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Kettlebell Maximorum Master Thread

Week 10

Day 1 ~ 48a1 96a2 20kgx2 8rm
Day 2 - 140 on the 2' 24kg
Day 4 - 48a1 96a2
Day 5 - 140

Another symmetrical week and the home stretch! On day 4 i did one superset of each and then decided to take a rest between a1 and a2 for the first time in the 2nd phase, grinds of 21 reps with a 15 rep scaleback were beyond my ability to sustain. I plan to repeat maximorum at my new 5rm and will likely drop the FSx2.
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I finished last Friday c&p 28kg now 8RM.
Snatch 32kg, by the end I felt I could easily get 15reps each side.
I've seen some growth which I'll send in my report to Geoff.
But overall I feel considerably stronger than when I started , but most noticeably much more powerful in my lower body. My glutes have exploded, at 47 I feel like I want to sprint everywhere. Love the program, a keeper.
Congratualtions for all the the work and progress made (y)

Not the smoothest experience to me but that's not the problem of the program but me screwing things up and some bad luck.

At the first try i started to heavy which i realized in the 4th week and started over at week one.
At the last day of phase 1 i got an infection and i decided to cancel the last session of the phase and rest. It subsided by now and i will go on with phase two but will go very easy the first week. But never the less my snatchvolume goes up every week and progresses very nice. The c&p stagnated a little in volume but i think this is me learning autoregulation and paying more attantion as i feel i am getting stronger.
In phase 1 i doubled the FSQ which was hard. In phase 2 i will go without doubling FSQ.
Hopefully the infection doesn't come back! I want to finish this program in time.
I am enjoying reading everyone's experiences with Kettlebell Maximorum!

I am participating in the Beta Test for Giant X with 2x24k bells. I finished X1 and I am in Week 6 of X2. I plan to go on to X3. (It's a great program btw.)

I hope Geoff Neupert releases Maximorum to the world so I can give it a go when I am done with Giant X.
Week 12 update:

Just finished up W12, Session 1 and got 40 reps each of DCP and DFS @ 28kg, which was a total volume PR on the DCP. Set a goal to hit each set every :90 and pretty easily maintained that at about an 8-9 RPE through the entire session. Reps were flying up, though I did have to take a bit of extra rest to maintain rep speed for the last couple sets.

What's more is that I was EASILY knocking out sets of 4 the entire session with what was previously a shaky 5RM at the start of the program.

I'll give a full update at the end of the week when I finish up, but needless to say I've seen a ton of progress, so I'm pumped to see what kind of reps I can hit on test day later this week.

Will retest my RM on the 28kg's, then test a RM on the 32kg's to see where I'm at. Plan is to start up KB Burn EXTREME! next week to lean up, and my hope is to run it with the 32's. But we'll see what happens.
This is not a comment on the program, but more of how it uncovered some issues that I had. After 2 weeks of Maximorum, I had to take a break to address my shoulder. The double 32s were my 4RM but also something that was a bit too much load. I realised that I had to be conservative when I picked those 32s. Maybe I should work towards making the 32s my 6RM before I do this program. No challenges with the snatches. It was the presses that resulted in my injury. Overuse or not, I should’ve been conservative, knowing Geoff’s programming. I’ve always been conservative until now. I might run Giant once my shoulder heals completely heal to make the double 32s my 6 RM. I think Giant 3.0 looks good.

I see that many are having good results from this program, and I think I am not surprised :) I will come back to this and if the beta changes into a final program, I’ll probably pick that up. Most likely it will be after March, as I am training for my OAOLP, and all suggestions indicate limiting vertical pressing while focusing on OAOLP.
Dropped 12lbs (244 to 232) and 2.5” off my tubby belly (42” to 39.5”). Definitely more muscular in the shoulders, arms and especially thighs. Thighs were 27” now down to 26”. That was without really tweaking my diet much. I did cut back I take overall, and making myself take in more protein. Next month will try and cut more crap out of the diet.

Now moving on to Burn! to see if I can melt more blubber off my fat @$$.

I’m a fan, @Geoff Neupert my results have been sent.
What's more is that I was EASILY knocking out sets of 4 the entire session with what was previously a shaky 5RM at the start of the program.
I did W12D1 last night. I had a similar experience. I started the program with a hard 4RM. I did 8 sets of 4. It wasn't easy, but the reps were solid and I only had to increase rest for the last couple sets.
Just finished up Maximorum yesterday, and sent the results over to Geoff. Thought I'd share them here as well:

5RM Clean & Press: 28kg shaky 5RM ==> Solid 8RM

32kg Clean & Press: Shaky 2RM ==> Solid 2RM (didn't push for a 3rd)

10RM Snatch: 28kg ==> 32kg (32kg was previously a 5RM)

Circumference Measurements:
  • Shoulders: 49in ==> 50in
  • Chest: 40in ==> 42in
  • Arms: 14in ==> 15in
  • Waist: 34.75in ==> 34in
  • Thighs: 20in ==> 21in
Weight: 175.8lbs ==> 181.8lbs

Body Fat (used YMCA bodyfat calculator, so these are rough estimates): 18% ==> 15%

Nutrition was ~ 400 cal deficit for phase 1, but I bumped that back up to maintenance levels for phase 2 as I was feeling a bit fatigued as the volume started to climb.

Super pleased with the results all around - stronger and leaner while gaining some muscle (though some of that added weight came from glycogen storage/water with the added carbs in phase I'd anticipate I gained 2-3 pounds of muscle).

Thinking a run of The Giant 3.0 or Dry Fighting Weight with the 32's using the push press for the next 4 weeks (want to hit 32kg x 5 strict press) to set me up for a run of Kettlebell Burn EXTREME! after that. If @Geoff Neupert or anyone else has any thoughts/advice on that plan, I'm all ears!

Rm testing.

Before: 5 reps with 2x32

I got 7 clean and presses with double 32s. After that I did 7 double presses with those same bells.

I'm stronger than ever. It's 100% truth. I hoped I got few more reps, but I'm pretty confident that I get 1-2 reps more easily. Just taking few days off propably makes that happen.
I liked this program. My snatch has never been this good, my squats feel solid. I gained 2 kilos during this program. It has to be muscle.

Good program. :)

Ps. With better set up I'd propably got one extra rep... this was without any warm up, just picked the bells and started repping.
Just finished up Maximorum yesterday, and sent the results over to Geoff. Thought I'd share them here as well:

5RM Clean & Press: 28kg shaky 5RM ==> Solid 8RM

32kg Clean & Press: Shaky 2RM ==> Solid 2RM (didn't push for a 3rd)

10RM Snatch: 28kg ==> 32kg (32kg was previously a 5RM)

Circumference Measurements:
  • Shoulders: 49in ==> 50in
  • Chest: 40in ==> 42in
  • Arms: 14in ==> 15in
  • Waist: 34.75in ==> 34in
  • Thighs: 20in ==> 21in
Weight: 175.8lbs ==> 181.8lbs

Body Fat (used YMCA bodyfat calculator, so these are rough estimates): 18% ==> 15%

Nutrition was ~ 400 cal deficit for phase 1, but I bumped that back up to maintenance levels for phase 2 as I was feeling a bit fatigued as the volume started to climb.

Super pleased with the results all around - stronger and leaner while gaining some muscle (though some of that added weight came from glycogen storage/water with the added carbs in phase I'd anticipate I gained 2-3 pounds of muscle).

Thinking a run of The Giant 3.0 or Dry Fighting Weight with the 32's using the push press for the next 4 weeks (want to hit 32kg x 5 strict press) to set me up for a run of Kettlebell Burn EXTREME! after that. If @Geoff Neupert or anyone else has any thoughts/advice on that plan, I'm all ears!
Excellent work!

I like the plan you laid out. Give that a shot and report back in.

Remember to use active negatives on the Push Press.
Tested my RM earlier today and hit 18 clean reps with 2 x 20kg bells, started at a 7RM.

I love this program! My body grew muscle in all the right places, shed fat, and amazingly my breathing is soooo much deeper and it feels like my diaphragm is moving much better than the first days of the program. Thank you Geoff, very pleased with the results! I'll be testing my new RM on the weekend to begin the program again with my new 5 and 10 RM... Will keep posting here... Saludos everyone!
Tested my RM earlier today and hit 18 clean reps with 2 x 20kg bells, started at a 7RM.

I love this program! My body grew muscle in all the right places, shed fat, and amazingly my breathing is soooo much deeper and it feels like my diaphragm is moving much better than the first days of the program. Thank you Geoff, very pleased with the results! I'll be testing my new RM on the weekend to begin the program again with my new 5 and 10 RM... Will keep posting here... Saludos everyone!
Great results! Reminds me of what I got out of my first run on ROP.
Well, here's a counterpoint to all the positive stories...

The good
DC&P: I started with a hard 5RM with double 24s. I tested at 7 reps that were smooth as butter. I cleaned an eighth but didn't feel like I had a press in me. I rested ten minutes and tried double 28s for the first time: 2 reps smooth as butter.

I also had to size up in all my dress shirts and t-shirts. My wife is unhappy with that. But she tells me that I look more buff than I did before the beta test. She is happy with that.

The bad
My body measurement numbers went all in the wrong directions (in pounds and inches).
  • Weight: 201.6 --> 203.0
  • Waist (at navel): 35.75 --> 36.75 (untensed) / 35.75 (light tension). I can't remember how I measured the first time.
  • Chest: 41.25 --> 40.5
  • Left arm (flexed): 14.25 --> 14.5
  • Right arm (flexed): 13.75 --> 14.0
  • Left mid-thigh: 24.25 --> 24.25
  • Right mid-thigh: 24.5 --> 24.25
Maybe the scale and ruler lie? I don't know. But that's really frustrating. Weight and waist both went up, chest shrank. At best, my waist stayed the same. In that past seven years, I haven't had a waist this size.
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