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RoP Light Day w/ 16 kg

5(1) C&P 16kg ss w/ pull ups

1 min rest e/ ladder

8 min of snatches (16kg)

6 right / 5 left = 88 total snatches
ETK-ROP (Medium) 16Kg

C&P 5X 1-4 Easy, will test with 20Kg one week after Monday's hard day. (5X1-5)

Sw - 8:00 - :22/:38 ( about 15 reps on the minute)

Be kind folks, I'm an old guy who is progressing strictly according to ETK, no matter how long it takes.
Warm ups with Pumps,Halos,Goblet Squatsx5

SCCJ 8 minutes 5 reps each arm on the minute @24kg

Goblet Squats and Swings 5,4,3,2,1

1x Rack Walk each side around my yard @24kg

I would normally do more than this but all I did was KB snatch 32kg 1x35/35 for a 70 rep total.

My workout prior to that was KB snatch 32kg 1x30/30.

Back squat 200lbs 1x5, 220lbs 1x5, high bar, narrow stance, atg.

deadlift 300lbs 1x10, 350lbs 1x2, 400lbs 1x5

bench press 200lbs 1x12 paused

inch dumbbell replica 53kg one arm jerks 2x2

weighted chins 60lbs added 2x5

bent 10 nails including a 5" 60 penny nail, an underhand bend and a reverse bend both of a 6" 60p nail.

Did a bit of focus pad work (boxing) for the first time in years.

all the weights were very easy, bending varied from easy to hard by the end, pads very easy.
- primal move wamup and a few rehab eexercises

- 5 press ladders up to 4 with 28kg and 28kg weighted pull ups

- 15 minutes EDT using 32 kg bell with 10 one arm swings and 5 goblet squats

- a few ab rolls and stretching followed by pancakes and coffee
Omar -- that is one perfect workout.  Complete, simple, strong.

Jim  -- respect!

Pol -- very easy? dang!
A bit wordy (big surprise there, eh?) but here goes - today's training

I'm a recovering powerlifter. :)  My last meet was just over two weeks ago.  I decided to take a week off and then a "whatever I feel like" week this week before getting onto a program in earnest next week - next week, maybe - I still have to pick a next meet and then work backwards.  If I do a meet in the summer, I may take a few more weeks of free-form training now.

24 kg kettlebell military press - 2 sets of 3.  I've realized that anything lighter is too easy for me to press in a million different grooves, and anything heavier takes me out of my best form, so I've been starting each workout with just a few presses, the goal being to fix long-standing issues in my rack position and my pressing groove.  My rack position is still too influenced by GS training I did a few years ago, and my pressing groove tends to go too far out to the sides.  And I'm hoping that a benefit of a better, more straight up and down kettlebell pressing groove is going to be a stronger bench press when I get back to training that.

Next I did barbell front squats.  I have a big fear factor when it comes to squatting.  I suspect it has to do with my back injury history but, wherever it came from, it's time for it to go, so I'm FSQing light and fast, a real drop to the bottom and bouncing right back up again.  Today, 3 sets of 8 reps with 115 lbs.  The speed leaves me no time to be careful because I've been too careful.  My recent FSQ 1RM is 185 lbs. and I want to add at least 40 lbs. to that in the not too distant future.

Next today are incline one-arm, one-leg pushups.  My form at these, which I used to be able to do a few years ago, has been just awful so I've been doing them every day.  Today, I felt like I started to find my form again and I got 2 reps each side.  My hand was on a table at about hip height, so it's not big strength feat, but I need the right form before I load it any further.  My cues: lock the glutes and keep them locked, and row myself down.

And that was it.  The Dear Abbies felt well worked or I would have done a little ab work at the end but not today.  Age 58, bodyweight has been 151.something lbs. of late.

Just finished this session of double long cycle clean and jerk, all done at my competition pace of 8rpm:

2x24k- 9 reps

2m rest

2x20k- 32 reps (4m)

2m rest

2x16k- 26 reps

2m rest

2x16k- 28 reps

5m rest

2x12k- 13 minutes @ 8 rpm = 104 reps

The first four sets are from an online template, and the long set with the 12k's is just for "fun".  Stretched and called it a night.
good idea. nice to see what everyone is doing.


short bulletproof warmup

Day 6 of Kettlebell Strong - 7x2 double kb  clean & press

2 x 5 front sqts

5 x 10 two handed swings
It was a light variety day so I did

Close-grip pushups on the minute laddering up 1, 2, 3 up to 11 minutes.

2-handed swing 24 kg bell same rep/time scheme as above for 20 minutes.
ETK-ROP V2 (2nd Variety Day)

Standard Warm Up: Resets/FTWS/GS/Halos/Pumps/light TGU 1L/1R

20Kg C&P 3X5L/5R alternating with TGU 1L/1R

Standard Cool Down: Bretzells/Resets/Bridges

Double 70 lb. kettlebells used for everything

Superset of Squats and Deadlifts

5 x 5 for squats, 5 x 10 for Deadlifts

Superset of Military Press and Rows

5 ladders of (1,2,3)

Finisher, Double Swings Outside the Knees

3 x 15 with :30 seconds rest between sets
24kg KB: 3 getups, 50swings, 10 burpees, 50 swings, 30 mountain climbers, 50 swings, 200x jump rope, 50 swings, 100 front kicks, 50 swings, 1 sun salute 20 breaths focus on calves stretch, 3x hip flexor stretch, 3x hamstring stretch

It looks like this thread might be dying but I'll make one more post.

ETK-ROP (H) 16Kg

Standard Warm-Up

C&P 5 X 1-5

Sw 7:00/147 Ave. HR/158 Max. HR/ 30:30

Stnadard Cool Down

Will test with 20Kg bell next Monday.

Double 32kg

3 swings, 3 cleans, 3 SSP, 3 FSQ, 30 Second rack hold  (5 Sets w/ 90 second rest)

Pistols and Static hold (5 sec) pull-ups with band resistance.
Z Health R Phase to warm up.

Various shoulder drills to protect and warm up.

KB Sumo Deadlifts... 3 reps - 16kg,20, 24, 32...

KB Swings 10 reps with 16, 20, 24, 32, 32, 24, 20, 16.

Pull ups on a thick bar 5,3,2

Finished with picking up 2 kbs in one hand 16&20 20&20 20&24 hold for time x 3

Bell up cleans with 20 x 2 (held at top of clean for time)

Shower, eat slepp
24kg - 20 hi-pulls per side x 5 sets, then 50 swings x 5 sets.  jump rope 200x - 5 sets

calf stretch, hip flexor stretch, hamstring stretch - 3 sets

2/side slow TGUs @24kg

5 rounds of 20x swings @24kg + 2 min treadmill running

buckets of sweat!
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