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Busy Dad Training ideas

Would splitting S&S into 2 days be okay to do for times like this? Warm up and swings one day warm up and TGU the next
Anything you do is better than nothing. Perfect isn’t real. But striving towards something is. If that is what works for you to keep making progress in the time and recovery you have then it’s a win and a step towards something.
Would splitting S&S into 2 days be okay to do for times like this? Warm up and swings one day warm up and TGU the next
KBSF has a swing+TGU program that is similar (but not identical) to S&S. At a certain point, it does call for splitting swings and TGUs to separate days. So it can work. And as mentioned, doing something is better than doing nothing.
Iron Cardio might be the ideal book for this situation. Keep workouts around 15-20 min.
Iron Cardio is a great suggestion, scale the duration and intensity as needed! I also like Easy Muscle by Geoff Neupert which has several options for 20-30 min sessions three times a week.
This is no disrespect to anyone on this thread, but after reading this, I must be from a different time period or totally different culture. My dad worked a hard job in the coal mines, and when he got home he didn't tend to me my every wakening hour. When he got home from work he was hungry and exhausted. He was my Dad, and not my mother. We never played together, he loved me, but he didn't act like my mother. My mother didn't coddle me or play with me either. I was sent outside after breakfast and I was told not to be back inside the house. I, along with all the other kids here in SE Ky were like a pack of feral animals and our parents never knew were we were and probably didn't care.

My wife and I decided that when we had our daughter that she would stay at home and be a housewife until the kids were school age. I didn't have to come up with anything special to get some workouts in. I just told her I was going to the barn to workout. I didn't have to carry my kids to the barn with me. She understood that working in a prison I needed some alone time to wind down and that when I was done she and the kids would get more of me than they probably wanted.

So, are all of you stay at home housewife Dads? just joking, just joking!
My wife likes to exercise too so we meet in the middle. We homeschool three kids and I do odd shift work, so it pays to be flexible some days.
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