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Kettlebell S&S - WTH Effect

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The Nail

Level 7 Valued Member
After 16 months of barefoot S&S training, I've went up a full shoe size.

I've been having foot pain while walking. Yesterday, I noticed that my shoes were very tight on my feet. Odd that I didn't notice that until this week! I bought the exact same shoe a full size bigger, next day shipped from Amazon. And they fit perfect. Calves and feet feel relaxed walking around my place in them. I tried to put on my old weightlifting shoes and couldn't even get my foot flat in them.

That's the damnedest thing, blows my mind.
Haha chalk that one up in the "weird" category. Unless you swim a lot, then it could even be seen as beneficial ;). Really, though, I wouldn't be surprised if that indicates a little more injury resistance in the feet/legs/hips. I'm sure someone out there has done that study...
Yes I've noticed something similar over the last decade or so. In my childhood days up until mid twenties, I would always wear shoes. I remember coming home from work or school and no matter what I did in the evening I was almost always wearing shoes. The only time I would go barefoot was when I went to bed. I notice my parents and brothers are like this too, we just always, always, wore shoes.

Fast forward to now... I now try to remain barefoot as often as I can around the house. When I do wear shoes they have flat soles. Virtually all my training is barefoot, which I practice "gripping the floor with my toes".

I have no measurements or anything to prove this, but my feet have become significantly wider (especially near my toes, front of foot). I've even, on occasion, had to buy wide shoes. I remember a few years back putting on an old pair of boots (that I used to deem comfortable), and my toes felt crammed in them like sardines.

My feet don't quite resemble a Hobbits yet, more like Fred Flintstone!

PS: I've noticed a similar change with my hands, shoulder width, etc... I think long term exposure to heavy weights changes more than the soft tissues (muscles).
Folks, it is quite common for people's feet to get bigger with age, too. I'm not saying the training can't be part of the equation, but try a Google on "shoe size increases with age" and similar expressions.


For a few months now, I have trained with S&S as my "main practice". Basically, I use 32 for both GU and OA Swings but occasionally go heavier. Alongside S&S, all I do is a few singles (between 3 and 8 depending on the day, so very low volume) of C&P @28 and weighted pull ups @32.

Due lockdown, plenty of people complain that they took [some] weight. I do no know why - maybe daily swings - but I did the reverse and now weigh around 60.

This morning, I wanted to test the press and I was amazed to press 30 twice (using singles) after my practice. I just put additional weight to 28 to get to this weight. So eventually, after all this time, I got my 1/2 press.

This is very modest because here most of you can press way more, but still wanted to share that S&S + very low dose of something for a few months can lead to significant improvement. No rush, to fatigue, no injury.

So, thanks S&S and also thanks to everyone here when I ask for some advices !

Kind regards,

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