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Kettlebell Built Strong Minimalist

I've just looked at it again, and while it is "relatively minimalist", it is not simple and not something I can easily share. (I am also using a German version of excel, so all functions are on German).

The simple solution (just using "=") should work just fine as well.

@Pete L Get that thing printed! How are you keeping track of the sets you've done anyway? I tend to forget it immediately if I do not cross them out :D
I've used an app called FitNotes for the last few years. I log the set and then tend to write a little note about the time and how it felt, or whether I slept well etc.
I like to be able to look back and see the PRs going up over the years.
My gym is currently a very disorganised garage.
I'm hoping to tidy it up, build some walls and get a power rack in the new year so perhaps I'll make room for a pin board as well
I am currently on week 3. Unfortunately, I have to travel on week 7 and can’t train then. What would be the best option?
Just continue with week 7 after my travel?
Repeat week 6 and carry on?
I am currently on week 3. Unfortunately, I have to travel on week 7 and can’t train then. What would be the best option?
Just continue with week 7 after my travel?
Repeat week 6 and carry on?

IMO, Week 6 is the peak week of the program, and your body may enjoy a little rest afterwards. I'd say come back and continue with Week 7 which is going to be lower volume than week 6
I am currently on week 3. Unfortunately, I have to travel on week 7 and can’t train then. What would be the best option?
Just continue with week 7 after my travel?
Repeat week 6 and carry on?
I had to pause in week 3 (horrible flu) and again in week 4 (shoulder issue). Both times I simply paused the program and began again when I was good to go (I did restart week 4 though, from day 1 onward). Of all the programs I've run, this was the easiest just to jump back into where I left off. Not training to failure means the next day's session is achievable. Rest a little extra getting back into it. I would purposefully add an extra 30 secs rest after each movement.
Hey, I'm looking at starting Built Strong Minimalist and was thinking of using a goblet squat for some of the squatting patterns - is there a reason why it's not on the list of squats?

Hey, I'm looking at starting Built Strong Minimalist and was thinking of using a goblet squat for some of the squatting patterns - is there a reason why it's not on the list of squats?

I used Goblet Squats the first go round. You can add any exercise you want by adding them to the 'ex list' tab on the spreadsheet. There are a bunch of great exercises not listed on the spreadsheet; you would need to add them.
Thanks a lot, that's great to know.
I used Goblet Squats the first go round. You can add any exercise you want by adding them to the 'ex list' tab on the spreadsheet. There are a bunch of great exercises not listed on the spreadsheet; you would need to add them.
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