals minus during deloads?
Do you think your deloads were more like maintenance, as the OP asked for? Or maybe more like 300 kcals plus during hypertrophy weeks and 200 kcals minus during deloads?
I'd have to say they must have been slight deficit but not sure. They seem to have as much value giving your digestive system a break as to burn off some fat.

These drinks were closer to about 600 cals or so, maybe 400 surplus, 200 deficit. Also I never took my foot off the hypertrophy gas based on where I was, diet-wise. The lifting had its schedule and the diet literally went up and down based on how tight my belt felt.
The MATADOR study showed people did not have their metabolisms slow down as much on this diet as with conventional dieting.
The General Adaptation Syndrome

The MADATOR Diet is based on The General Adaptation Syndrome.

This means the body learns and adapts to stress or a new stimulus.

Dr Hans Selye, MD, PhD determine that there are three phases with sicknesses.

Your immune system either adapted or you died; overly simplistic but true.

The MATADOR Diet follows the Periodization Strength Training Protocol.

The foundation of Periodization Strength Training is built on The General Adaptation Syndrome. The MATDOR Diet is essentially "Periodization Dieting".

Understanding The Concept

The same concept of losing weight on The MATATOR Diet applies to gaining weight.

Has any study shown something like MATADOR works for bulking
Practical Real World Experience and Statistics

Anecdotal Data along with Statistics have demonstrated that that a "MATODOR Weight Gaining Diet" of Decreasing Calorie Intake followed by an Increase of Calorie Intake occurs is Real Live. It is often referred to as...

Yo-Yo Dieting

individuals who go on a weight loss diet eventually adapt and stop losing weight. In there frustration they go off their diet. Their diet was usually too over aggressive, cutting calories too low.

They then go back to their old, normal diet; which is usually substantially higher in calories than before going on their Weight Loss Diet. Statistic have demonstrated that.

They then gain the weight back plus even more!

Thus, another term for The MATADOR Diet Protocol is a "Yo-Yo Weight Loss Diet" vs a "Yo-Yo Weight Gaining Diet.

The determinate factor of the effectiveness of a "Weight Gaining MATATOR Diet" or "Weight Loss MATATOR Diet" is dependent on how the diet is written and followed.

Here is interesting caveat...

Couch Potatoes Yo-Yo Diet Muscle Gaining Research

One interesting piece of research determine that obese, inactive individuals who were essentially Couch Potatoes gained muscle mass when consuming a greater surplus of calories.

That was the good news.

That bad news was their increase in their body weight was 20% muscle mass and 80% body fat. A bad trade off.

Two Issues

1) Dramatically consuming substantially calories above their Maintenance Calorie Threshold, to maintain their present weight.

2) Lack of some type of Physical Activity that preserved muscle mass or increased it.

The Gain Weight Take Home Message

Calorie Rotation in The MATADOR Diet for weight loss work for gaining weight, as well.

With "The MATATOR Diet for Gaining Weight" an increase in Calories above a Calorie Maintenance Diet is mandatory.

Increase you calorie intake for a few weeks will increase your body weight. Once the weight gain stops, drop your calorie intake back down. Cycling with this method is effective for gaining weight, as the majority of obese individual have proven.

Bodybuilding Bulking and Cutting

Bodybuilder have used this method for decades.

The Calorie Issue

This issue with many Bodybuilders is on a bulk they consume too many calories. Doing this tend to increase body fat

Drs John Ivy and Layne Norton Research

Their research found that for fat weight loss, decreasing calories around 20% ensured muscle more mass was preserved and greater fat loss was achieve.

This concept hold true for gaining weight. An increase in calories of approximately 20% above Maintenance Calorie Intake was effective for increasing muscle mass gain and minimizing fat gain

Resistance Training, as you know, ensure muscle mass is increased and fat mass is minimize on "The MATADOR Weight Gain Diet".

In a "Weight Loss MATADOR Diet", Resistance preserves muscle mass and maximizes fat loss.
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Thank you for the responses. I have a feeling I'll be putting this into practice in a few months. I also have to say seeing "Couch Potatoes Yo-Yo Diet Muscle Gaining Research" as a subject heading is pretty cool too :)
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