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Less is More

All day: GTG nose-blows :rolleyes:
Evening: A few GTG gob sq, QL Straddle, 90/90

Up 6:30, no training.
Starve a fever, feed a cold. No fever. So I will feed, feed, feed... And maybe consume a dose or two of BCAAs. And nap.
I will plan on a few gob sq and SaS stretches this PM.
GTG gob sq, QL Straddle, 90/90.
These help me feel slightly less than miserable by keeping me limber despite being cooped up inside blowing my nose.

I feel nearly human again. I am tempted to get some training in after breakfast, but will probably reign myself in.
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Hope you are feeling better soon.
Up 6:00, train 8:00

Warm up: Downward Dog, Brettzel, SaS

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

16k x 5s x 1 r
Int 2:30

THS Focus:
Breathing and quick turnaround

TGU Focus:
I'm doing something wrong. When my left hand is loaded, my lower back or hip on the left side is popping (I can't quite tell which it is). The outer hip on the left side wants to cramp up when I move into post after the roll to elbow. And that hip has been very sore in the 90/90 stretch lately. Possibly, I need to drive harder with that left glute so it takes more of it's share of the load. Or add an extra round of 90/90 & QL Straddle in the evening. Or get that bent leg outside the line of the body just a little bit more.
Hmm, not sure what that could be on the TGU focus there, but two things you might try for analysis for more information:

1) Single-leg deadlift - do a set of 5-10 with 16kg and see if you notice a difference between your right and left side (one side much stronger, or feels different)

2) A light get-up with 16kg and good 10-second high hip bridge, getting the hips as high as you can, hips facing towards the ceiling while shoulders are vertically stacked and chest facing the wall (t-spine rotation)-- see if you notice a difference in ability to get the hips high. Just from my own experience, this tells me whether one hip is restricted in movement (tight psoas or whatever) and/or the glute is being lazy.
Great ideas, @Anna C! :)
My TGU is slower to progress than the OHS...likely just over reaching with being sick, the calorie deficit to lean out some more, the 8 days on/one off schedule...
I will hit the paused get-ups tomorrow. Those have been useful for analysis in the past.
This evening I did two rounds of QL Straddle and 90/90. I usually just do one round.

Weeeee my abs and obliques were tight and sore.
New Training Template:
  • 2500 calories (-15%) + Creatine + Fasting
    • Creatine should maintain my mood while on the calorie deficit
  • Fast after dinner day 7 into 8 (24hr fast)
    • I anticipate this allowing me to train hard on the day after fast
  • 7 days training, 8th day off
Overall goal: lean down to a 32" waist while maintaining ability to hit the 32k every other day.
Edit 3/15
New Overall goal: lean down to a 32" waist is the only goal

Training Template:
This should let me have satisfying training sessions, lean me out, and still recover with room to spare.
I still get to play with the 32k 4 of 7 practice sessions.
  • 24k swings are assumed to be two hand swings
  • 32k swings are assumed to be one hand swings
  • Get-ups is as get-ups does Sir
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Yesterday and today evening stretches
TSM1 x 1
90/90 x 2
QL Straddle x 2

The 90/90 and QL really need a couple rounds. The first round is more of a relaxation exercise, I don't even touch my toes on the QL or go deep into the 90/90. But on the second round I can go relax deliciously deep into the movement.

Tomorrow I start Day 1 of the new template with a 100% focus on taking my waist down to 32".
Up 5:00, train 6:30

Training day: 2.1

Warm up: TSM1, Downward Dog, SaS

32k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

24k x 5s x 1r
Int 3:00

THS Focus:
Breathing and quick turnaround

TGU Focus:
lower back or hip on the left side is popping
Closer to figuring out what ails me - I'm not putting the straight right leg out far enough when left hand is loaded. When the right hand is loaded, my left straight leg is out far enough that it almost cramps. Working my prying goblet squat stance out a bit will help that right hip flexibility.

The EMOM 32k swings and the 24k TGU made for a perfect moderate practice. So that's a good sign!
Up 7:00, train 9:00
Leisurely Saturday sleep in :)

Training day: 2.2

Warm up: TSM1, Downward Dog, SaS w/ wider stance gob squats
I could feel the wider stance breaking up some deep scar tissue in my right hip.
Felt great after.

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00
These were not meant to be shadow swings, but I felt so good they ended up that way.

3:00 rest

16k x 5s x 1r
Sets 1,2,3 were 5 second pauses at every stage
Sets 4 & 5 were no pause; applying the lessons learned.
  • THS Focus:
    • Breathing
    • Quick turnaround
  • TGU Focus:
    • Finally figured it out! The pauses showed me I was completely unpacking my abs in between the roll to elbow and the post. Weird!
    • They also showed me I could do a much better job of keeping the hips toward the ceiling in the bridge.
      • It took an immense amount of concentration, but finally by rep 3 I was able to keep abs tight. I'm not sure why I have to use so much brain power and intense focus. Perhaps I've always made this mistake, and it's a brand new skill? Perhaps because I've finally tamed the worst mistake, the glaringly wrong roll to elbow, this 'next to the worst' mistake came to light?
      • I only used 16k, but these were quite taxing because of the degree of concentration I had to apply to keep my abs tight.
    • Also, I was correct about keeping the right side straight leg out more.
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Up 5:45:00, train 7:30

Training day: 2.3

Warm up: TSM1, Downward Dog, SaS w/ wider stance gob squats

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

24k x 5s x 1r

  • THS Focus:
    • Breathing
    • Quick turnaround
    • Abs tightness
  • TGU Focus:
    • Abs tightness
    • Straight leg out far enough
    • High hip bridge
I was scheduled to run the 32k on the TGU today, but used the 24k to work on correcting the abs. Learning to properly utilize and brace the ab/oblique cluster is going to take me to the next level. Even on the swing I need to do a far better job of bracing those abbies.
Up 5:00, train 6:30

Training day: 2.4

Warm up: TSM1, Downward Dog, SaS w/ wider stance gob squats

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

16k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

I learned I could keep my abs tight if I focused intently on using them to pull my pelvis underneath of me. I visualized the top of the abs as being the winch, and the end point of the winch line terminating in the groin, attached top of the pelvis from the front to keep it pulled underneath of me.
Massive difference in both the swing and get-up.

I wonder how I ever got simple not using my abs? Perhaps the tight hips were keeping the abs tight somehow, and now that my hips are more flexible I have to learn to engage the abs correctly?

This is something the daily training really helps with - any thing out of place gets beat up and forces you to problem solve.
I like your approach of not being content with just achieving Simple and keep practicing and finding things to work on and correct.

Strength-is-a-skill spirit is present strongly in your log.
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