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Chasing 2 rabbits

Monday, May 13, 2024
-Squat 1x6, 1x4 115kg/255lbs
-Bench press: 1x7, 3x5 100kg/220lbs
-Incline dumbbell press: 1x8, 1x6 40+40kg/88+88lbs
-Pull-ups: 1x8, 2x6 (+)10kg

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
-Rucking: 3 hours

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
-Running: 11km

Exactly 1 month before the race. I am totally aware what I have to face, but achieving my training goals gives me confidence. On Saturday I will do my longest run/walk in this preparation period, 38km. On Sunday, I will ruck for 6 hours straight.

I always knew that insecure people are always jealous of others and mean, but what I see right now is ridiculous. There are 2 people (a colleague and a relative), who, since I started training for this race, are trying to make me quit as if I am harming them somehow.

They started with jokes and irony, like "don't worry, we will get a helicopter to search and get you out of the mountains", or "try not to cry when you will call for rescue". Which was hilarious for me, as I perceived it as an expression of their insecurity and sense of inferiority.
But (and I wasn't expecting that), this irony evolved into aggression. This colleague today was literally mad at me. His face was red, and he was YELLING at me: "do not go! There is absolutely no chance that you will make it!" his face was red, and I thought he will punch me. The other colleagues were looking at him in disbelief. Then he returned to "innocent" jokes and irony ROFL

WTF? Man, I had no idea that my participation into a race would have such an impact on your mental health. As I said, I was totally ok with the irony and the jokes, but this is entirely different. There are 2 people that are AGGRESSIVE towards me, because I train for a race! Could you ever imagine? I could never imagine that!

I am a person who doesn't feel bad when other people try to improve and succeed, and if someone else was training for a race, I would be very supportive.

It seems that some people have so many insecurities that the fact that someone is trying for something can wreck them. It is not even that I talk about the race.

Today, I will do just 1 hour of rucking after dinner, as I have to stay until 9pm at work.
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Monday, May 13, 2024
-Squat 1x6, 1x4 115kg/255lbs
-Bench press: 1x7, 3x5 100kg/220lbs
-Incline dumbbell press: 1x8, 1x6 40+40kg/88+88lbs
-Pull-ups: 1x8, 2x6 (+)10kg

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
-Rucking: 3 hours

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
-Running: 11km

Exactly 1 month before the race. I am totally aware what I have to face, but achieving my training goals gives me confidence. On Saturday I will do my longest run/walk in this preparation period, 38km. On Sunday, I will ruck for 6 hours straight.

I always knew that insecure people are always jealous of others and mean, but what I see right now is ridiculous. There are 2 people (a colleague and a relative), who, since I started training for this race, are trying to make me quit as if I am harming them somehow.

They started with jokes and irony, like "don't worry, we will get a helicopter to search and get you out of the mountains", or "try not to cry when you will call for rescue". Which was hilarious for me, as I perceived it as an expression of their insecurity and sense of inferiority.
But (and I wasn't expecting that), this irony evolved into aggression. This colleague today was literally mad at me. His face was red, and he was YELLING at me: "do not go! There is absolutely no chance that you will make it!" his face was red, and I thought he will punch me. The other colleagues were looking at him in disbelief. Then he returned to "innocent" jokes and irony ROFL

WTF? Man, I had no idea that my participation into a race would have such an impact on your mental health. As I said, I was totally ok with the irony and the jokes, but this is entirely different. There are 2 people that are AGGRESSIVE towards me, because I train for a race! Could you ever imagine? I could never imagine that!

I am a person who doesn't feel bad when other people try to improve and succeed, and if someone else was training for a race, I would be very supportive.

It seems that some people have so many insecurities that the fact that someone is trying for something can wreck them. It is not even that I talk about the race.

Today, I will do just 1 hour of rucking after dinner, as I have to stay until 9pm at work.
Guess he is just jealous for your commitment
I wish you victory.
In this case, your colleague will probably have a heart attack:)
Thank you brother!
I am not going for the win, of course. There will be many great runners who have participated in many mountain ultramarathons worldwide.
I am just a lifter who lately pretends to be a runner :p

My goal is to finish the race of 30km in the time limit of 6 hours, which is extremely difficult.
Sounds like you work with psychopaths tbh. You aren't a stock broker by any chance are you?
No, I am an economist. It is just one guy.

I do not have the knowledge to characterize him a psychopath, but he certainly has issues. He is like a cartoon version of this "alpha male" internet persona bullshit. He always tries to belittle others. He always exaggerates dramatically his achievements and becomes aggressive to people he considers that threaten his "alpha status".

Do I consider him to be a bad person? No. But I consider him to be a person with so many issues and problematic behaviors.
No, I am an economist. It is just one guy.

I do not have the knowledge to characterize him a psychopath, but he certainly has issues. He is like a cartoon version of this "alpha male" internet persona bullshit. He always tries to belittle others. He always exaggerates dramatically his achievements and becomes aggressive to people he considers that threaten his "alpha status".

Do I consider him to be a bad person? No. But I consider him to be a person with so many issues and problematic behaviors.
Sounds like a textbook narcissist. :rolleyes:
Not exactly...

Is solipsism the same as narcissism?

But the distinction between solipsism and narcissism is a subtle yet distinct. Briefly put, solipsism is the philosophical theory that the self is all that exists while narcissism is the absence of self and subsequent replacement with a false self (persona).Aug 24, 2023
Update: 23 days before the race.

Monday, May 20, 2024
-Squat: 3x6 110kg/240lbs
-Bench press: 6x6 95kg/210lbs
-Incline dumbbell bench press: 3x6 35+35kg/75+75lbs
-Pull-ups: 6x6 (+)10kg/22lbs

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
-Walking: 3.4km

Wednesday, May 22, 2024
-Running/jogging/walking: 24km

Just 23 days before the race. Some time ago I was counting months, then weeks, and now I am counting days.

The last 2 weeks, I started doing a lot of liss cardio, in order to get conditioned for long distances. Walking and rucking for endless hours everyday, besides my running sessions. My goal was to increase my mitochondria and condition my joints to do repetitive efforts for hours.

I hope that this stimulus lead to some adaptation, but the fact was that I became exhausted. Fortunately, I am able to recognize the signs that my body gives when I am doing too much. First of all, the veins on my forearms and arms just disappear. This may happen because high cortisol is vasoconstrictive, I am not really sure. But, I know that it is the first sign that I am not recovering from my sessions.

Also, I had all these mental symptoms from overtraining, like anxiety, irritability and insomnia. I was always sore, too.

So, I understood that I absolutely need off days. Days when I do not do any kind of physical activity. Yes, the race is really close. Yes, it will be really difficult. But, I had to convince myself that rucking every single day is not the way to go.

So, on Sunday, I was literally all day on the couch eating carbs. And just like that, all the symptoms, physical and mental, just disappeared.
My plan for the last 16 days(the last week will be recovery), is to do 5 long distance run/walks(more than 30km if possible) plus 2 days of lifting per week. The other days will be rest, or light walking.
Ye don't burn your cns to a crisp before the race. If there's only half a month left your conditioning isn't probably going to change much imo, but you certainly could make it worse if you're not careful.
I am trying to keep a balance between overtraining, stimulus and detraining.
I don't know if my last 5 long runs will actually have physical benefits on my conditioning, but they definitely increase my mental preparedness and my confidence for the race. I hope that the last week will be enough for recovery.
Update: 16 days before race

Monday, May 27, 2024
-Squat: 4x6 110kg/240lbs
-Bench press: 7x6 95kg/210lbs
-Incline dumbbell bench press: 4x6 35+35kg/75+75lbs
-Pull-ups: 7x6 (+)10kg/22lbs

Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Day off

Wednesday, May 29, 2024
-Run/Walk: 15km
-Emom sprints: 15''-20'' sprint/40''-45'' rest x10

16 days before the race, I still have 9 days to push it, as the last week will be a complete rest and recovery week.

Yesterday I ran/walked 15km and then did some emom sprints, completely fasted(18 hours after my last meal), in order to build some mental resilience for the race. Of course for the race I will have carb gels and electrolytes with me.

Tomorrow, deadlifts and OHP.

On Saturday I will do another one fasted long distance run/walk.
Update: 13 days before the race

Friday, May 31, 2024
-Deadlift: 1x5, 1x10 140kg/310lbs
-Overhead press: 2x5, 1x9 60kg/130lbs
-Bicep curls: 2x5, 1x10 35kg/75lbs

Saturday, June 01, 2024
-Run/walk: 30km(fasted)

This was my last long run. I will do 2 more short runs of 10km this week. The next week will be a rest and recovery week.

I did the 30km walk/run after fasting for 18 hours. It was exhausting. After the first 2 hours, when the glycogen stores and the electrolytes got depleted in the body, it was really hard. I hope that running 30km on a flat surface fasted, will be of comparable difficulty with running 30km on a mountain with carb gels and electrolytes.

I thought I would be anxious for the race, but I am not, I am just excited. I will use my willpower in order to finish the race in time. Our mind is really powerful. It has the power to ignore pain and exhaustion if we really want to. This is exactly the reason I chose this race.
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