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Barbell How do i get strong for football


Level 1 Valued Member
I'm very skinny. Really weak. I lack strength and also size. I know that if i go on an AMERICAN football field, i would die
(Not soccer. I play american football)

What are the main lifts i should do(for strength) and the accessories i should do(for muscle. I believe this is needed to fill in weak points and because I'm doing football which is a sport that needs a lot of size. Like if I'm only deadlifting for back then i think that will bite me later on. So if you give me main lifts. Then please give me some accessories. They are essential. Alexander bromley said Hypertrophy is one of the most functional things you can do.

I'm just trying to perform best on the field. I don't have an attachment to lifting. Just want to get rid of things that are not worth me missing my sports practice but it doesn't necessarily mean i want to be an ultra minimalist who only does squat, bench and deadlift or squat, bench,deadlift and pull up or squat, bench, deadlift and row

Squat, bench, deadlift and pull up(main lifts. Strength + muscle)
Calf raises, bicep curls, lateral raise, row(muscle)

Maybe the row is not worth me missing my sports practice. Not too sure.
I would probably run Easy Strength alternating a strength version with a mass version.

2 months of easy strength - 3x3, two sets of 5, and 532, 5 days a week
Hinge - clean
Squat - front squat
Push - ohp
Pull - chin ups

1 month of mass building - 3x8 less than 1 min rest, 3 days a week
Hinge - Romanian deadlift
Squat - back squat
Push - bench press
Pull - barbell row
I'm very skinny. Really weak. I lack strength and also size. I know that if i go on an AMERICAN football field, i would die
(Not soccer. I play american football)

What are the main lifts i should do(for strength) and the accessories i should do(for muscle. I believe this is needed to fill in weak points and because I'm doing football which is a sport that needs a lot of size. Like if I'm only deadlifting for back then i think that will bite me later on. So if you give me main lifts. Then please give me some accessories. They are essential. Alexander bromley said Hypertrophy is one of the most functional things you can do.

I'm just trying to perform best on the field. I don't have an attachment to lifting. Just want to get rid of things that are not worth me missing my sports practice but it doesn't necessarily mean i want to be an ultra minimalist who only does squat, bench and deadlift or squat, bench,deadlift and pull up or squat, bench, deadlift and row

Squat, bench, deadlift and pull up(main lifts. Strength + muscle)
Calf raises, bicep curls, lateral raise, row(muscle)

Maybe the row is not worth me missing my sports practice. Not too sure.
Back in the day, around fifteen years ago there was a site called Crossfit Football. It was started by a jacked offensive lineman that played for the Chiefs. It went like this.

Day 1:
Squat: 3 x 5
Bench Press: 3 x 5
Short WOD or sprints

Day 2:
Power Cleans: 5 x 3 reps
Short WOD

Day 3:
Squat: 3 x 5
Press: 3 x 5
Short WOD or spints

Day 4:
Snatch or Deadlifts: 5 x 3 reps
Short WOD

Day 5: Saturday
A short Strongman medley or rest if needed

A very simple template but pretty much what you need. Sprints should follow as the WOD after squats. I used this while getting ready for a IRAQ deployment and it fit very well. Most of my sessions were under an hour from warm up to cool down. You can still find the templates online if you search well. The site has been disestablished but the guy runs his own pay to view site that has great information.

Oh yeah, start eating a butt ton.
Wendlers 531 Krypteia. It was developed for high school football players. Its a great blend of strength and hypertrophy and leaves room for conditioning. Dont skip the jumping and throwing portion either. This is found in the 531 Forever Book.
Squat, bench, deadlift...(main lifts.
The Money Lifts

As someone said, these are "The Mony Lifts" that provide you the greatest return on you time and effort investment.

The Strongest Shall Survive


This is a great book that was written around 1976 when Resistance Training for Football Player was starting to make traction.

It was written by Bill Starr (Olympic Lifter, Powerlifter and Strength Coach).

Many of Starr's Strength Training Principles are still the foundation of a well written program; now 47 year later.

Starr determine the emphasis for Football Players was the Squat, Bench Press and Power Clean. These three movement are the main ones employed today with Football Players.

The Squat and Bench Press increase Strength. The Power Clean increases Power.

Power Rules

In Football and most sports Power Rules.

The foundation of Power is built on Maximum Strength.

As Dr Fred Hatfield, a great Powerlifter and Strenght Coach stated...

"You cannot shoot a canon from a canoe". You need a strong solid surface to fire it from.

The Power Output of Olympic Movements

Olympic Movements produce some of the highest Power Output in sports; if not the highest measured.

Now let's look at...

The Technique Issue

Olympic Movements are a highly technical movements that require time to learn.

With that said, other movement that produce simular Power Outputs and are quickly and more easily learned are...

1) Kettlebell Swings

A Kettlebell Swing of around 30% of body weight and higher develoipes Power.

2) Trap Bar Jumps

This is essentially an Olympic High Pull with a Trap Bar.

If you don't have a Trap Bar, Dumbbell Jump Squats are essentially the same and will elicit the same Training Effect. Power Development.

The Clean High Pull

Strength Coach, Allen Hedrick recommends The Clean High Pull.

That in part because is easier to learn and elicits the same Training Effect; Power Development.

I'm very skinny.
Gaining Weight

Gaining Weight is all about increasing you caloric intake.

First, you need to determine how many calories you are consuming in a day.

This is accomplished with a...

Three Day Recall

1) Record You Calorie Intake for three days,

One of the days needs to be a weekend day, since your diet often varies on Saturday and Sunday.

2) Three Day Total Calorie Intake

Take your three day total and divide by 3. That will provide you you Average Daily Calorie Intake.

3) Increase Your Daily Calories

Once you know your Average, increase your caloric intake approximately 20%.

Thus, if your Average is 2,00 calories a day, increase you Daily Calorie Intake to 2,400 calories.

Research by Drs John Ivy and Layne Norton determined that a 20% increase in calories ensure muscle mass is maximized and fat gain is minimized.
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Starting Strength, but actually follow the program as written, found here :Starting Strength Training Programs .

I strongly recommend this podcast as well:

they do a great job out outlining how the progression should work.

I also strongly recommend checking out this one ahead of time so that you know how to transition to intermediate programming when your lifts begin to stall :

There is a lot of nuance to doing the program properly with adding light days to the squat, moving to two pressing day per week (one volume and one heavy) , adding in lighter pulling days, back off sets for the squat and bench, etc. If you check out those podcasts you will see there is a lot more to the Starting Strength method than "just add 5lbs per workout until you hit a wall" which is what the detractors who criticize it think it is.

The #1 reason young skinny guys such as yourself plateau with SS, assuming they are actually doing the program properly, is not eating enough. For underweight athletes the training is the easy part, eating enough food is the biggest challenge.

There is zero reason to do accessories until your main lifts are up to respectable numbers and have started to slow down. As Rip says "get your deadlift up to 500, then you can have an opinion about barbell rows".

What is your age, height, and bodyweight? Do you have any experience with the barbell lifts so far?
Johnny Parker has written two books on the book, praised by @Steve W., based on Soviet wavy periodization.

PlanStrong and BuiltStrong are both based on the same Soviet roots.

If you want something in the same programming style, but done for you, you could do it with Built Strong Minimalist or Maximum.

But getting started with barbells and eating more will probably do the trick anyway.
I'm very skinny. Really weak. I lack strength and also size. I know that if i go on an AMERICAN football field, i would die
(Not soccer. I play american football)

What are the main lifts i should do(for strength) and the accessories i should do(for muscle. I believe this is needed to fill in weak points and because I'm doing football which is a sport that needs a lot of size. Like if I'm only deadlifting for back then i think that will bite me later on. So if you give me main lifts. Then please give me some accessories. They are essential. Alexander bromley said Hypertrophy is one of the most functional things you can do.

I'm just trying to perform best on the field. I don't have an attachment to lifting. Just want to get rid of things that are not worth me missing my sports practice but it doesn't necessarily mean i want to be an ultra minimalist who only does squat, bench and deadlift or squat, bench,deadlift and pull up or squat, bench, deadlift and row

Squat, bench, deadlift and pull up(main lifts. Strength + muscle)
Calf raises, bicep curls, lateral raise, row(muscle)

Maybe the row is not worth me missing my sports practice. Not too sure.
I'm very skinny. Really weak. I lack strength and also size. I know that if i go on an AMERICAN football field, i would die
(Not soccer. I play american football)

What are the main lifts i should do(for strength) and the accessories i should do(for muscle. I believe this is needed to fill in weak points and because I'm doing football which is a sport that needs a lot of size. Like if I'm only deadlifting for back then i think that will bite me later on. So if you give me main lifts. Then please give me some accessories. They are essential. Alexander bromley said Hypertrophy is one of the most functional things you can do.

I'm just trying to perform best on the field. I don't have an attachment to lifting. Just want to get rid of things that are not worth me missing my sports practice but it doesn't necessarily mean i want to be an ultra minimalist who only does squat, bench and deadlift or squat, bench,deadlift and pull up or squat, bench, deadlift and row

Squat, bench, deadlift and pull up(main lifts. Strength + muscle)
Calf raises, bicep curls, lateral raise, row(muscle)
There are a lot of great strength programs. In your situation, I'd probably go with Starting Strength or Jim Wendler's 531 Forever - Beginner Prep School program. They are done for you. No need to get further advice. The problem with SS is that they expect it to be your whole world, so you need to run it in off season, and even then you should include some running or you'll be sucking come pre-season.
Maybe the row is not worth me missing my sports practice. Not too sure.
No. NOTHING is worth missing your sports practice. Practicing your sport is the number 1, 2, and 3 things that will make you better at your sport.

Question ... does your school have a strength coach and your team have gym training sessions? Talking to them and getting in with them would be the first start.
No. NOTHING is worth missing your sports practice.
Yeah. I meant that i want to do the absolute least in terms of exercising so i can be best on the field. But i know that the absolute least will contain assisstance and stuff
I tried to put in a picture link, but I got an "Ooops something went wrong!" message
I hate those. There's often other info on the screen as well. See screenshot of what happened when I tried to post a too-long profile post.

Screen Shot 2023-12-09 at 11.23.47 AM.png
Johnny Parker has written two books on the book, praised by @Steve W., based on Soviet wavy periodization.
Yes, but the one that's currently available, called The System, is a more principle-based book aimed at coaches, not a "do this" program a beginner could follow. The one that is a great "do this" program, which has a level for beginners, is currently and sadly out of print, although it may be available used. That one is called Johnny Parker's Ultimate Weight Training Program.

But really, almost any beginner program that focuses on basic exercises would be a good starting point. As a beginner, you definitely should be choosing a proven program to follow, and then just working it consistently, rather than trying to program for yourself.

If you are on a team, doesn't the team have a strength and conditioning program?
As a beginner, I would focus on the simple basic movements and focus primarily on doing them consistently for at least 6 months. Pick a beginner program that is at least 8-12 weeks long and run that two or three times through at a minimum. Try not to watch any videos on strength training or read any forums or blogs about strength training while you are doing this (other than technique videos on the lifts in your chosen program). The amount of info out there on the internet can be overwhelming and can make it tempting to try something new and supposedly better. The best program for you is the one you are on. If you abandon course too soon you won't see lasting results.

When I was playing high school football I spent the entire off-season on the same program and made some great gains with just linear periodization principles (i.e. throwing more weight on the bar each time). I went from 185 on bench and 135 squat to 295 and 315 respectively. This was lifting 4 days a week, conditioning one day a week, and eating like a horse. Caveat; I was a large 16 year old to begin with.
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