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GHFL by Geoff Neupert

Week 8 is done!

I had 10 days off for travel. I decided to do a RM test to see where I was with my DCP last Sunday. I got 3 DCPs with 32k bells.
Monday I had a little DOMS in my shoulders. I guess I was sore because I haven't done heavy DCPs in about 6 months. The DOMs kind of surprised me. (In a good way!)

I was a little fatigued from the travel. So I was being a little b*tch about getting my lifting sessions in. I am proud of me for getting this week done!!

I am doing 8 DCJs per set. On Monday and Wednesday I was a little gassed by set 9 and 10. I ended up doing a couple of push presses in set 9 & 10 on Monday and set 10 on Wednesday. I have no idea what was going on. Maybe because I pushed it during the RM test? (I have no idea)

I am running the advanced program with double clean & jerks using 2x24k bells. At the end of the session I have been patterning 2x32k cleans.

Bring on Week 9!!
Week 8 is done!

I had 10 days off for travel. I decided to do a RM test to see where I was with my DCP last Sunday. I got 3 DCPs with 32k bells.
Monday I had a little DOMS in my shoulders. I guess I was sore because I haven't done heavy DCPs in about 6 months. The DOMs kind of surprised me. (In a good way!)

I was a little fatigued from the travel. So I was being a little b*tch about getting my lifting sessions in. I am proud of me for getting this week done!!

I am doing 8 DCJs per set. On Monday and Wednesday I was a little gassed by set 9 and 10. I ended up doing a couple of push presses in set 9 & 10 on Monday and set 10 on Wednesday. I have no idea what was going on. Maybe because I pushed it during the RM test? (I have no idea)

I am running the advanced program with double clean & jerks using 2x24k bells. At the end of the session I have been patterning 2x32k cleans.

Bring on Week 9!!
Great work! Maybe traveling wrecked your schedule a bit and that made you tired?
Week 9 is over!!

This was a good week. I lifted Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday this week. I was a way from home on Monday morning for the long Memorial Day weekend in the US. I had planned to lift on Monday evening , but it didn't feel it. I was still in a bit of a funk on Tuesday morning. I woke up and was actively trying to talk myself out of lifting. (WTF?!!?) I got the session done and I was proud of myself. The rest of the sessions were very good.

I am running the advanced program with double clean & jerks using 2x24k bells. At the end of the session I have been patterning 2x32k cleans.

Bring on Week 10!!
Week two totals:
Snatch 304
Thrusters 166

Week three totals:
Snatch 310
Thrusters 175

There was a repeat of numbers on two workouts in week two, but otherwise incremental increases in one lift or the other for every session.

I have a BJJ competition Sunday, today is Friday and I feel pretty pumped. My cardio feels improved, my weight is right where I need it, my belt is a notch tighter, and my shoulders feel better than they have in the last year.

I'm pretty wiped at the end of each workout, really putting as much oomph as I can into being explosive, but I recover quickly and my general energy levels have been much higher in general.
Week 9 is over!!

This was a good week. I lifted Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday this week. I was a way from home on Monday morning for the long Memorial Day weekend in the US. I had planned to lift on Monday evening , but it didn't feel it. I was still in a bit of a funk on Tuesday morning. I woke up and was actively trying to talk myself out of lifting. (WTF?!!?) I got the session done and I was proud of myself. The rest of the sessions were very good.

I am running the advanced program with double clean & jerks using 2x24k bells. At the end of the session I have been patterning 2x32k cleans.

Bring on Week 10!!
The sessions you do in spite of your inner voice count for double.
Week two totals:
Snatch 304
Thrusters 166

Week three totals:
Snatch 310
Thrusters 175

There was a repeat of numbers on two workouts in week two, but otherwise incremental increases in one lift or the other for every session.

I have a BJJ competition Sunday, today is Friday and I feel pretty pumped. My cardio feels improved, my weight is right where I need it, my belt is a notch tighter, and my shoulders feel better than they have in the last year.

I'm pretty wiped at the end of each workout, really putting as much oomph as I can into being explosive, but I recover quickly and my general energy levels have been much higher in general.
Strong work! Also good luck in your matches! I'm sure you'll do great. I'd be curious to hear an update after the comp about how you felt out there and if you think this has helped.
I started the program as well, bought both the intermediate and advanced programs because @Geoff Neupert deserves all my money anyway
I was torn between GHFL and ICT, but the way ICT is set up with the X seconds / Y reps combo does my head in and I prefer a much stricter setup.

I tested it using Double C&J with 2x16kgs for 10 sets, averaged 8 reps in 30''. Considering it was the second ever time I C&J properly (maybe the odd 1-2 sparse reps with one bell and once I tried a pentathlon, so 1h jerks) I found it was quite a good result.

I think my sessions from now on will be:
- TGU practice (I'm crap at them + shoulder stability is really bad when I do them) for 5 minutes
- I want big muscles anyway, so 3 sets of 8-12 reps for front squats, floor presses and chin ups
- GHFL, alternating one heavy-ish and one medium-ish sessions (so 2x20kgs and 2x16kgs)

This should take me about 40 total minutes, which is excellent.

Hopefully will get me in a decent wedding-suit shape, I don't have much fat to loose, but it's all condensed on my love handles and I bloody hate it, it just never goes away. Everywhere else I'm fairly lean already. I'm hoping using heavier bells with GHFL will help still pack some muscles with C&Js, not loose size on my legs and yet be metabolically enough to kill those "love" handles (more like hate grips)
Week 10 is over!

I was a little tired this week. I went to see Marcus King at the Salt Shed in Chicago on Sunday night. (If you like guitar based blues rock, check out Marcus King....He is an AMAZING player.)

I was VERY tired on Monday morning and skipped the session. I picked up week 10 on Tuesday. It took me until Wednesday until I felt completely rested. (I am 56 and apparently going to a concert, staying up until 1 a.m., and drinking beer and whiskey is enough to wreck my week....WTF....who have I become?!!?)

GHFL is going very well. Though....I have been very undisciplined about my diet. I have some work related travel this week, so I will finish Week 11 next Saturday.

I am running the advanced program with double clean & jerks using 2x24k bells. At the end of the session I have been patterning 2x32k cleans.

6 more sessions to go!! Bring on Week 11!!
Did my second GHFL session this time with heavier bells I have never tried to jerk before, let alone clean&jerked

Session went as follows:
- Strength work: 3x5 double front squats with 2x24 (plus 2 dropsets, 1x5 and 1x10 goblet squat 24kg) / 3x10 pushups / 3x10 wide chin ups
- GHFL block: 40 double clean&jerks with 2x20kg!!!

Honestly, I loved it. I am now thinking of sticking to the heavier bells (4 reps average in 30'' isn't bad, considering also I had a set of 5) and have a lighter bell session due to my training schedule (usually Mon/Weds/Thur, this week is a bit different so did Monday's session today, Sunday), so I can pull off 2 heavy ones (Mon/Weds) with enough rest in between and Thur go lighter

To be fair, the work/rest scheme and the double clean and jerk are making this program a candy. 20' of work leaves plenty of time to bookend a session with some strength work and some core/abs finisher (man needs his loaded carries)
@Smau6785 , thanks for the write-up. I am starting GHL intermediate this week.
I like your strength work choices.

Questions for those doing GHL
-- what have you picked for strength work, if anything?
--When do you do it: before the GHL, or on alternate days?
Questions for those doing GHL
-- what have you picked for strength work, if anything?
--When do you do it: before the GHL, or on alternate days?
- I do it before my GHFL sessions
- I picked a horizontal push, a pull, a squat (my chest doesn't grow as much as my shoulders do, my quads don't grow at all, I like a thick wide back).

I try to stick to 3-5 sets for each (roughly, 15-20' pre GHFL), I try to chase a bit of pump. Today I did 3 sets of (10 sumo squats with 2x24 superset with 10 narrow stance goblets with 24), for a total of 60 squats. 3x10 double rows with 20kgs superset with 3x10-15 slow pushups on handles. Then went into my 20 minutes of clean&jerks with 2x16s. I always finish with core work (mostly around obliques)

I do this because of a few reasons:
- shoulders and upper back are knackered from the 2x swimming sessions I do each week
- the whole body hurts like mad because of the yoga sessions (trying to keep the fiancee happy, but she's more used than me so she's attending an intermediate type of yoga that is more like pilates-forced-isometric-holds-good-luck; it's doing loads for my balance though)
- within 45-50', 3x week, it's still a fairly rewarding workout and feeling at the end, I can run the sessions 3 days in a row waving the load and changing the push/pull/squat variations (sometimes I go bodyweight, if I'm not 100% recovered, and work unilaterally)
- fancied a change after 4 months of pure grind focussed work
Week is 11 is done!

I had some travel for work so my schedule was different this week. I lifted on Monday and Wednesday. I finished the Week today. It felt good to get back to my routine.

Next up for me is KB Strong! with 2x32k bells. This will be my second go at Strong. I last ran Strong! two years ago with 24k bells. I am really looking forward to Strong!, it is my favorite Neupert program.

I am running the advanced program with double clean & jerks using 2x24k bells. At the end of the session I have been patterning 2x32k cleans.

3 more sessions to go!! Bring on Week 12!!
Questions for those doing GHL
-- what have you picked for strength work, if anything?
--When do you do it: before the GHL, or on alternate days?
The Original Strength Daily Resets and the Simple and Sinister warm up and cool down are a part of every KB session.

At the end of GHFL I have been patterning 2x32k cleans as a finisher. I am really concentrating on executing the PERFECT clean. Before I began working on the double clean, I wasn't driving of the floor with enough power. My hike was lame and my catch was sloppy. I now realize that I was missing an opportunity to generate maximum power to the rack. With lighter weights, I was able to muscle up the bells and it could resemble a decent clean. But when I got to the 32k bells the heavier weight exposed my sloppy form.

TLDR I was leaking power.
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