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Less is More

That is very interesting that a wider stance is helping you find scare tissue that needs to be addressed.

I think I might try those for my next session
Slept in :(

Rather than rush through training, went to work early to leave early so I can train in the PM :)
Train 4:30 PM

Training day: 2.5

Warm up: Wider stance gob squats only

32k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

24k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

After sitting all day working on a stressful project, this training session was ridiculously hard.
Body was physically tired from sitting and abs were sore and tight, and mind was exhausted already.

I got it done.
Up 5:00, train 6:30

Training day: 2.6

Warm up: TSM1, D.D., SaS

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

16k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

What a great recharge session. Was able to utilize my abs/keep hips square with less effort by focusing on pointing my belly button up.
Sounds silly.
Does it work? Yes.
Up 5:15, train 6:30

Training day: 2.7!

Warm up: TSM1, D.D., SaS

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

24k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00
  • Training week summary
    • Pros
      • Deep leanings about ab/oblique recruitment on both swing and get-up
      • Good job fine tuning nutrition
      • 7 consecutive training days
    • Cons
      • Did not get any 32k get-ups in this week, but I'm okay with this since the tradeoff is a much deeper understanding of the movement.
      • Slept in one day and forced to train in the evening. Must remain disciplined.
Overall, a great week.
This evening:
Two rounds, 90/90 and QL straddle.

I'm now able to use the abs during these stretches; they are becoming strong AND flexible. A soft pull on the hips enables deeper relaxation and flushes the waist muscles with blood.

I had to take a step back to learn this skill. It is paying off.
I'm now able to use the abs during these stretches; they are becoming strong AND flexible. A soft pull on the hips enables deeper relaxation and flushes the waist muscles with blood.

Up 5:15, train 7:00
Didn't lift until about 8:30. Took a long block of time to detoxify my mind after yesterday's fast detoxified my body.
Felt profoundly strong today. Probably helps that I self medicated last night after the 24 hour fast :)

Self Medicated.jpg

Training day: 3.1

Warm up: SaS

32k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

24k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00
  • Training updates for cycle 3:
    • Will keep the 24k TGU another week
      • Midsection is still tired after the ab enhanced swings
    • Will cut daily cals from 2500 to 2400
      • Not seeing any gains in leanness
    • Love the cycling of the movements and weights, that's a keeper!
Overall, very grateful for the progress I am making with my abs. They are becoming Beastly Strong and flexible :)
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Up 7:00, train 8:30
Didn't lift until about 9:25. Again, took a long block of time to semi-meditate

Training day: 3.2

Warm up: TSM1, D.D., SaS

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

16k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

All the muscles around the midsection were sore today! Abs, obliques, lower back, hips, glutes...but thanks to yesterday's evening QL/90 stretches I was still mobile.
Swing Focus:
Breathing, quick turnound, and abs.
Get-up Focus:
Breathing, abs.

Training cycle week 3.0 template:
Up 5:15, train 5:00 PM

Training day: 3.6

Warm up: TSM1, D.D., SaS

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

16k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

I dislike evening training. But I got it done.
I'm a bit beat up; the calorie deficit is making itself known.
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Up 4:45, train 6:15
Went to bed just after 7pm last night, slept the whole night. Felt great.

Training day: 3.7!

Warm up: TSM1, D.D., SaS

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

24k x 2s x 1r, 32k x 3s x 1r
Int: 3:00

Training week summary
  • Pros
    • 7 consecutive training days
    • Abs gained several notches in strength, flexibility, and power
      • Proven out by 32k TGU on the last day of the cycle!
      • And with relatively small rest periods!
    • Every evening I remembered 90/QL stretches
  • Cons
    • Recovery ability is maxed with this calorie deficit
      • May still need to keep majority of TGU next week @ 24k
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Up 6:00
Went to bed early again, around 8:00. I can't seem to get enough sleep lately.

Training day: 3.8

No KB's today, planned day off, fasting and of course 90/QL stretches planned for evening. Looking forward to breaking my fast at dinner :)
Up 6:00, train 8:45
Started lifting about 10:15. Did not stretch in the PM yesterday, so paid the price with stiff hips that took a while to limber up.

Training day: 4.1

Warm up: TSM1, D.D., SaS

32k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

24k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

Swing and Get-up:
Keeping my body dense via the abs. Both moves felt really good.
I did not want to train today, but I am glad I did as this was a great session.
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