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Mon. 11/02/15 (68-60-9) 91,0kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 5min -
+ easy strength 41min:
a) front squat: 2x32kg: 3rx1 - 2x40k: 3rx2
b) ringpullup - 0k: 3rx2 - 16k: 3rx2 - 32k: 2rx1
c) free handstandpushup - 1rx3 - 2rx1 - 4rx1
- bridgehold x4
d) swing: 32k: 2h 10rx3 - 1h: 10rx6 (90reps)
e) getup - 40k: 1rx6
f) stretchmobility - fast&loose
gtg: armbar - Brettzel - b.up press 28k 2r...3r...
+ rowing - 10.000m - 43.30min - 131/136max

Notes: while front splitting there was a rupturing sound/feeling just below my left glute (happened between a set of handstandpushups). No pain, no swelling or change in Color of the skin. I was able to end my session without any trouble. My layman's guestimate is, that there could happened something to a fascia. REMINDER: a body can be strong - a body can be brittle. Some contributions to these occurrence: - early in the morning - body/muscles were not that warm, cool room temperature - age - a bit too much rush ...
Nevertheless nice swings with nice float (weightless weight at the top), very solid & smooth Get Ups. Nice, smooth, "effortless" reps are healing reps.

Notion: training/practicing is the art, to treat oneself kind. Full responsibility. I only can be kind to my Environment, when I am treating myself well in the first place, and that is not egoism at all.
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Tue. 11/3/15 (hr:60-hrv:72-score:4)
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 5min
+ easy strength 35min:
a) goblet squat - 50k: 3rx5
b) ringpullup - 0k: 5rx2, 32k: 1rx2
c) free handstandpushup - 1rx2 -2rx1 - 3rx3
d) bridgehold x4
e) swing - 40k: 2h: 10rx5
f) get up - 40k: 1rx8
- fast and loose in between sets
+ gtg: armbar - Brettzel - b.up press 28k: 3r..5r..

+ lower legs have adjusted quite a bit on ropeskipping
+ mild pain under left glute while walking when hip is fully extended
+ moves made it not worse, but I left out stretching
+ balance in free handstanding gets already better
+ bridging cues: - squeeze the glutes like hell - feet fully planted -
- extend your arms, lockout the elbow, pack shoulder
- stay "tight and relaxed", breathe behind the
stretched shield
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Wed. 11/04/15 (60-56-6) 90,5kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 5min
+ easy strength:
a) front squat - 50k: 5rx1 - 2x32k: 4rx1 - 2x40k: 3rx1
b) ringpullup - 0k: 4rx3 - 24k:2rx3
c) free handstandpushup : 1rx2 - 2rx1 - 3rx2
d) bridgehold x4
e) swing - 40k - 2hand 10x3 - 1hand 10rx6 (90reps)
f) get up - 40k - 1rx8
- fast&loose in between sets
+ gtg: armbar - Brettzel - b.up press 28k 2r..3r..5r..

- on ropeskipping: when I introduced it in the past I made one mistake:
doing to much, to soon. The thing is, that the feet, ankles, Achilles tendon
and calves need to adapt on the heavy impact, that each jump causes.
Conclusion: better 5 min every day, as 1hour once a week. Some facts are
so obvious and simple when I am not stupid.
- my "rupture" from monday is getting better and better. No problem
while training
- squat stand has shoulder width. Feels compact and alright.
- the 40k is some kind of my goldilocks bell. I can work on technique
and move strong with it at the same time
- I hate the swing. I love the swing
- I love the get up. I don't hate the get up.
At the end is just perfect, as I can terminate a session
moving well and strong. That is good.
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Thu. 11/05/15 (hr:67-hrv67-10) 90,1kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 6min
+ easy strength - 37min:
a) frontsquat - 2x40k: 3,5,4
b) ringpullup - 0k: 5rx2 - 24k: 3rx1
c) free handstandpushup - 1rx1 -2rx4 -3rx1
d) bridgehold x3
e) swing - 40k - 2h: 10rx1 - 1h: 10rx4 (50reps)
f) get up - 40k: 1rx6
- between sets fast&loose
+ gtg: armbar - Brettzel - b.u. press -28k-32k
+ rowing - 10.000m - 45.00min - 135avg
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Fri. 11/06/15 (62-58-7) 90,5kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 6min
+ easy strength - 28min:
a) front squat - 2x32k: 5rx2
b) ringpullup - 0k: 3rx3 - 16k: 3rx2
c) handstandpushup - 3r,4r,5r
d) bridgehold x3
e) swing 40k - 1h: 10rx4
f) get up 40k - 1rx6
- fast & loose in between sets
+ gtg - armbar - Brettzel - b.u. press 28k/32k

- nice ropeskipping, floating like a butterfly...
- nice frontsquatting controlled negative, pause, "hths" exploding up
- handstandpushup: when I am well balanced, get my groove,
than I really can bang out some reps
- on (g)rease (t)he (g)roove: really get to like it. Having the old-timers in mind. Laser focus when setting up for my bottom up presses.
Where does the bell rest when cleaned?
answer: in/on the feet/foot. Striving for perfect, straight grooving.
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Sa. 11/07/15 (hr:56-hrv55-7):
+ climbing some stairs up and down helping friends moving into their new house.
so trainingwise a day:

Su. 11/08/15 (64-58-8) 91,2kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 5min
+ easy strength - 40min:
a) frontsquat- 2x32k: 5rx1, 2x45k: 2rx1, 2x40k: 3rx1
b) ringpullup - 16k: 3,4,5
c) free handstandpushup: 6,4,3
d) bridgehold x 3
e) swing - 40k - 1h: 10rx8
f) get up - 40k: 1rx8
- in between sets fast & loose
gtg: armbar - Brettzel - b.up press 28k, 32k

- OFF: when training frequently giving the body and mind some rest,
provides some real magic, doing its work on its own.
The accumulation settles down a bit deeper,
makes growing possible
- front squats were really good. the 2x45k (45,4k actually) is my
current bodyweight
- handstandpushup felt stable, the more aligned/balanced I am,
the more "weightless" I am, the easier the reps
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Mon. 11/09/15 52bpm, 92,3kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 6min
+ easy strength:
a) front squat - 2x32k: 2,3 - 2x40k: 5rx1
b) ringpullup - 0k:5rx1 - 16k:5rx1
c) free handstandpushup - 5rx2
d) swing - 40k - 1h: 10rx2 - 47k - 1h: 10rx2
e) get up - 40k: 1rx6
- fast & loose in between sets
a bit of: armbar - Brettzel - b. up press 28k, 32k
+ rowing - 10000m - 44,40min - 123/129
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Tue. 11/10/15 - 53bpm - 90,9kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 6min
+ easy strength - 24min
a) front squat - 2x32k: 3,3,5
b) ringpullup - 0k: 5rx2
c) free handstandpushup - 3,4,3
d) swing - 40k: 1h 10rx4
e) get up - 40k: 1rx2 - 50k: 1rx2
- fast & loose in between
+ a bit of: armbar - Brettzel
- b.up press 28k,32k a few singles with 36k

- took resting heart rate measurement yesterday and this morning
with blood pressure device while laying in bed. Very significant
difference to measure later while sitting in a chair.
- on bottom up pressing: it is important, to be grounded, the
"static stomp", pressing through the heel.
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Wed. 11/11/15 60bpm 91,2kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 6min
+ easy strength 30min:
a) front squat - 2x40k: 5rx2
b) ringpullup - 16k: 5rx2
c) handstandpushup - 5rx1, 2rx1, 3rx1
e) bridgehold x2
f) swing - 40k - 1h: 10rx4 - 2h: 10rx2
g) get up - 40k - 1rx6
- fast & loose in between
a bit of: armbar - Brettzel - b.up press 28k, 32k, 36k

- my subjective observer is very content with the executed movement quality of each rep. Attention is an ingredient for Quality
Thu - 11/12/15 - 60bpm - 90,0kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 6min
+ easy strength 28min:
a) front squat - 2x32k: 5rx1, 8rx1
b) ringpullup - 0k: 10rx1
c) handstandpushup - 6rx1, 4rx1
d) bridgehold x2
e) swing - 40k: 10x6
f) getup - 40k: 10x4 - 50k: 10x2
- fast & loose in between
gtg: armbar - Brettzel - b.u. press 28k, 32k
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Fr. 11/13/15 91,2kg:
+ zazen
+ simple and sinister
- goblets - 50k: 5rx2
- swing - 40k: 1h: 10rx10s
- get up - 40k: 1rx10s

- will be sitting many hours in the car today on my way to Italy...
considering: have a day off, or doing S&S. It was not a bad decision...
11-12 Nov. 2015 : enjoyed great teaching and learning from Tamer and Fabio and the StrongFirst family in Vicenza

Mon. 11/16/15: twelve hours of sitting in the car, gripping the gripper occasionally
Harald, you got more SF education?? SFG II already??
Yes, Anna, I got my SFG2 Certification.

Tue. 11/17/15 91,8kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 7min
+ easy strength:
a) front squat - 2x40k: 5rx2
b) ringpullup - 0k: 5rx1 - 16k: 3rx3
c) handstandpushup - 1rx1, 3rx3
d) bridgehold x3
e) swing - 40k - 1h: 10rx8
f) get up - 40k: 1rx8
- fast& loose in between

+ a bit of (bent) armbar - Brettzel - b.up press 28k, 32k

@Christian Gelderblom: the next step is already set

@Anna C: It happened, that it is just the right time for it (as I have some time at the moment), and it seems to me that I have done some things right in the last few years. I took just the right ressources of information and applied some of it. In the last four weeks I met great teachers and got some nuggets of wisdom I gratefully take and implement them. Practice has no end, and there are no records to set or brake.
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Congratulations!! Maybe you have set a record for quickest SFG 1 + II?
Thanks, Pavel.

Wed. 11/18/15 91,8kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 6min
+ easy strength - 35min
a) frontsquat - 2x40k: 2rx3 - 2x45k: 2rx2
b) ringpullup - 0k: 5rx2 - 16k: 2rx1 - 32k: 3rx1
c) free handstandpushup - 2rx3 - 3rx1
d) bridgehold - 1rx4
e) swing - 40k - 1h: 10rx4
f) get up - 40k: 1rx4 - 50k: 1rx2
- fast & loose in between

+ a bit of: (bent)armbar - Brettzel - b.up press 28k, 32k - clubswinging
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Thanks, Bo.

Thu. 11/19/15 91,7kg:
+ zazen
+ ropeskipping - 6min
+ easy strength
a) front squat - 2x40k: 3rx4
b) ringpullup - 8rx2
c) free handstandpushup - 3rx2 - 4rx1
d) bridgehold x3
e) swing - 40k - 2h: 10rx5
f) get up - 32k - 1rx10

a bit of: - (bent)armbar - Brettzel - b.up press 28k, 32k, 36k
- clubswinging
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