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Kettlebell programming from 16kg to 24 kg press

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Amey Patil

Level 2 Valued Member
hello everyone ,
i have been training rite of passage with the 16kg bell for 12 weeks now,
at 70kg
on my heavy days ( to the limit ladders ) i am pressing upto 8 sets of (1,2,3,4,5) and performing swings with the 24 kg , but i somehow am still not able to make the jump to 24 kg ( only 2 consecutive reps )
as a little progression the first rung is done with 24 kg bell , and rung 2,3 are one and half presses.
2 minutes rest between each set.
repeated for fewer rungs on light and medium days.

I do 5x5 bottoms up press 5x5 waiters press on with 16kg bell it sure feels a little easy now ,
TGUs with the heavy 24kg bell, and front squats with 16 and 24kg bell on variety days
a little loaded cleans for practice also before each pressing day.

i dont wish to get the 20kg in between weight as i've set a goal to not go to in between weights just to be mentally strong.

i need help in programming my workouts , any help would be greatly appreciated
Greetings! It sounds like your volume is extraordinarily high. The maximum presses during ROP on heavy does are 5 ladders to 5, which is a total of 75 reps per side. At 8 ladders, you’re at 120 reps per side. Also, Variety days are meant to perform no presses. On the book, it is recommended performing heavy cleans as well as TGUs.
My advice would be to take a few weeks to rest and bring the volume WAY down. After that, restart ROP at 3 ladders to 3 using the 24 on the lower rungs ( at least the first rung). And rest a little longer between each rung.
Greetings! It sounds like your volume is extraordinarily high. The maximum presses during ROP on heavy does are 5 ladders to 5, which is a total of 75 reps per side. At 8 ladders, you’re at 120 reps per side. Also, Variety days are meant to perform no presses. On the book, it is recommended performing heavy cleans as well as TGUs.
My advice would be to take a few weeks to rest and bring the volume WAY down. After that, restart ROP at 3 ladders to 3 using the 24 on the lower rungs ( at least the first rung). And rest a little longer between each rung.
thank you for the reply ,
Pressing the bell for 3 consecutive reps is currently impossible for me .. the 3rd rung of each ladder wud be very difficult to perform , on the medium day it would be impossible forget about the heavy day , i am trying to reach a level that i can press the 24k for atleast 5 times consecutively, that is what the book recommends , it also mentions ladders to the limit on heavy days hence the high volume

also if i start with 3x3 ladders with the 24k bell , what would u seggest the medium and high volume days look like ?
If you can upload a vid of how you press, that would be greatly appreciated so we can find areas to make your press better

Look up Enter the Kettlebell Special Report #1. Written by Pavel himself and describes techniques for this particular goal of pressing the next bell.
The book talks about performing swings to the limit on heavy days for an amount of time determined by the roll of 2 dice, not the presses. The book specifically talks about limiting yourself to 5 ladders total for the presses. So, you start at 3 ladders of 3 rings at week 1 and over the course of 13 weeks, you are at 5 ladders to 5 rungs.

my recommendation still stands that you reduce your weekly volume, and start ROP fresh , so 3 ladders of 3 rungs, using the 24 ONLY for the first 1 or 2 rungs.
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Look up Enter the Kettlebell Special Report #1. Written by Pavel himself and describes techniques for this particular goal of pressing the next bell.
i've read a lot about this report but unfortunately valuable content like these reports are suprisingly difficult to find on the intenet :( , can you please guide me or may be share a link to it ?
i even read about plan strong programs but i cant seem to find how to access these even if i am willing to be charged for it .. :(
I've started work on a 'Ladders Reloaded' programme detailed in a MILO article - there's a lot of maths involved but the thread about it on here has a helpful step-by-step guide. It does benefit from having lots of kettlebell sizes but I just thread 1-2 X 2.5kg plates on my middle finger to make up intermediate steps between kettlebells
If you can upload a vid of how you press, that would be greatly appreciated so we can find areas to make your press better
wow , mark limbaga himself !!! how very cool ! :)
mark for some reason i am unable to upload a video of any size over here , i'll try to setup a youtube link to the video,
i had a question about the soju tuba program , can i combine this program with the ROP program ? say .. can i do the Soju Tuba reps in the morning ? and the ROP ladders in the evening ? that way i can keep doing my exercises ?
@Amey Patil can you push press the 24 kg?

If yes, you can do push-press with slow eccentrics after you reach your strict press limit.


Reps 1-2 strict press
Reps 3-n push press with slow eccentric
yes quite easily .. strict pressing for 3 consecutive reps requires a lot of psyching up so the push press sound like a good idea .. will getting a 32 kg and farmers walks with it help ? should i keep the same volume on medium and heavy days too ?
yes quite easily .. strict pressing for 3 consecutive reps requires a lot of psyching up .. will getting a 32 kg and farmers walks with it help ?

If your core is weak, farmer's walks *might* help.

Having a stronger core definitely helps pressing.

But you don't need to buy a new KB to make your core stronger. I press follow a heavy/light/medium routine with my pressing, but I do signifiant supplemental core work each session.
If your core is weak, farmer's walks *might* help.

Having a stronger core definitely helps pressing.

But you don't need to buy a new KB to make your core stronger. I press follow a heavy/light/medium routine with my pressing, but I do signifiant supplemental core work each session.
i have added core work in the morning everyday .
so how should my press routine with the 24 look like in the first few weeks ?
should i increase volume by using push press or should i stay with th 3x3 on all days till i can do 4 or 5 consecutive strict press reps ?
From post #3, medium and high volume days. I've seen some very nice rebound effects from high volume training and then backing off a good bit I would not press at all on your med, high, and variety days for 2-3 weeks or so. I might also throw in a few push presses with the 16 on your 3x3 push press practice days with the 24, and instead of 3 a side with the 24, work in alternating cln and press for a total of 4-6.
i have added core work in the morning everyday .
so how should my press routine with the 24 look like in the first few weeks ?
should i increase volume by using push press or should i stay with th 3x3 on all days till i can do 4 or 5 consecutive strict press reps ?

A good first step would be to use a 1 RM calculator:

What does that come back with, in your case?

I follow a 3x a week Heavy/Light/Medium day method:

Heavy: 80% 1 RM, 3x5
Light: 60% 1 RM, 3x8
Medium: 70% 1 RM, 5x5

I also do other upper body / shoulder girdle work and accessories.
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wow , mark limbaga himself !!! how very cool ! :)
mark for some reason i am unable to upload a video of any size over here , i'll try to setup a youtube link to the video,
i had a question about the soju tuba program , can i combine this program with the ROP program ? say .. can i do the Soju Tuba reps in the morning ? and the ROP ladders in the evening ? that way i can keep doing my exercises ?

When I was writing it initially, the purpose was to be able to get strong enough to use the bell used in S and T to eventually be able to use it for the rite of passage..

I would choose one or the other and do other drills depending on the individual's needs on variety day .

A YouTube link of your pressing would be awesome
This is how I'm doing it right now. Including the Special Reports. After 5x 1,2,3,4,5, building up to 10x 2,3,5 and then to 5x 2,3,5,10. The last two are from Return of The Kettlebell


When I was writing it initially, the purpose was to be able to get strong enough to use the bell used in S and T to eventually be able to use it for the rite of passage..

I would choose one or the other and do other drills depending on the individual's needs on variety day .

A YouTube link of your pressing would be awesome

here is the link mark ,
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